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Monday, March 27, 2006 todae was a sch holiday, cos of tat esplanade performance.. so went out wif my mum to j8's crystal jade and eat breakfast.. the dim sum and porridge they served were so yummy.. we ordered century egg n lean meat porridge, siew mai and many more.. i realli love the food dere!!! =p and after tat, went to kfc and my mum bought 4 me the astro boy toy.. hahax! i know i am childish.. bt i tink astro boy is veri cute, esp the straight hair on his head.. lolx.. =) tmr hv to go back to sch.. no more break le.. hope dere will be more sch holidays in future.. [yah, wait long.. in my dreams..] ystd was our sch big day.. the ESPLANADE performance! i meet yy and kylie and go esplanade together.. and yup, i seriously think tat i wear until too formal and retro.. hahax! xD and at the city hall mrt station, saw jacq, jerlin, jocelin, shina, singyee.. and we oso meet up wif yeng and regina.. they all look so pretty wif their makeup.. lolx.. and the esplanade was veri big, can gt lost easily.. tats why we followed veri closely wif yeng and regina.. they brought us to a place where the scenery was fabulous.. and took sum pics wif yeng's new hello kitty digital cam.. tat cam is cool and cute.. heex! i regretted not bringin my cam cos the place is so beautiful.. all thanks to ms tay, she said tat we wont be allowed to go into the concert hall wif our cams.. lyk real lor, its suppose to be can bring, jus dun use in inside the concert hall.. argh!!! and yup, we wondered around esplanade and saw lots of kcpians.. then we decided to go find our seats in the hall 1st.. the security check part was quite scary and funny though.. hahax! the staircases were veri "class", lyk wedding liddat.. the 1st reaction i gave when i stepped into the hall was "WOW!!".. its so big and frm where i stand, its veri high up.. the row we r seatin wif were mostly frm NA, so they were abit rowdy and noisy in between the performance.. =( the drama, choir, band, flame dancers and guzheng performed realli well, perfect!! esp the songs the choir sang and the songs the band played.. the drama was oso veri meaningful, and veri funny.. =p the last part of the performance, we ended wif our sch song.. can feel the kcpian spirit.. hope kcp will continue to soar up higher and higher.. yay!! and on our way back to the mrt station, we kept argueing bout which mac to go and me and kylie kept on teasing yy again.. yy was quite pissed off, and she start the cold war wif us frm city hall, inside the mrt, and in mac.. onli after we leave the mac, then she gt talked to us again.. lolx.. not used to the quiet atmosphere.. [maybe they dun realise.. Zzz..] bt overall, i enjoyed myself ystd and i nv regretted goin to tis rockin performance.. 3 cheers! Sunday, March 26, 2006 i changed my blogskin!! lolx.. the song played here is "fly away" by liang jing ru [fish].. aniwae, tmr goin to watch the esplanade performance.. quite excited about it, cos can see the hardwork the performing arts ppl hv put in all these days.. and i can support the kcpians and of cos, the greenies!! =p and yup, todae went wif my mum to buy a new pair of shoes to match wif my dress.. the shoes is black in colour, so its looks veri class.. hahax! hope the performance tmr will be a success!!!!!! wohoos~ Saturday, March 25, 2006 todae did not go for enrolment ceremony.. so went to shop wif kylie, yy and vanessa.. 1st we went to j8 SaSa cos yy want to buy foundation powder to apply on her face tis sunday.. lolx.. we looked around the shop, lookin at lots of cosmetics, and interestin stuff.. 1 thing tat caught my attention was the pearly shine hair gloss wax.. it looks nice and its quite cheap.. yy then bought a nail polish, bt didnt manage to buy a suitable foundation 4 herself.. so we went to seiyu.. frm the start we stepped inside seiyu, i can feel sum1 followin veri closely behind us.. when i turned behind, it was a male security guard.. its lyk he dun trust us at all, we walked tis direction, he oso follow.. as if we will steal their things liddat.. i tink he shld focus his attention to other ppl, not us lor.. although i noe tat its his job to prevent shoplifting in the shop, bt i tink he shld at least respect abit of our privacy rite.. argh.. and yup, yy manage to buy a suitable