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Thursday, July 27, 2006 had my eng and lit tests todae.. early in the morning before the tests start, kylie gave the greenies sum postcards she made to wish us gd luck.. veri nice of her, thnx loads.. erm, both the tests are still quite manageable.. i wrote quite alot for lit, usin the two pieces of foolscap they provide.. hope all the things tat i write is relevant to the qs.. lolx.. then after sch, went to j8 wif kylie n yingyi.. bought our fav macflurry, and we even gt free toppings for tat ice-cream.. =] ok, tats all for todae.. hv to revise my ss again.. Wednesday, July 26, 2006 starting frm tmr, its common tests time.. wish u guys pass wif flyin colours!! dun forget to wish me good luck oso.. =p actualli the greenies wanted to exchange kit-kat with each other.. cos in japan, students use kit-kats to wish ppl gd luck, cos i tink kit-kat means victory? hahax, not tat sure oso.. bt i guess we oredi 4gt the kit-kat tingy since everybody is so busy wif the tests.. jiayou!! Saturday, July 22, 2006 ystd is racial harmony day.. missed the performance cos we hv to help set up the gg drinks stall.. heard frm ppl tat the performance was gr8, esp the teacher model search.. lolx.. me and yy was asked to go to ms teo's homeroom and get those stuff needed to prepare the drinks.. as we walked up the food lab, the plastic bag i carried broke n one of the cocktail cans dropped on the floor.. nw u noe how heavy those bags are, luckily liangyu gt come up and help us.. we entered the food lab and put our stuff dere and we went off.. then later when all of us went up again, the attendent ask us why we enter the lab jus nw without her permission.. then she say we r in the school, so hv to obey to the rules.. -.-" we borrowed quite alot of equipments, and we still hv to record every single ting we used inside a book.. so troublesome.. we make the grass jelly into small pieces.. abit gross, bt at least its still edible.. lolx.. then after tat, me and liangyu went down n help singyee intryin the bandung.. very nicee.. then gt 1 parent volunteer asked us to help them carry sum stuff frm their car, so we go n help lor.. its realli heavy, can make ur fingers break.. lolx.. we nid ice cubes to prepare the drinks, bt our sch canteen uncle dun sell to us cos he say we r oso selling drinks, later may affect their business.. dots.. pri sch canteen oso dun hv, so me and liangyu sat on shane's dad's car and go to j8 ntuc and buy.. unfortunately, they onli gt sell dry ice, nv sell drinkin ice.. so no choice, we jus buy the straws n go 7-11 buy.. then we received a call tellin us to buy one more packet of plastic cups.. so we ran all the way to another ntuc and buy.. lolx.. so tiring.. after my shift is over, went to buy prata and yy bought chee cheong fan.. chat together wif kylie about the chalet, and oso took sum photos together.. after sch, went to j8 for our lunch.. actuali wanted to go kfc, bt no seats so we decided to go seperate ways, those hu want to go long johns, and those hu wants to go food court... long johns no seat oso, so we da bao and go food court and eat wif the gals.. gt one uncle sitting beside them, and he told me tat he will drink veri fast, so ask us to wait awhile.. since he said tat, i jus wait behind him, and kylie went to sit in-front of him.. kylie actualli wanted me to sit beside her, bt dere gt one tray of leftover food, so i jus continued to stand dere n wait for tat uncle.. then kylie suddenly asked tat uncle to sit another side cos she say i want to sit together.. actualli i dun tink dere is a nid for kylie to say tat cos tat uncle oredi say he will drink veri fast.. bt nvm, the gals tink tat kylie sound rather rude, which me and yingyi disagree. lolx.. then later went ntuc again.. play and fool around.. lolx.. then later me, kylie and yy went hme 1st, while shann, eliz and dine go void deck eat lays potato chips.. =] Tuesday, July 18, 2006 last thurs had my olvls oral, and todae had my listening compre.. still quite manageable, except tat its abit tricky.. is lyk among the 4 answers, gt 2 of them can be the correct ans, so mus choose veri carefully the most suitable one.. we were released fmr class at 11.45 and we hv to wait in sch all the way until 1.45 and report at the auditorium.. we were lyk so extra cos we oso not sec 4s, and sum ppl jus looked at us wonderin why r we here.. lolx.. mr eddie lim gave us a briefing and off we go to our examination classroom.. we were lucky enuff to go to rm 31 which is mr brian koh's homerm.. 