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Sunday, September 24, 2006 ystd early in the morning hv to go back sch for my food n nutrition practical exam.. it was quite okay, except for my dessert which i regretted makin the most.. the whole exam started frm 9 all the way to 12.30.. -.-" after tat, i actualli wanted to join yy & kylie to celebrate shann's bdae.. bt yah, was quite tired to go all the way to orchard and find them.. *so sry about it, last min didn't join u guys..* bt no matter wat, still wanna wish her happy bdae! so in the end, i went to the library and study wif singyee and jerlin.. we even bought bubble tea and went to take neoprints after studyin.. =) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, September 22, 2006 seems long time nv blog le.. hv been realli busy tis week wif all the tests.. and the teachers kept tellin us tat the test will be the last one b4 the exams, so mus score well.. and yup, i did put in much effort into studyin for the tests, and i did quite well.. lolx.. bt its realli quite stressful when u see the teachers rushin thru the topics and keep givin us revision.. -.- i oso had my chinese mock prelims on mon.. i was actualli quite excited about it cos it will be the 1st time i take exams wif the sec 4s in the hall.. its realli a good experience as the atmosphere between doin an exam in the hall and in a class is realli different.. is lyk those naughty sec 4 boys kept creatin jokes and disturbed the teachers.. and i was dere laughin cos those jokes r realli lame.. they kept on wantin to go toilet in between the exam, and tat poor teacher had gt no choice bt to keep followin them.. as it was rainin veri heavily tat day, the air-conditioned hall was extremely cold until u can feel ur hands tremble and then many ppl started wearin their jackets.. =) aniwae, due to the comin exams, i wont be bloggin too much.. so jus wish all of u gd luck in their exams..we shall all study hard!! jiayou! =p Saturday, September 16, 2006 guides todae was alrite.. except dun hv my long-awaited drill.. they suddenly decided to cancel tat programme and change to games.. got quite a number of sweets, mentos and fruitplus.. lolx.. it ended at 5pm, which was so much earlier than our usual time.. =) so after guides, me, kylie and yy went to the gym and do exercise.. it was our 1st time goin to tat gym so we dunno how to walk and buy the entrance ticket etc, and so we called eliz and geraldine to ask them.. on our way to the gym, we saw many lil kids doin areobics.. so cool, cos they can jus simply turn 360 degrees by swinging to and fro on the pole.. gym was quite fun, gt lots of equipments inside.. i tried on the treadmill, bicycle, running machine and stretching machine.. felt veri satisfied when i noe tat i managed to lose quite a number of calories.. lolx.. gt 1 time i left mine and yy's locker keys on yy's treadmill and went to do other things.. when yy came down frm the machine, she felt giddy and totally forgot about the key.. luckily, one person found our keys and returned back to us.. or not we will hv to pay 8 bucks for tat lost keys.. phew.. =x we exercised for 1hr, and headed back home.. yy bought mac for her dinner, and so me and kylie were "helping" her to eat her fries.. kylie bought auntie anne pretzel.. lolx.. tmr goin to bishan library and study for exams.. hope we wont be distracted by the ppl in the lib, and realli concentrate.. =) Saturday, September 09, 2006 2 more days to go before sch reopens.. holidays are ending so fast, bt nvm, at least i had fun during the hoildays.. lolx.. the english oral ystd was abit difficult.. is lyk deres nothing much to describe in tat picture, except a cobbler mending a shoe, and a person beside him lookin at what he is doin.. -.-" our class gt so many holiday hw, gt maths test papers and chem ws.. and for my mother tongue hw, i nid to write a compo, minimum 300 words, any topic.. and yup, i jus started doin todae and i wrote about the death of the crocodile hunter- steve irwin.. actualli i tink he can escape death, cos at tat time, the weather was rather bad, so the crew wanted to postponed the filmin.. bt he was determined to go down into the waters as he wanted to film more scenes of the marine animals for his daughter to see.. when he was being pierced by the stingray's tail, he still managed to pull the tail out frm his body before fallin into a coma.. perharps he's hopin to hv a better chance of survival after pulling out the tail.. bt unfortunately, he still died.. =( bt yup, everyting is fated.. lyk wat kylie kept on tellin me, when u hv to go, u hv to.. dere's nothing much u can do when its fated for u to go through tat obstacle.. at most, we can onli pray tat we can succeed in overcomin them.. Friday, September 08, 2006 ystd me and kylie accompany yy to sim lim square again to get a refund of the ram card.. the mrt trip was veri fun, cos me and kylie always bickered.. lolx.. even yy oso cant stand us, so we asked her to dig a hole and put her head inside, and dun disturb us.. =p at first i dunno isit go to city hall or raffles place change train, so we sumhow messed up everyting and kept boardin the wrong train.. lolx.. when we alighted at city hall, we saw the train infront of us leavin soon, so me and kylie faster rush in.. and as usual, yy didn't realli run, so she missed the train.. kylie was so sarcastic, she waved bye bye to her!! hahax! when yy arrived at bugis, she opened her curtains and say why we nv wait for her.. she even wanted to cry.. -.