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Monday, November 27, 2006 jus nw went to watch happy feet wif jerlin and her little cousin, andrew.. it was my 1st time watchin a movie at toa payoh's eng wah cinema.. the good thing is tat not many ppl will go dere and watch a movie, tats why the feeling is quite gd since onli approximately 15 ppl are inside watchin.. the characters inside the movie are realli cute, especially those baby penguins.. mumble is the main character in the show.. he was a veri talented dancer since the day he was born.. bt still, ppl looked down on him cos he didnt noe how to sing.. to them, if penguins do not noe how to sing, they are considered useless.. bt after many circumstances, mumble had proved to ppl tat he is a brave and kind penguin.. he saved the antartica by stopping the humans frm catchin their food supplies (fishes).. even though he doesnt noe how to sing, he can still used his body to sing thru dancing.. =) Sunday, November 26, 2006 sat: went to centre point wif kylie and yy.. the main purpose of them goin dere is to see how the promoters wear to work at the parker stalls.. they wore black all over, jus lyk goin to a funeral.. lolx.. after tat, we went bugis to shop for bags, shoes and shirts.. kylie managed to buy 1 white colour bag frm bugis village.. the funny thing is tat kylie was busy bargaining wif tat auntie, and i was beside her helping to persuade tat auntie.. hahax! we even went giodarno and bossini and looked at white long-sleeved blouses.. yy and kylie looked quite mature wif tat outfit, bt i'm still not used to them wearin so formally.. lolx.. quite envious to see them wif those business clothings, bt too bad i was too young, so i was not accepted for tat job.. so nw my onli hope is to be a waitress, introduced by yy.. bt until nw, yy's cousin still hvent tell me the most impt details of the job: address and the telephone number of tat work place.. =x sun: todae was my family day.. so i went out wif my mum and dad to chinatown and shop.. i tried on mr bean's soya bean ice-cream.. so creamy and smooth, yummy.. and i finally bought my crown belt! yipee! i oso bought a 3-D crown necklace frm a accessories shop.. lolx, i'm realli a crown addict.. and maybe my mum is goin to buy for me tat nice bag i saw in bugis street.. lalalala,happy me! =) Saturday, November 25, 2006 todae went to meet jerlin at around 2plus.. i met her at wisma, and she accompany me to sony ericsson service centre to gt a queue number.. we went to other places to shop first, cos we noe tat we sure hv to wait veri long for my turn.. we went into a kids' toys shop and saw many cute toys.. then after tat, went to meet wanxi and we went back to the service centre.. they were nice enough to accompany me throughout the whole waiting process.. if not, i tink i will be so bored if i wait dere alone.. and yup, i finally gt a new earpiece for my hp! hurray! finally can listen to the songs more clearly.. after tat, we went to meet singyee.. we walked all the way to cineleisure and took neoprints.. jerlin's bdae treat! lolx.. after takin, we shopped for awhile and went to pastamania and hv our dinner.. we even walked to places lyk heeren, far east to shop.. its realli nice to shop at night, especially when we can see those pretty x'mas decorations.. =) we walked till 9plus and wanted to take 54 bus back to bishan.. we waited for so long before the bus came.. bt tat driver didnt stop the bus at the front, so we can onli see tat driver drive further and further away frm us.. arghh.. we gt no choice bt to walk all the way back to orchard mrt.. and here are some of the neoprints we took: ![]() on the moon.. lolx.. ![]() boo! =p ![]() inside the calender? haha! ![]() cheers!! Monday, November 20, 2006 todae early in the morning went to sch and buy my sec 4 books wif my dad.. on my way dere, i saw many sec 4 students coming out frm the sch wif all those happy faces.. congrats to them for being able to relax after so many months of hard work.. lolx.. while the person was helpin me to sort out the books tat i ordered, i was standin at 1 side browsing thru the assessment books.. then dere is tis little gal hu came and started to promote those books they displayed.. she looked rather surprised when she saw me readin sec 4 books.. so she asked me whether i am in the upper sec.. when i told her tat i'm sec 4, she gave me the 'dun believe' face.. lolx.. nw i noe i realli gt a kiddy face.. =p and my new refrigerator jus arrived.. veri cool, especially the twisting of the lever, and the ice will drop.. lolx.. and i oso gt my IC.. hahax, finally after so many times i asked.. Saturday, November 18, 2006 jus nw went to cineleisure's suki sushi wif kylie, yy and ah gong.. ate the buffet and had quite a fun time teasing yy.. lolx.. we oso ordered quite alot of other food lyk salmon, gyoza, fried tofu, soft shell crab and fried fish.. yummy! =p after eatin, wanted to go arcade.. bt dun hv bishi bashi, so we didnt go in the end.. ah gong went home 1st, so the rest of us went window shopping! shopped around takashimaya, wisma atrium and saw loads of pretty x'mas decoration.. tis shows tat x'mas is coming real soon! presents? lolx.. =) Thursday, November 09, 2006 went vivo city todae wif ah ma, ly, grace, sy