1st time enterin his room and i tink its realli wonderful, wif all those little toys and displays.. the air-con was so cold, can realli make ur hands shiver.. lolx.. so when the teacher say we can leave the class, everybody faster run out cos its realli 2 cold.. =p and when i come back home, went to download the dunno wat windows live messenger.. at 1st i tot was the newest version of msn, so go download lor.. in the end, i realli made a mess out of my computer.. mostly all my contacts r gone, and i was lyk arghh.. then dunno wat happen, my msn become the oldest version, cant put any display pic or personal nicks.. gt no choice bt to ask yingyi 4 help.. bt in the end still cant work, so ask ah gong to help.. he told me the website to dl the whole program again. and finally everyting's back to normal!! yippee!! lolx.. =] Saturday, July 15, 2006 ystd went out wif kylie, yingyi, shann and geraldine.. 1st we went pri sch and hv our lunch, then took a bus to toa payoh central and shop.. went to watsons, and we saw sum adiddas perfume.. sprayed a few, and we quite tempted to buy since its so cheap and nice.. bt we can onli buy another day cos if we buy nw, we gt no money to take neos later.. after tat, went to tried on the testers of all those nail polishes.. test until veri fun, bt sum of us made a mess out of our nails cos the polishes are 2 watery so abit hard to apply.. so we had no choice bt to share money and bought a nail remover.. on our way to the toilet, we saw sum reporters chasing after sum students.. so we faster hide, and then rushed to the toilet.. lolx.. then we shopped awhile, tried on sum veri nice prunes and took a mrt back to j8.. went to the neoprint shop and took neos.. we made quite alot of noise in between especially during the last part when we hv to choose 6 photos we want.. during one of the shoot, geraldine was accidentally blocked by us, so she jus pushed us until yy onli gt half a face appeared in the photo.. lolx.. then after tat went to the foodcourt and distribute the photos within ourselves.. then we keep on usin mine and kylie's hp and take photos.. lolx.. abit awkward cos gt sum ppl lookin at our silly acts.. haha! we oso went to ntuc and play.. we used a trolley and put our bags inside n yy is in charge of pushin.. she always wanted to push the trolley and bang us.. lolx.. kylie oso jacked herself and i shouldn't elaborate more since all of us oredi noe about it especially me and yy.. wahahahax! we joked and joked, and talked about the plannings of yy's birthday chalet.. had loads of fun ystd and here r the neoprints we took.. =] ![]() sitting on the moon was oredi my 3rd time.. lolx.. ![]() we r jealous of tat orea wafer.. =/ ![]() i tink i looked xtremely kiddy in tis pic.. lolx.. ![]() greenies smile! ![]() loves.. <33 the cosplay last sunday was fun.. 1st time goin to such a big event in singapore and saw so many animation characters.. mostly frm bleach and naruto.. bt strangely, almost all the characters frm naruto all gt, bt naruto dun hv.. main charcter leh, why dun hv?? =( and nobody dressed up as teletubbies.. lolx.. if hv, i surely take photos wif them.. aniwae, if u all want to view the photos, can go to kylie's and yingyi's blog.. i took 2 many photos, lazy to upload.. hahax! =p Sunday, July 09, 2006 wohoos~ the national day preview 'family day' was so nicee.. had loads of fun.. although hv to walk quite a long way to reach dere, bt i tink its still worth it.. cos tis is the last time ndp will be held at the national stadium as it is goin to be renovated.. went dere wif my sis and her friend, my aunt and her family.. michelle chia and gurmit singh was the hosts 4 the day.. they came down usin flyin fox, and then they lead us into games and stuff.. the superstar, chen wei lian oso came and sang the " xiao ren wu de xin shen".. gong shi jia oso sang the theme song.. at 1st we tot the gong shi jia is fake de, is other ppl sing cos normally onli the real person will onli sing at national day itself.. bt dunno why tis time so gd, the real her realli came n sang 4 all of us.. =] and the ppl on the parachute tingy fly down frm the sky to the floor.. so cool.. lolx.. then after tat, dere is tis wushu grp lead by weng qing hai performing.. and then the uniformed grps marched out n do smart drills.. the performance after tat was especially great cos my mum's performing!! hahax! the fireworks was oso veri nice, <3s..