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Friday, June 30, 2006 assmebly todae was quite boring.. principal talk and talk and talk.. and becos of the comfort of tat air-con, i realli felt so sleepy.. bt 2 bad, cant sleep cos it will be 2 obvious for him to spot me since he's always standin in-front.. =.= todae's chem lesson was rather fun, since qianhan and grace crack sum veri lame jokes.. its about sueing mrs yap for slander cos qh say she always call my name wrongly.. lolx.. and dunno why mrs yap todae keep scoldin ppl at the slightest things.. silly billy~ during our free periods, me, sy, jer, yj went to pri sch and eat.. i tried for the 1st time the duck noodles.. veri yummy.. lolx.. yj went hme 1st and the rest of us went inside the sch and explore.. we tried on the new gym equipments and went to the library.. actualli we were not allowed to go in, bt the librarian say since we miss the library so much, she allow us to go in 4 awhile.. we talked about last time wat type of books we borrowed and stuff liddat.. we happen to see sum drama club ppl rehearsing their play, so we mingle wif those kids and watch them perform.. one scene is tat a lil boy has to act as if he was poor and injured, so he hv to glide on the floor frm one end to another.. another person will stand behind him and helped him up.. bt we happened to see him bully his friend, everytime the lil boy glided one time, he will kick him one time.. poor boy.. lolx.. we realli laughed until crazy cos its realli realli funny!! =p hme econs lesson was quite ok.. yuting gt band so cant do practical wif me.. we made soyabean milk.. 1st we hv to pour the soya beans and water inside the blender.. after blendin till its milky, pour the mixture into a muslin bag and squeeze it.. hv to squueze veri hard, bt its interestin.. lolx.. i did not hold the opening tightly and so sum remains of the beans dropped out.. arghh.. then after tat, boil it and we drank wif ice!! lolx.. mrs tham made fuchok dessert wif ginko nuts, lotus seeds and barley 4 us to share among the class.. at 1st, the dessert was tasteless, so we added sum sugar and it tasted veri nice after tat.. =] Tuesday, June 27, 2006 sch reopens! lolx.. 2nd day.. i miss the holidays.. boos.. on the 1st day, sum reporters frm sin ming newspaper came to interview sum pupils about our new plan carried out by the sch nw- manic monday.. those hmt students were allowed to go and see.. we went inside the heritage gallery rm and start the interview.. it was so interestin, seein the photographer keep takin pictures n the editor take down the things the ppl say.. ms chng was oso one of them hu gt interviewed, and she's quite shocked and happy tat the photographer is actualli her sec sch friend!! lolx.. lucky her.. bt anwiae, todae's ss lesson was so boringg.. as usual.. everybody were lyk lyin on the table, enterin into lala land.. includin yijia.. i was quite shocked actualli, cos yijia veri seldom will lie down on the table de.. and yup, after her amaths lesson, she took a sick form and went home.. i tink she gt a fever.. poor yijia.. get well soon!! =] and durin chinese lesson, we were asked to practice our olvls hmt oral exam.. mrs lim said tat she's quite worried about 3 gals in class which include me.. cos she say i veri seldom talk in class, and all i did always in her class was jus keep smiling and smiling.. lolx.. she didnt noe how noisy i was in other class.. =p we went to the humanitites rm 4 poa lesson.. cant believe we can use the air-con in tat rm.. so coolin and nice.. whee.. mr yip said tat the reason why we changed to tat rm is becos gt one pupil in our sch, legs gt abit of prob, so cant climb up the stairs.. so 4 her convinience, the sch decided to let her classrm be at the 1st floor.. after sch, went to pri sch canteen wif youhuai, abbie, singyee and jerlin to pri sch and eat.. chicken rice is yummy.. lolx.. " , Monday, June 19, 2006 happy fathers' day to all dads out dere.. lolx.. aniwae, todae my dad bought me a new hp- sony eric k750i.. finally i can use the camera, infra and bluetooth functions.. i love my phone! <3 and todae while we r on our way out, sumting veri ironic happened outside my hse's corridor.. my dad saw sumting veri long and is black in colour on the tree.. and above tat black tingy, it happened to hv sum bees flyin around.. and my silly dad thought it was a bee hive, and asked my mum for comfirmation.. and in the end, my mum oso thinks tat it looks lyk a bee hive.. so the curious me keep lookin around in search for tat bee hive they mentioned.. bt the onli black huge ting i saw was jus a garbage bag..! so we went downstairs and take a closer look.. and true enough, its jus a stupid garbage bag tat is lyin on the tree, not a bee hive.. lolx.. -.