and yj.. the scenery dere is realli pretty, and it realli seems lyk we're on a cruise ship.. we took many pictures at the garden outside, and even played in the waters.. lolx.. shops in vivo city are realli too many to be counted.. all i can say is tat the design of every shops are realli veri stylish and they sell wonderful stuff.. our 1st stop was hagen daz.. me and ah ma shared 2 scoops of ice-cream, midnight cookies and cream and mango sorbet wif aloe vera and roasted almonds.. yummy! lolx.. all of us oso bought a shirt each frm "L.P.Zone", except ly and yj.. we oso went to shops lyk "Toys R us" and shop.. the toys sold dere are realli interestin, especially those pooh bear baby toys.. i remember dere is one when u shake the toy tat pooh is holdin, it will shake its head.. grace and ly are realli veri kiddy, cos they went around the shop wif a toy sword, tryin to "kill" us.. hahax! after shopping for lyk 3hrs, everybody were lyk so hungry and tired.. so we wanted to go B2 and eat.. bt as we go down the escalator, we realised tat B2 is a carpark.. after lookin at the map, we then noe tat food court is at another part of B2.. we gt no choice bt to walk quite a long way before we reached the foodcourt.. we ordered fried kwey tiao, prawn hokkien mee and jap food.. lolx.. eat until we were so bloated.. lolx.. =) here are some pics for u guys to see: ![]() scenery of sentosa.. ![]() the sky train to dunno where.. =p ![]() a veri cute model.. ![]() lolx.. =p ![]() my best crappy partner.. ![]() inside the cold water.. ![]() frens forever! Sunday, November 05, 2006 went to toa payoh wif qh and ly early in the morning.. we went dere to shop for belts and rings.. and yup, we finally found our dream stuff.. lolx.. i bought a ring and a necklace, and both the designs are my fav crowned shaped !! =p after tat, met up wif yizhen and serene to bras basah complex and collect the stuff needed to make the souveniors for the south division day.. after tat, went to popular and bought cardboard and markers.. can see tat they realli put in alot of effort in designin and preparin of the souvenior.. as we were all veri hungry, we went to mac and ate our lunch.. slacked awhile, then went to the arcade at doby ghaurt mrt station.. when we were back in bishan, we went to shop awhile at the pasar malam.. a tired day, bt happy cos all of us bought something tat we lyk.. lolx.. Friday, November 03, 2006 went ice-skating wif grace, ly, ah ma and sy.. the route to the ice-skating place was far.. we hv to take mrt frm bishan all the way to jurong.. it was our 1st time dere, except sy.. the ice-skatin place was veri cold.. we bought our gloves and paid for the admission ticket.. then we went to the counter for our shoes and rented a locker to put our belongings.. we had a hard time wearin those bulky shoes, since they r so tight.. walkin into the ice was realli scary, cos the ice is so slippery, lyk no friction at all.. we kept on holdin onto the railings, and moved step by step.. ah ma learnt the fastest cos she knew how to roller blade.. tats why its much easier for her to balance.. i fell quite a few times, when sy was teachin me how to skate.. the funny ting is tat i always fell at the same spot.. maybe is becos the part is especially slippery and dere r no railings for me to hold.. we took a break in between since we're all tired and hungry.. we ordered tom yum cup noodles wif egg.. after eatin, we finally hv the energy to skate.. and tis time round, i tink i gt improved quite alot.. cos i can finally skate a few times without the support of the railings.. yay! we skated all the way till the place is goin to close.. takin out the shoes was tedious oso, and i can see some cuts on my leg due to tat shoe.. my hand oso gt a blue-black due to the falls.. bt we still enjoyed ourselves, and we realli hoped to go dere again next time.. =) after skatin, we went to the arcade and play for awhile..we even used the tickets and exchange for some coffee-flavoured sweets.. we took the mrt back to bishan after that.. is lyk while the train is goin to approached yew tee, they told us tat we hv to alight.. we were lyk thinkin why are we so unlucky, cos we oredi found our seats in the mrt..bt nw hv to alight, our legs is goin to suffer again.. =( Wednesday, November 01, 2006 i watched the death note todae! veri exciting, especially the parts where 'Light' manipulate ppl to do things.. bt come to think of it, its realli quite scary if the death note realli exists and landed on a person.. tis person jus nid to write down the names of all those bad ppl, and they will jus die of heart attack.. although it seems lyk 'Light' is doin justice for the world, i tink he sumhow did it in the wrong way.. =x the 'L' detective is forever eatin and always veri calm throughout the movie.. i still rmb the part when 'L' stacked up the sugar, then throw inside his cup of coffee, and used his lollipop to stir.. lolx.. he oso gt a unique way of holdin a cup and his hp: using his thumb and the pointer finger to hold objects.. hahax! and at the end of the show, they showed some of the scenes of death note part 2.. another monster, and another person, hu can oso manipulate ppl will appear.. .. .. "the human whose name is written in this note shall die." |