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Sunday, April 30, 2006 whee... jus went to my favourite saloon cut my hair.. cut short my fringe.. dunnid to tie hair 4 the time being.. lolx.. hope u all wont find it weird cos i gt cut liddat b4 mah.. heex! =p changed my blogskin oso.. changed everyting at 1 go.. always reach for the stars.. at least when u fall, you will gt the clouds.. veri meaningful rite.. we mus learn not to give up at the slightest obstacles, bt instead fight on till the end.. even if u failed to get the results tat u wanted, dun be sad cos u noe u oredi tried ur best and u will be able to move on and do better next time.. =] aniwae, tmr's labour day.. lolx.. happy holiday to all of u!! take care.. cya on tues.. Friday, April 28, 2006 todae's was the 3rd day of common tests.. ystd was busy readin thru poa notes and doin lots of qs at ms goh's hse.. study till gt headache.. lolx.. so during morning assembly, alot of us wanted to flip thru our notes and do sum last min revision.. then mrs chua ask us to keep all our notes and pay attention to her "joke" which most of us dun find it funny.. maybe we just dun gt the joke.. actualli mr chong was at the other side, so he didnt manage to come n ask us to keep our notes.. tat mrs tay so busybody, come to us and ask us to keep our notes immediately and listen.. is lyk we hv to study, where gt mood to go listen to tat "joke".. argh.. lit paper was still quite ok, bt poa paper was totally.. omg.. tink i will fail wif flyin colours.. realli cant afford to fail cos ms goh will surely kill me.. lolx.. then after our papers, we went to canteen and eat.. actually we wanted to go pasar malam 1st, then come back again 4 chem lesson.. bt in the end, we decided to go pasar malam after tat remedial.. tat chem remedial was pathetic.. cos onli around 13 ppl go.. then mrs yap say those hu nv come todae will be considered as trauncy.. so lame rite.. bt the experiments were still quite fun.. we heat chemicals under gentle fire.. then after a while, the liquid will suddenly move up veri fast and the another liquid will change colour.. u will feel tat fast movement, and u will think tat ur test tube is breakin.. lolx.. we oso use corrosive chemicals to mix.. smoke will come out of the test tube and it gives off a smelly smell.. its realli smelly, definitely not a joke.. then mrs yap say tat we hv to be veri careful or if tat thing explode, we will fly up to the ceiling and scream.. lolx.. how exaggerating can mrs yap gt.. -.-" after the remedial, me, bhavani, yijia and me walked to pasar malam and shop.. saw lots of nice and cute earrings.. i saw 1 veri cute, its a vodoo doll dangling earrings.. i love it.. lolx.. then bhavani and singyee bought coconuts to quench their thirst.. i wanted to buy, bt my hand gt poa txtbk, no hands to take tat coconut.. so, we went to j8 basement and i bought sour plum sugar cane juice.. next, we went to the other side of the pasar malam and shop.. lots of interestin things to see.. i saw a table fan tat is cheap and nice.. veri cute oso.. u on 1 button, the fan will move.. u on the other button, the character will light up.. lolx.. we wanted to play the pirate ship in tat mini fun fair, bt hvent open yet.. 2 bad..after tat, its time to go hme.. me and bhavani went to take bus to ms goh's hse and pass sum poa bks back to her.. aniwae, monday is labour day, so no sch.. quite shiok bt still hv to study 4 the next paper- maths and physics.. haix.. gd luck everybody!! study hard cos jus 3 more tests and everyting's over.. =] Wednesday, April 26, 2006 jus came back frm my 3 common tests todae.. 3 in a row, so tiring.. ystd night was busy studyin after watchin yours always, police and thief, mi yun 20 tian and da chang jin.. lolx.. i watch tv and study at the same time.. my study method.. hehe! =p social studies test was jus source-based qs.. mr marican bluff us say gt 1 qs structured, 1 qs source-based.. argh.. made me worked so hard in memorising those 3 sets of notes.. and todae, when i flipped the paper, turn here turn dere oso nv see any structured.. feel lyk smackin his butt.. lolx.. bt afterall, the paper was still quite ok, bt i think i didnt manage my time well.. during the last 4 min, i was struggling to complete my last qs.. other ppl