-" we managed to find the shop in sim lim, and so yy requested for a refund.. bt the person say cannot, cos the receipt oredi stated goods sold are not refundable.. yy was abit pissed off, bt gt no choice mah.. so she exchanged the ram for a creative mp3 and thumbdrive.. =) after tat, went to mac and eat choco cone, then went bugis junction window shop.. and the nice ting is tat we saw the face shop!! whee, gt alot of sang woo's posters around the shop.. we went in and explore their products.. all quite good and are at affordable prices.. their nail polishes were nice oso, and they even provide orange smell enamel remover for us to use.. xD we oso went to the basement dere and see.. saw a shop selling sunglasses.. saw many veri nice de, especially the red colour de.. tempted to buy, bt lyk abit waste money.. =x on the train back hme., dere were many empty seats.. me and kylie managed to sit together, bt yy cant find a seat to sit beside us.. she gt no choice bt to sit opposite us.. lolx.. i wanted to let a pregnant woman sit down de, bt a lil gal sat down instead.. so kylie then decided to let her seat to tat lady, bt in the end, the lil gal's ah ma sat down..-.- Tuesday, September 05, 2006 jus nw early in the morning, went to marina square wif regina and kylie to see KWON SANG WOO!! by the time we reached city hall, it was oredi 12.50.. so we ran all the way frm citylink mall to marina square so tat we can reached dere by 1.. marina square was veri huge, and we veri seldom go dere, so we hv sum difficulties in findin the face shop.. and yup, finally we found the shop! many ppl were dere to support him, even an old woman oso went dere.. we managed to squeeze in thru the crowd and waited for around 1 hr for him to arrive.. the event actualli shld start at 1, bt due to sang woo not feeling well, his way to marina square was sumhow delayed.. throughout the event, dere were many false alarms.. is lyk when a security guard came out frm the entrance, ppl will shout, makin all of us to think tat he has arrived.. lolx.. and our long awaited moment is here! sang woo has arrived!! whee.. everybody were busy using their cameras and take photos, making us to be squeezed lyk pancakes.. although me and kylie didnt manage to see his face, bt we were still veri contented cos we heard his voice.. so man.. lolx.. bt sang woo sounded weak when he talks cos he's not feeling well mah.. regina was lucky enuff to see a quick view of his face thru her camera.. when he was about to leave, everybody shouted "sarang heyo".. nice nice!! =] then when the event ends, we actualli wanted to go to the merlion dere n see him.. bt in the end, we didnt... cos mus walked quite a logn way to reach dere, and we oso not veri sure whether he will be dere.. so we took a train back to bishan and i went back sch wif them for the bbq.. the bbq was actualli organised for the art students.. so we went dere and ate bee hoon wif curry, then went to j8 together wif shann and geraldine.. i realli had fun todae wif all the korean drama stuff.. <3> pictures of kwon sang woo frm the interent.. =p ![]() ![]() good-lookingt rite? lolx.. Sunday, September 03, 2006 went to explore the library while waiting for ah gong to come.. it was quite big and we jus climb the stairs all the way up to the 4th floor.. me and kylie were enjoyin the exploration, bt yy seems reluctant to explore wif us and bored by wat we r doin.. lolx.. and yup, ah gong arrived 15 mins late.. it was quite awkward at first, cos we nv see each other before.. so we seem to be isolatin him, while we all jus talked among ourselves.. lyk veri bad rite, lolx.. =p we bought grass jelly and milo and went to yy's hse.. ah gong then asked yy to get him a screwdriver so tat he can take out the ram card frm her computer.. yy was funny, cos she gave ah gong a super big screwdriver.. hahax! and tat was the time when we started to talk much more wif ah gong.. after takin out the ram card, we took a train to doby ghaurt.. the train was veri crowded, so i hv to hold on to the door and struggle to balance myself.. we walked quite a few distance before we reached sim lim square.. it is completely filled wif shops sellin electronic stuff.. we went up and down the escalators tryin to find a shop tat sells the cheapest ram card.. we were given so many flyers along the way, until u can actualli compile them into a book.. -.-" finally, we found the particular shop selling the card at a reasonable price.. can see tat yy was veri happy when she bought the card.. so after buyin, we walked past bugis village and went to long johns for our lunch.. the long johns dere was so much bigger than the one in j8.. we bought our combos, sat down dere n chit chat.. we took a train back to raffles place, then changed over to bishan.. the train was oso veri crowded.. so we were considered seperated frm ah gong and yy.. me and kylie then stood at a corner and talk to each other through the glass panel.. lolx.. |