> and at the finale, we hv to say the pledge and sing the national anthem.. feelin veri proud of myself as a singaporean, i realli say and sang, which i normally dun do in sch.. lolx.. =p here r the photos i took during the ndp.. ^^ ![]() band by deiyi sec.. they won the gold honours at the syf.. ![]() ![]() the parachute wif the singapore flag flyin down.. ![]() the uniformed grps.. cool rite.. ![]() my mum's performance.. =] ![]() ![]() those pretty fireworks.. ![]() singin the national anthem and sayin the pledge.. Saturday, July 08, 2006 changed my blogskin.. veri cute rite, looks can be changed frm an angel to a devil.. lolx.. sch todae was ok.. since time passes by so fast n sum more can go hme early.. physics was rather lame.. mr tan can link frm quantities n units to tellin us to hv a sincere heart.. lolx.. we were talkin about KB, MB, GB, when mr tan started to say about bill gates.. he says tat bill gates is rich and asks us to imagine if we r as rich as him, wat will we do wif the huge sum of money.. many ppl say tat they will buy their fav stuff, bt mr tan say actualli we shld donate part of the money to charity.. bt firstly, we mus donate wif a sincere heart, not becos u want ppl to take notice of u 4 being so kind.. ss lesson was quite silly, cos mr marican actualli asked us to do one structured qs n pass up.. bt nobody bother about it, jus sit dere n do our own stuff n wait 4 the clock to move until 12pm.. lolx.. after sch, went j8 awhile, bought earsticks.. =] Friday, July 07, 2006 today early in the morning rain so heavily.. at least it cools down the whole place, lolx.. the cold wind keep blowin into the hall, makin me feel so cold.. ms chng was showin us slide shows of the various camps last term.. and conincidentially, the greenies was shown on one of the slides.. lolx.. 1st period was physics.. and dunno why suddenly mr tan want to change out seats.. each person occupies a table, which means nobody will be seatin beside u.. and nw i was shifted so far behind.. oso hv our physics test.. didnt study much cos i 4gt to bring hme my txtbk ystd.. so i onli read those veri little notes.. and luckily, mr tan allow us to take the test wif our txtbk.. hahax! he's so nicee.. =] mr ong nv come to sch todae, so we had free period.. tat relief teacher was rather weird, dun let ppl go toilet or refill water.. he keep on sayin its gonna be recess time when its lyk dere is still around 40mins towards recess.. and after recess was 2 periods of chem.. we spent the time doin experiments in the lab.. mrs yap wanted us to finish in half an hr cos she want to teach us theory work.. everybody knew its mission impossible cos we were not listen to her and we will take our own sweet time n do.. hahax! and true enuff, we finished exactly after 2 periods.. cme periods was boring as usual.. we hv to draw comics about racial harmony.. bhavani, singyee, yijia and me were in the same grp.. and within the 4 of us, singyee is the onli one tat is quite talented in drawing.. so we leave the drawin job to her.. the rest of us shall jus do colouring.. lolx.. we hv a break before hvin our ss lesson, so we went pri sch n eat.. fun chatting wif those innocent kids.. lolx.. and when we gt back to sch, we were told tat the ss lesson was cancelled.. cos mr marican nv come, and gt no relief teachers takin over.. since we gt nt to do, so we waited at the benches outside the heritage gallery before goin up 4 FnN lesson.. at 1st we tot dere will be practical.. bt in the end, its theory.. 