were oredi waitin dere lookin at the clock and waitin 4 time to be up.. qh even more pro, jus wake up frm her nap.. lolx.. and luckily, when i write tat veri last word, the bell rang.. time's up!!!! phew.. and after tat, we were given around 15 mins break to study for our chinese paper.. i abit scared of zao ju cos i alwaes memorise at hme oredi, then when i do tat paper in sch, i 4gt everyting.. so i was busy memorising the sentences lor.. then gt sum ppl came and ask me to help them in their zhao ju by tellin them how to write in a shorter way.. the coincidential ting is tat they all ask me tis- lu bu shi yi.. lolx.. wonder tis gt come out or not.. and they were lyk sayin 2 bad i take hmt, or not they will copy frm my paper n ask me 4 ans.. ROFL.. =) and yup, luckily the zhao ju was still quite ok, bt my tian xie han zi and fill in the blanks was terrible.. it was difficult.. the comprehension was veri familiar, bt its oso veri tough to do oso... especially tat summary.. its drivin me crazy when i jus cant edit it into 80 words.. and the same ting happened again, everybody finished doin le, and i was still dere tryin to count the words in the summary.. lolx.. bt tis time is becos our hmt paper gt more components to do than the express chinese paper.. we gt our 1hr break to study for our F n N.. so me, singyee and jerlin went to the library and study.. tat jerlin still wanted to go canteen and eat, until singyee say she so greedy.. alwaes want to eat and eat.. and i was lyk tellin her after hme econs test then eat, nw eat oso no mood.. kenny oso join us inside the library although he dun hv exam.. he waiting 4 his mum to come and fetch him.. his hp distracted both singyee and jerlin wif tat video and games.. onli i am the strong-willed one hu dun even want to touch and play wif his hp.. lolx.. xD and its time to go back to class and take our F n N exam.. the paper was quite hard since i didnt study much for it.. ystd i was so busy studyin ss, tat i neglected F n N.. hahax! hope i pass.. =0 oh yah.. todae mr yip and mr chong was the teachers hu is in-charge of our class.. then the funny ting is, whenever mr yip stepped into our class, he will alwaes gif us a smile.. a veri friendly smile.. lolx.. bt 2 bad he is leavin after the common tests.. hv to adapt to another teacher's way of teaching again.. bt tell the truth, after him teachin us tis few weeks, i realise tat he actualli quite patient wif our class.. especially wif the noisy boys in our class.. u can see he's tryin his veri best to project his voice out to those hu want to listen to him teaching.. he cant realli talk veri loudly cos he gt heart problem.. he tat time told us tat actualli his family dun allow him to come here n teach, shld stay at hme and rest.. bt mr yip was still determined to come and teach us or not nobody teach us poa.. bt nw i tink the sch found a new teacher, and so he's leavin lor.. sad case.. ok, the end of my story todae.. wat a long entry.. lolx.. gd luck ppl 4 the eng paper tmr!! Monday, April 24, 2006 its oredi 11.20pm and i am still blogging.. lolx.. i guess everybody shld be fast asleep nw.. i am a "night cat", always sleep veri late unless i am veri tired.. =p aniwae, my hse downstairs gt pasar malam.. i love pasar malam to bits and pieces!! gt alot of nice nice stuff to see and its so cheap.. hahax! whenever i go dere, sure gt things to buy 1.. so ystd after poa tution, me and xin ran went dere and shop shop.. she bought lots of food for supper, and she was busy tellin me about those things tat were sold dere, mostly imported frm her hometown.. and the price of each item was a huge difference.. example lyk one file sell 2 bucks, bt in china onli 50cents.. lolx.. our common tests start on tis wed.. and many ppl seem to be quite stressed up nw.. its lyk so fast exams le.. time realli flies.. nw my brain full of sentences and words after all my memorizing.. wahahax! Wednesday, April 19, 2006 ystd had our social studies lecture in the auditorium.. it was quite boring, especially copyin of notes.. bt i didnt sleep cos i cant.. lolx.. the lecturer is jus in-front of me, and if i sleep, he will sure see me 1.. =p and todae pe we played frisbee.. its quite fun though.. lolx.. actualli is play in the field, bt since it is so wet and muddy, so