-" Saturday, June 17, 2006 jus came back frm studyin wif the moon and the sun.. actualli is we help each other in our hwk.. lolx.. we found a veri gd spot in mos burger and started concentratin.. and yup, bought a new microsoft mouse.. veri nice to use.. finally can gt rid of tat spoilt mouse.. =p aniwae, i jus changed my music code.. bt tis time i am no longer usin iwebtunes.. if u all want to listen to music in my blog, u hv to load it urself under the credits side.. enjoy the song! =] Wednesday, June 14, 2006 ystd went out wif the elements of the sky.. actualli wanted to buy a bag at bugis village dere, bt i jus cant find a suitable sch bag.. boos.. maybe i am 2 fussy about their designs.. lolx.. its lyk i saw one bag tat i lyk alot, bt sumhow it looks lyk a shopping bag instead of a sch bag.. so in the end, i nv buy any bag.. yijia bought a pair of shoes which costs her around 17bucks.. yingyi oso wanted to buy bag oso, bt she oso dun realli lyk the designs dere.. so we went to bugis junction instead.. yyy went to adiddas shop and tried on a sling bag.. bt it was quite ex, so she was quite hesitant of whether to buy.. since she cant make out her mind and the rest of us are quite tired, we decided to go food court dere and rest.. it was quite funny to actualli sit dere without buyin any food, bt we dun care.. lolx.. so we were lyk helpin yy to make up her mind whether to buy or not buy.. and yup, after thinkin for around half an hr, yy finally made up her mind.. she's buyin.. lolx.. so on our way to tat adiddas shop again, yy called her mum askin whether she could buy tat bag.. she kept on persuadin her mum, bt her mum say mus wait until end of yr then she can buy.. yy was quite unhappy bout it, so we decided to go ang mo kio the pasar malam and see whether gt sell not real adiddas bag.. cos kylie say tat time she went gt sell.. on our way dere, yy was veri quiet.. her moon kept on blinkin.. lolx.. maybe shes 2 anxious about gettin her bag.. and yup, finally she bought her bag at 25bucks.. bt seriously, the bag almost looked lyk the same as the real ones.. tis is the time when the moon on yy stop blinkin.. lolx.. then after tat went to eat jap food and bid farewell.. cos yy and kylie walkin to the bus interchange while me and yijia take mrt.. and after i reach hme, i still hv to gt prepared and go to the airport to welcome my sis back to sg wif my family..when we reach the airport, it was still veri early. so we took a train to terminal 1.. we bought thai food- mango rice and eat.. veri yummy.. lolx.. and i oso bought a hairband frm mini bits.. and after tat, took a sky train back to terminal 2 to fetch my sis.. my sis bought me a necklace and a bracelet and sum snacks.. lolx.. reach hme at around 12 plus.. wat a busy day i hv todae.. =x Friday, June 09, 2006 woke up at 3am.. then went to the airport and send my sis off frm the airport.. she will be goin overseas to do volunteer services for 5 days.. wish her a happy journey and everyting goes smoothly.. bon voyage! =p aniwae, here are the photos i took at the quiet airport at around 4am... lolx.. ![]() ![]() spirit of man statue.. ![]() can u see the rainbow beside the control tower?? =p ![]() my sis was inside tis plane.. ready to take off.. Monday, June 05, 2006 todae early in the morning went 4 poa tution wif yijia.. tat tution centre was kinda cool cos they make use of a normal house and modify it into a tution centre.. lolx.. our class onli has 4 ppl, includin me and yijia lor.. then actualli i wanted to go to rainie's autograph session wif yijia de, bt todae is family day, so i didnt go wif her.. went to OG.. since its the gr8 singapore sale, everything sold dere all gt discount.. and my mum bought 4 me a denim skirt.. whee.. not onli tat, after a whole day dere, realli bought lots of stuff.. tats why i say the best time to shop is during the annual great singpore sale!! haha.. =p after tat, went to queenstown shopping centre.. we went dere jus 4 the sake of getting my sis's track shoes cos dere realli gt lots of types to choose frm.. my sis took fancy of a particular nike shoes and sandals, and my dad bought for her lor.. and when we r on our way to our hse's lift, we saw a mysterious little boy dressed in while long sleeved shirt and black pants hidin behind a wall.. at a closer look, we realise tat he is actualli usin his hp to take photos and videos of a couple walking.. i guess tat boy is a child detective, and its my 1st time to even see how a detective works.. he was lyk movin veri swiftly frm one place to another, and i even saw him hidin behind a car jus to prevent the couple frm seeing him.. interestin rite? although his moves were quite obvious to us, bt i tink 4 a kid to be brave enuff to be a detective at such a young age and following a couple without them knowing, i am quite proud of him.. lolx.. Friday, June 02, 2006 watched x-men wif kylie and the moon.. and after the movie, all i can say was tat its realli EXCITING!! jean grey hu was a class 5 mutant rose from her water grave.. she asked cyclops to take off his sunglasses cos jean knew tat the laser wont hurt her.. jean killed cyclops with just a kiss and tis shows how powerful she is.. gt 1 part is jean seduced wolverine inside the lab, very horny.. lolx.. Professor Xavier tried to help jean and kept tellin her to control herself, but unfortunately, tat professor burst into pieces and died.. at the last part, wolverine had gt no choice bt to kill jean since she couldn't control the dark phoenix inside her and caused many innocent ppl to die.. jean looked extremely frightening when she became the Dark Phoenix as her eyes and the veins all turned black.. eeww.. among all those characters, i tink i lyk iceman the best.. cos he can freeze the water into ice and let kitty pryde to skate.. and he used his powerful skills to protect himself frm the fire.. angel oso not bad becos i lyk his wings.. lolx.. aniwae, here r sum neoprints the greenies took together.. ![]() wats is yy lookin at? lolx.. ![]() i see the moon! =p ![]() why is kylie sitting on the handle? -.- |