foundation 4 herself, wif the help of the salesperson.. and when we walked towards the cashier wanting to pay, tat security guard oso tagged along.. even when the cashier person is scannin the product, he oso want to check if we reali gave her the powder, not other things.. how silly can the security guard gets.. after tat, yy went to 77th street to buy a belt, oso for sunday to wear.. tis shows how excited and enthu yy is about tat esplanade performance tis sunday.. lolx.. =p and our next stop was ang mo kio.. we went to a jap eatery for our lunch.. its my 1st time goin dere and eat.. bt i once heard frm kylie tat the eatery serves veri nice jap food, nice and cheap.. as yy dun hv much $ left, so she hv to buy a meal tat cost $2.90.. while the rest of us ordered $4.90 meal.. obviously, the $4.90 meal is much more worth it, gt much more meat, compared to the cheaper one, meat so little, bt rice a lot.. wahahax! and dunno why, the waitress put a plate of fried salmon tingy on our table and said tat its their treat frm them, free of charge.. hahax! the terriyaki sauce was quite salty, luckily gt miso soup.. bt overall, the food was quite nice.. will definitely come again next time.. lolx.. after tat, we went to shop for kylie's bag.. bt the bags they sell dere not reali veri nice, so didnt buy.. on our way to sembawang bkstore, suddenly yy shout lyk crazy.. i tot she fell fown or wat, bt in the end she told us tat dere was a grasshopper on her hand jus nw.. lolx.. and yup, we were busy teasin yy in the bkstore and sports store, and we laugh at each other jokes until so crazy.. lolx.. as we realli laugh too much, kylie and vanessa hv to go toilet and pee.. =0 wanted to shop awhile more, bt yy eye pain, so hv to go hme.. we walked past alot of shops and cracked lots of lame jokes oso.. especially when kylie wanted to spray her perfume on her neck, bt the perfume spray until her face.. wahahahahax! i realli laugh my heads off!!!! and yup, time to go home.. had a fun day..! =) Tuesday, March 21, 2006 tmr gt no lessons, cos those performing arts ppl goin to the esplanade 4 rehearsal.. so the rest of us will be goin for different courses and activites in different places.. sum sec 2s will be goin to sum factories.. i rmb one factory was actualli coca-coala factory.. seems nice.. aniwae, my class and 3love will be goin on a trip to bishan park and hike.. imagine under the hot sun.. boos... and yijia wont be dere, so may not be veri fun 4 me.. hahax! luckily love class oso gt go, cos if gt chance, i can talk wif yingyi and kylie.. =p bt i tink sum ppl will feel abit stress during tat excursion cos they hv mother tongue oral exam.. and the fortunate thing is tat, i dunnid to take tat oral.. pheww... aniwae, gd luck to those ppl hu are takin oral!! =] Monday, March 20, 2006 wohoos! bryan won in the star idol show!!! he shld win, he reali shld win.. its lyk he reali improved alot all these months and he realli put in alot of effort.. he looks much more pleasing to the eyes, compared to leo.. hope his journey of being a star will be smooth-sailing!!! 10 cheers to him! =] and yup, tmr hv to go back to sch.. booos.. i still want holidays! i still want to hv more sleeping hrs!! hahax.. bt hv to accept the fact tat its term 2 startin frm tmr.. time flies reali fast.. aniwae, i miss my locker during tis 1 week break!! wahahax! "to my beloved locker: see you tmr!" Friday, March 17, 2006 todae went to suntec city and visit the food and beverage fair wif my mum.. the place was so crowded when we reached dere at around 12pm.. luckily, we managed to find a table and sit.. my mum then went to buy food while i wait dere and look after the seats.. the food my mum bought was my favourite fish mao soup [dun tink u all noe wat isit, bt nvm..].. its super yummy.. after tat, my mum gave me 5 bucks and ask me to walk around and see wat i want to buy.. i walked around 4 about five mins and i tink i decided to buy laksa.. when i was about to order frm the stall, i hesitated.. i am afraid tat i may gt cheated of the price and the amount of the laksa.. cos is lyk dere r many stalls sellin laksa, and they r sellin it at different costs, bt the amout of the laksa is the same.. obviously, u will buy frm the stall which sells the cheapest laksa and has acceptable amt of ingredients rite.. afraid of getting cheated, i decided to go back to my mum and ask her to help me buy.. bt in the end, my mum went to buy satay.. 