we beg mr chua to let us play in the quadrangle.. we throw tat frisbee here n dere, and we hv to try and catch wif tat "hamburger" technique.. hahax! =] and after tat was chinese lesson.. we had our test since last week test was postponed to todae.. we r suppose to write a letter as our test qs.. and the interestin ting is tat we r suppose to write to Jolin and we r suppose to pretend tat we r Jay.. lolx.. then we had our free period b4 recess.. me and singyee went to the canteen, put our bags on a table and went to change to our uniform.. and when we came back, omg.. sumbody sit on our table.. we were lyk erm, tis seat is oredi booked by us as we oredi put our bags dere earlier on.. bt we cant possibly ask them to go away rite, so we let them sit dere 4 awhile lor.. when its time to ask them to lyk gif back the seats to us, i told them to try and eat faster cos we oso want to eat.. lolx.. nw the sec1s all veri "automactic".. they will sit at ur table when u go and buy food, even when ur bags were oredi on the table.. kylie and yy tat time oso experience all tat b4..sad case.. =( eng lesson was veri exciting cos the video- i shldnt be alive was so nice.. everybody was attracted to the show.. poa lesson was quite ok lor.. as usual, the class boys were so noisy, none of them is listenin to wat mr yip says.. bt they r realli irritatin, cant stand.. yuting was so fed up wif the boys tat she scolded the boys at the top of her voice and cried.. i guess she realli wanted to learn, bt the boys always make so much noise.. then mr yip say tat yuting is our model student and he say shame to the rest of us.. maths lesson was quite boring.. i tink is becos mr ong is teachin us new topic.. bt luckily, it was till quite easy and he let us off early.. hehe.. =) ok, gtg.. i goin to log in pt le.. gt big head event and reduced death penalty event.. i love it!!! whee... my head can become big big.. Monday, April 17, 2006 ![]() discover your inner candy heart @ quiz me hahax! jus took the quiz yingyi recommended.. quite interestin though.. and tis is my results after doin.. =) Sunday, April 16, 2006 todae is easter sunday, which is the day jesus rose frm the grave.. many ppl mus be goin to church now.. yy jus told me tat her dad gave her sum eggs to eat.. hahax! she gt a creative dad.. =p aniwae, later hv to meet yijia and go to ms goh's hse at around 4pm for my tution.. gotta rush 4 those chapters again.. cant believe tat poa common test is goin to include so many chapters, and we still hv to catch up within 11 days cos mr yip still hvent teach us sum parts.. omg.. =( ok, shall go and hv my lunch nw.. tata~ Saturday, April 15, 2006 ystd went to j8 wif kylie and yingyi.. actualli yijia oso goin wif us, bt due to her bad cough, so she cant join us.. hope she gt well soon! we went to shops lookin 4 bdae presents.. wanted to take neoprints, bt onli 3 of us, so we dun want to take le.. wait 4 yjia then we take.. hahax! we wandered around j8, feelin abit bored cos dere's nt much to shop in j8.. so we decided to watch movie.. kylie and yingyi wanted to watch ice age 2, bt i am not tat interested.. then kylie say watch black night, i was quite tempted to watch as i lyk horror movies.. bt kylie and yy were afraid of havin nightmares, so i gave in and watch ice age 2 wif them.. when we went to the ticket booth wanting to buy 3 tickets, tat person told us onli left wif single seatings.. 2 bad.. and yup, it's time 4 lunch!! wanted to go pastamania, bt yy seems to hv not much money left after buyin presents, so we went to other places.. me and kylie wanted to eat at long johns silver [my favourite place], bt yy dun want.. she say the food dere not nice.. hmph.. so me and kylie sum sort of keep persuading her to try.. bt yy still dun want to gif in, so kylie and her sum sort of "argue" wif her.. and i was lyk at the side lookin at them bickering, cos i noe its quite hard to persuade yy.. after bickering 4 quite sum time, yy still dun want to eat at long johns.. tired of argueing again, we jus walked towards long johns.. and yy was lyk givin us justice's baos face, while me and kylie jus keep on laughin, dun care much about her.. wahahax! =p bt since long john dun hv any seats left, so we gave in to yy and went to pastamania.. as the food dere is quite