4 lessons sum more.. so boring sia.. so in between lessons, jus play wif grace and jerlin since they r sitting beside me.. the lesson we r learnin todae was about eggs, n i didnt noe tat jus a small little egg has gt so much things to learn.. how to identify gd and bad eggs, the proteins it contains inside, the features inside an egg and uses of it.. tmr we can go back hme at 12pm.. yipee! no cca oso, cos the teachers are goin on the moe excel feast.. 3 cheers! =p Tuesday, July 04, 2006 went to cineleisure wif singyee and yijia ystd.. bought tickets for she's the man.. tat person hu attended to us was veri unfriendly.. she told us tat the onli seats left was at the 2nd front row.. we hesitated and discussed whether to take those seats cos we were afraid we cant see properly.. and the person keep rushin us and tell us to make our decision fast, or not we jus move behind and let other ppl go 1st.. and so we gt no choice bt to let other ppl go 1st, and we finally decided to take those 3 seats.. after buyin our tickets, we went to pastamania and eat.. and coincidentially i saw my ex tution friend dere oso.. lolx.. then we shopped around cine and when its around time the movie starts, we went back to the cinema and buy popcorn.. as our theatre was at the 9th floor, we wanted to buy popcorn frm the counter dere.. bt when we reached the counter, we saw no popcorn displayed, so we tot dun hv and went back to the 6th floor and buy.. at the 6th floor, the person told us tat their counter is closed n she told us tat actualli 9th floor oso gt sell.. -.-" and so we go up n down the lift again, jus to buy tat stupid popcorn.. lolx.. the movie was extremely nice n funny, no wonder so many ppl watched again n again.. after the movie ended, we went to the neoprint shop n take neos.. tat shop provides free props 4 us to use.. we tried on quite alot lyk mickey mouse's ears, coloured hair wig, harry potter hat n coat.. quite fun actualli, cos nv try before.. the neos turned out quite well, and the shop oso gt provide free shiny pattern paper lamination.. cool service rite.. lolx.. =p Sunday, July 02, 2006 woke up at 6am todae jus to go 4 tat walkathon.. actualli dunnid to go de, bt ms teo forced us to go to usher.. sians.. its lyk so boring dere, dun even noe wat we r suppose to do.. the place i was in charge happened to hv a YA helpin, so she did all the jobs 4 me.. lolx, lucky me.. yy was asked to go to the swimming complex dere and usher, while kylie was asked to usher at the carpark.. kylie and i gt nt to do, since the guides oredi noe where to assemble.. so we stand together n chit chat all the way.. while we were chattin halfway, a leader happened to talk to sum families beside us, telling them to look after each other during the walk later.. kylie tot the leader was talkin to her, so she kept on noddin her head.. i was lyk why is she noddin her head, when nobody is talkin to her.. lolx.. how blur can she gt.. =p the walk was boring.. bt we walked past the dog running ground, so we went in and looked at those cute doggies.. gt 1 veri big dog kept on smelling the other small dogs butt.. haha! -.- after tat, we went back hme and get ready to go suntec city.. lolx.. before we meet, i went to a crime prevention talk at bishan cc wif my mum, and i saw alot of npcc cadets frm our sch dere helpin.. and tat joshua was so lame to scare me infront of all the ppl when he is suppose to stand straight and welcome the guest of honour.. and when he's in charge of a particular stall, he waved lyk a fool askin me to go visit his stall.. bt i pretend i did not see him.. lolx.. we went to suntec jus 4 the sake of buyin fbt shorts.. kylie n yy dunno where to buy, so i bring them to carrefaur.. when they were queueing up to pay money, gt one family tried to cut their queue wif their big trolley.. kylie n yy noe they r tryin to cut queue, so they faster move up.. other ppl oso move up, dun let tat family cut queue.. then i heard the grandma in the family sayin tat they shall be generous enuff to let other ppl cut queue, they can wait.. is lyk is they themselves hu r cutting queue, not other ppl.. fool~ after buyin, we took a shuttle bus back to city hall mrt and went back to bishan.. we went to coffee bean and drank coffee.. lolx.. kylie n yy bought ice blended chocolate, while i bought ice blended mocha.. <3 |