10 sticks.. oso veri yummy.. lolx.. =p after eatin the satay, its time for sum dessert!! i went to buy mango sherbet wif ice-cream frm a veri popular shop.. it was reali reali reali veri nice.. especially when u scoop the ice-cream and put on top sum mango cubes.. so nice till no words can described bout it.. xD and yup, after eatin, we went to carrefaur and shop.. my mum bought 4 me a polo tee and we oso bought the koka black pepper non-fried instant noodles.. hahax! saw tis new product on tv, so feel lyk tryin if its nice or not.. after tat, went to the fountain of wealth and make a wish wif my right hand in the water and turn 3 rounds.. =] when we were about to go back, we decided to go to the food fair again.. cos is lyk tis event is quite rare, and i tink mus wait till june holidays then they will organise again.. we bought fish mao soup again, bt tis time we bought the bigger 1 cos its more worthwhile.. we oso gt buy fried noodles to go wif the soup.. tasty! after eatin, we walked around the exhibition sampling sum veri rare and nice food.. " , afterall, i tink tis exhibition reali rock!! i'm lovin it..!! [although i noe i may grow fat, bt i noe everyting will go back to the same cos climbing up and down the stairs when sch reopens can help me to lose weight.. it's the truth..] todae had our 1-day trainin camp.. veri boring.. =( is lyk the 1st activity we had was a lesson about map and compass.. at 1st, we tot it was a lesson about stress management [frm wat the paper says], in the end its about tis boring topic.. booo... after tat, we had our breakfast in the canteen.. nasi lemak wif chicken wing and egg.. it will taste much better if the auntie didnt put so much chilli sauce on the rice.. so spicy till i hv to go buy fruit punch.. the 2nd activity was makin gadgets lyk a rope ladder and a tripod stand.. tat 1 was still quite ok.. at least can play wif tat stupid rope.. =.=" the last activity was outdoor-cookin.. sumbody stole our branches and our patrol hv to go outside and pick up branches and leaves again.. sad case lor.. the turfing was tough cos the place we choose was full of rocks.. bt still, we hv to make do wif tat place cos we dun hv other choices le.. grace and yvonne worked veri hard to turf up the place, while the rest of the ppl help up wif the fire.. the nuggets we cooked the 1st time without oil was quite terrible, cos it takes a long time 4 the nuggets to be cooked and the appearance dun look gd.. we had no choice bt to borrow oil frm other patrols.. tis time the nuggets were perfect! crispy and golden brown.. taste heavenly oso.. then after cookin all those nuggets, we cooked hotdogs.. all the cookin was much easier wif the help of qh's mini fan.. her fan was reali gd, and i can say its multi-purpose.. not onli can u use tat to cool urself down, it can oso help u to blow the fire, makin the fire to become bigger.. lolx.. =] and yup, finally the whole camp ends.. veri tired and i reek of bbq smell.. hahax! so faster go hme and take a bath.. nw i smell nice! xD Thursday, March 16, 2006 todae went to 7-11 buy the maplestory paper stand.. it comes wif an installation disc 4 the new version oso.. the installation kit was veri colourful, especially pictures of the aqua road.. and when i told my mum tat i am goin dere to buy sum game stuff, she actually help me pay 4 it.. hahax! at 1st i tot she will say i waste money on such games.. bt in the end, she even pay 4 me.. thank you! =] and yup.. i was busy installin maple story and pt.. its lyk suddenly all games tat i played all maintenance todae.. and i hv to keep on waitin 4 the installation and patching to be done.. luckily, everyting still turn out quite well.. dun hv much problems.. phew.. =0 jus nw i was lookin at my friend's blog.. i was veri curious when i saw tis sentence tat he wrote- "wanna noe the tips of growin taller? if yes, jus click on the link below.." upon seeing tis, i was veri interested to click on the website and take a look.. the website was quite "lame" though.. u guys may want to try and take a look at tis website oso.. http://www.geocities.com/blackhawk_432370/dont_click_here.html dun worry, no virus.. lolx.. =p gd luck ppl!~ |