expensive, so yy hv to borrow money frm kylie.. and we gt a free desert [banana n chocolate pizza] cos we hv enough stamps to gt a free redemption.. as the rain is so heavy and we oso nv bring along our umbrella, so we jus loiter at SaSa till the rain subsides.. had a fun day, and tis is my last time goin out on weekends cos i hv to start mugging.. hv to wait till after common tests then can go play again.. =) Friday, April 14, 2006 ystd was the last day of tat aerospace program.. slept during sum parts of the program cos i was so tired cos i had poa tution wif ms goh the previous day.. was dead beat cos we started tution at her hse frm 7pm-10pm.. and we were busy doin double entries acct lyk nobody's business, until we 4gt to tell ms goh tat she hv to switch off the cookin pot.. actualli, she wanted us to remind her cos she scared she will 4gt.. in the end, we oso 4gt to remind her.. lolx.. xD we took neoprints before we headed to ms goh's hse.. and at around 7pm, we reached her hse.. ms goh wanted to open the door 4 us, bt she cant find tat remote control.. so me, yijia and bhavani jus stand dere n wait patiently.. jus then, her students frm whitely sec was in her hse hvin their tution.. the boys r so naughty.. they shouted to us through the windows, sayin tat we shld go back hme since ms goh cant find the remote n ask us to go away.. yijia and me were realli pissed off, and we shouted shutup.. they forced us to say tat.. argh.. when the door finally open, we noe tat things wont go smoothly once we stepped inside her hse.. and true enough, thing realli happen.. ms goh told the students to go out of her rm and let us come in.. and guess wat they said.. they ask us to sit down on the floor 4 tution, while they sit on the chairs.. argh.. how bad can they gt.. and finally, the boys finally came out reluctantly.. they purposely make alot of noise to disturb us frm studyin.. ms goh let us do some work and she went outside n teach the whitely students.. jus then, 1 boy came n slot a note underneath the door.. i went to take n we read together.. tis is wat the note says: We r interested in knowing u gals.. can u gif us ur hp number? we were lyk pls lor, hu want to gif our numbers to those rebellious ppl.. so bhavani use my marker n write veri big words, sayin tat we r not interested in givin our numbers to them.. maybe they would lyk to ask the road sweepers downstairs 4 their numbers.. wahahahax! and frm tat time onwards, the war starts.. we were busy writing those notes, tat we didnt do much of the work ms goh ask us to do.. and yup, we noe tat we hv to stop all all those things.. we mus not be distracted by all those naughty boys.. and we said tat if they pester us again, we will use a broom inside ms goh's room and smack them.. hehehehe.. =p and finally, they went home.. phew.. end of all those noise pollution.. so we continued doin our work till straight 10pm then we start packin up n go hme.. as bhavani hv to leave 1st, so she hv to wear her shoes n go downstairs for her dad to send her hme.. suddenly, bhavani came rushin into the room n told us tat one of our shoes is missing!!! we knew tat all those pranks r all done by those silly guys.. yijia's shoe was found near the stairs, while mine and bhavani's shoes were still no where to be found.. then ms goh came out and help us in the search.. after a while, we finally found our shoes.. it was on top of the water n electricity meter.. those lamers, so big oredi still want to play this type of childish hide and seek games.. =o tmr is a holiday.. GOOD FRIDAY!! hurray.. can sleep a lil bit longer.. bt hv to start my common test revision.. boo hoo hoos.. =( aniwae, come take a look at the neoprints we took together.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday, April 11, 2006 todae is the start of the holy week.. tats why they used one period to do their devotion and other stuff.. we managed to skip ss lesson, bt we still hv to go 4 poa lesson.. during the poa lesson, if i didnt hear wrongly, mr yip say dere will be a change of our poa teacher again.. haix, always change.. and yup, hv to adapt to the way another teacher teach again.. =o and todae the canteen gt a new stall.. selling hor fun, chicken rice, fried bee hoon and many more.. didnt try todae, bt heard frm singyee and jerlin, they say their food was jus average.. had fun in the library during our 2 free periods cos qh, grace and ah ma realli make so much lame jokes.. lolx.. and todae mr lee nv come, so we had free periods during our eng lessons.. wat a slacking day todae.. bt mrs wong is realli strict towards our class.. me and yijia actualli want go toilet since so little ppl in class.. when we were about to go frm the back door, mrs wong stopped us and say why we nv ask 4 permission.. argh.. and when i was about to step into the class, i realise tat i still hvent refill my bottle, so i turned back and headed to the water cooler.. and once again, she scolded and say why i keep walkin in and out.. i realli cant stand her.. and she oso catch ppl hu wear fanciful earrings and those hu nv tuck in their shirt.. and when we wanted to rest on the table, she asked us not to waste our time sleeping.. she's behaving as if she's a discipline teacher.. lolx.. and during chapel period, we hv to go to mr chong's homeroom.. we discussed bout our cme project and the cross country tingy.. and we decided to make a class tee.. wohoos.. leonard is in charge of designing cos he's the onli 1 in our class takin art.. hahax! after sch, i hv to stay back 4 tat aerospace course.. its quite boring cos we hv to stay in the com lab for around 3 hrs.. bt listening to the lecturer talkin bout true plane crashes stories, its realli quite exciting, bt sad oso.. and todae we played the plane game thru multi-player.. its much more fun cos we can see each other's plane and can chat wif each other.. jerlin was once again the target in the conversation.. ROFL.. xD and i jus went to ntuc to buy lollipops cos we r doin a quiz tingy in our project to make ppl interested in our project.. hehe.. then jus nw in those msn conversations, there was tis link goin around bout love.. its a quiz which u hv to answer lame qs.. an advice frm me: pls dun gt tricked.. lolx.. =p Sunday, April 09, 2006 todae early in the morning went to raffles junior college and attend their official opening ceremony.. my sis hv to report earlier, bt me and my family can go dere at a later time.. the campus was super nice and big.. u gt lost ur way if u r not careful.. lolx.. bt the ushers all veri friendly and courteous.. and when u walked past them, they will gif u a big smile and say gd morning.. is lyk i feel as if i am a president cos they r realli veri polite towards u and they will lead u to the parade square where the ceremony will be held.. lee hsien loong was the guest of honour, and many ppl took pics of him when he arrived.. after the end of the ceremony, we were allowed to walk around the sch.. the sch has 7 storeys and hv so many blocks.. the canteen was big, and even the toilet was quite big.. compared to kuo chuan, the difference is so big.. lolx.. and after tat, i went over to yijia's hse and do our cme project.. abigail did the most job cos shes the most pro among us in terms of IT.. when we r fianlly done wif our project and wanting to save it, problems occur.. com keep on sayin tat the removable disc not enough space.. we tried savin in both the diskette n a disc, bt still cannot.. gt no choice, so xin ran ran back hme and gt her thumbdrive to save.. and luckily, we finally manage to settle the problem wif the help of xin ran's thumbdrive.. phew.. and after tat, we went to j8 wanting to take neoprints in the new machine n eat our dinner.. the new machine simply rock my life.. the graphics all veri 3D and nice.. veri colourful oso.. at 1st we were still veri happy bout the outcome of the neoprints cos we tink tat its so worth it cos the pictures all veri nice.. when we were asked to decide on how we want the machine to print our photos, xin ran and abigail jus cant make up their mind.. and in the end, out came the neoprints, and every1 was so disappointed.. cos one neoprint was extremely big, while the rest were so small.. haix, wasted our money lor.. so in order to make ourselves satisfied, we decided to try for a 2nd time.. as dere r still alot of ppl queueing up 4 tat particular machine, we went to the food court and eat our dinner 1st.. i did not bring enuff $, so no dinner 4 me till i gt home.. yijia oso nv eat dinner dere cos she still hv to eat when she gt back hme.. as we did not want to watch abi and xin ran eat in-front of us, we decided to go mini toons walk walk.. todae mini toons was extremely crowded cos dere is a 40% storewide sale.. bags r selling at 3 for $15.. and everybody were busy choosing their stuff.. actualli i wanted to buy sum scrunchies[hair accessories], bt when i see dere r so many ppl queueing up to buy, i decided not to buy cos i noe dere wont be time.. and yup, we headed back to the neoprint shop after they finished eatin their dinner.. tis time we decided to take neoprints in pairs cos xin ran say we will look better n not so squeezy.. bt afterall, the neoprints turned out realli well.. all of us looked perfect inside those photos.. and tis time, we were veri careful as we choose how we wnat the printer to print the photos.. bt sad enough, abigail made a huge mistake and the outcome of the neos disappointed us again.. the size was so small, tat we hv trouble lookin at our faces and the deco around it.. xin ran was so angry cos abi didnt listen to her when she ask her to click on the bigger size icon.. she was scolding abi frm the start when she cut the pics, and till the end when she finished cutting the pics.. the atmosphere was terrible.. lolx.. bt after a while, everyting turned back to normal n they talked once again.. hahax! so here am i sharing those wonderful photos we took.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday, April 08, 2006 on wed, the sec 3s hv our inter-class soccer.. luckily the weather was till quite gd, or not the match hv to be postpone.. and yup, me, yy, sy, yj were standing outside the football field. and leaning against the fence.. as liangyu and ah ma were the reserves 4 our gals team, so they stood inside the field in-front of us.. when i saw them coming, i pretended to be veri desperate [hitting the fence] n i said to them, "let me out of here.. i hv realised my mistake.. pls let me get out of jail.." wahahax! cant believe i said such silly things.. lolx.. jus being lame.. xD and yup, the 1st match was our class gals against peace i think.. it was a tough fight, bt we still lost to them by 1 goal.. our class boys oso played [4gt hu they played wif], and it was a draw.. actualli our gals are supposed to play our 2nd match wif hope class, bt hope class dun hv enough gals to take part, so they forfeit the chance n our class was considered the winner in tat match.. so the gals can relax 4 awhile cos their next match is stilll quite far away.. so we concentrate on cheering the boys.. i tink they played wif either grace or hope class.. it was oso a tough fight.. u can see amos busy catchin the ball as a goalkeeper, and u can see him sliding down sumtimes.. bt still, our class lost to them.. and our class boys merge as 3rd in the finals!!! congrats to them! =] while we were waiting for the gals to play in their final match, we started to see the lightning and hear the thunder roar.. and jacq was lyk sayin tat pls dun rain, she still want to play later on.. heex! bt in the end, it still rained.. a heavy rain.. so gt no choice, everybody hv to wait in the concourse and continue the game if the rain stops.. we waited at the canteen, hopin the rain will stop soon.. we waited n waited, bt the rain still didnt stop.. so we went hme le.. when i reached home, i heard frm ppl tat the match gt continue.. bt our class gals didnt win.. and i oso hears frm ppl tat dere r conflicts happenin between different classes.. sad case.. its jus a game, and ppl r takin it so seriously.. omg.. bt i still tink tat 3joy did a great job during the competition!! yipee!! " , Thursday, April 06, 2006 last sunday evening went to ms goh's hse 4 her farewell party.. meet yijia and singyee at j8.. bought 2 packets of taiwan street XXL crispy chicken for the party.. singyee was carryin a big bag of items, watermelon and agar agar.. so heavy.. then bhavani's dad drove us to ms goh's hse.. the route to her hse was realli veri confusing.. so gt no choice bt to call ms goh to lead us the route usin hp.. finally, we managed to find her hse!! phew.. and we were quite surprised at the building ms goh live in.. OMG! the whole building belongs to her family.. gt 5 storeys.. every single storey they live oso belongs to her other relatives.. and they hv a personal use lift especially for them to go up and down.. then ms goh told us tat tis building was build by her dad.. so cool sia.. the 1st time i saw such a cool hse.. then ms goh brought us to see her beloved doggies.. one of them was extremely fierce and big.. when it sees ppl feeding its partner, it will bark so loudly cos its jealous.. can realli scare u.. dere is oso a veri big bird cage.. contains all types of colourful birds..lolx.. then she brought us to visit the rooftop.. veri spacious, suitable for bbqing.. and veri windy too.. then ms goh told us tat this place is where she studied when she was in sec sch.. after tat, she gave us sum money and go downstairs tat mama shop and collect the currypuffs she ordered.. and after kenny, aneza, jerlin and you huai arrived wif lots of other delicious food, we started to makan together in a small table.. i lyk the feeling, cos everybody sit together and chit-chat.. after eating finish, we went to her rm and watched campus superstar finals.. as dere is still time, we played UNO and took photos together.. -cheese- =) and yup, the show finally start.. we lied down on her extra mattress and sit until veri relax.. cos she asked us to treat there lyk our hse.. lolx.. wif the air-con and comfortable mattress, it was so shiok! hahax! she even told us tat she enjoyed watchin tv wif us, cos we were so excited bout tat show tat we shouted and shouted.. and she oso said tat we can celebrate our bdae at her hse.. jus hv to inform her and she will make the arrangements 4 us.. so nice of her rite.. " , and yup.. me and singyee were busy laughing at jerlin cos she said veri silly things and her actions were real funny.. we laughed until lyk nobody's business.. and everybody was lyk lookin at us wif the "3 sweat" look.. hahax!! even ms goh say we all siao.. lolx.. wahahahahax! xD and aneza cut out the chocolate cake she made herself and let us eat.. it was nice, and she actualli bake it herself.. pro.. then kenny oso let us eat fruit salad his mum made.. taste not bad.. we stayed at her hse frm around 5 plus till 10 plus.. and its time to go back hme cos we still hv lessons the next day.. said gd bye to her and we realli had so much fun!!! i want to go to her hse next time n play again! wohoos~ Sunday, April 02, 2006 todae went to take neoprints at j8 wif yijia.. she's quite gullible, cos she gt tricked by so many ppl todae.. and its so easy to trick her.. hahax! even her sis oso manage to fool her.. after takin neos, i went to her hse wanting to do ss wb.. we gt no choice bt to do cos mon gt ss lesson.. or not we cant be bothered.. lolx.. at 1st, we were still quite hardworkin.. then after tat i say tat i go back hme and do, so i went outside to the living room.. the drama series yijia's mother watched, "ah wang's modern version" was so funny.. i stood down dere n watch, and i was totally attracted by it.. yijia see i oso take a break le, so she oso follow me watched tat drama.. watched till 5 plus, then helped yijia choose her clothes 4 ms goh's farewell party tmr.. then we oso gt watched abit of "shao nian te gong dui".. time flies, and its time to go back hme.. tada```` HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY! aniwae, here r sum neoprints we took together.. ![]() ![]() Saturday, April 01, 2006 on wed, i participated in the chinese compo competition.. one of the titles was "u hv to lose sumting b4 u cherish it".. and yup, while i was writing the last part of the compo, i actualli felt lyk crying.. dunno why... i tink is becos i write until it seems so real.. so lame can i gt, write compo oso can cry.. emotional me.. bt i tink tis title is quite true and meaningful.. at 1st ppl dun cherish each other, bt until sumting happen, then u realise how impt they mean to u.. =] todae ms goh's last day in sch.. so the 1st period she asked us to write our comments bout her, the 2nd period shall be our free time and she even let us go earlier 4 recess.. we r intending to hold a farewell party 4 her in her hse tis sun.. hahax! and is lyk she kept on sayin all the best to me and yijia during the whole poa lesson.. lolx.. i didnt go 4 guides todae, so went hme and play pristontale the whole day..the 3x-xp event was so cool, can lvl up so fast.. hahax! tats all 4 todae.. bye bye! ~ happi weekend.. |