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Sunday, December 31, 2006 time flies so fast.. it seems lyk i jus blogged about my 1st day of work, bt nw is actualli my last day workin le.. it was a fruitful experience and i learnt quite alot of things thru tat job.. i learnt how to tackle different types of customers and how to answer their queries.. so i guess if next time i nid to present anything infront of the class, i wont feel tat nervous anymore.. =) my overall sales was quite okay, even though i noe i can do much better at other places lyk popular.. cos veri few ppl noe tat times bkshop sells stationery lyk parker pens, compared to popular, where most ppl will go dere to buy their stationery and books.. bt its alright, at least i gt to know some veri nice ppl at the bkshop.. they always crack jokes wif me, and gave me chocolates to eat.. tats why i'm considered quite lucky to hv those staff to look after me.. i realli appreciate tat.. and todae, kylie and yy came and accompany me for dinner.. we crapped alot as usual, and they followed me to the shops to buy my 'creative zen v plus' mp3.. hahax, a reward for myself.. =p then after i end work, we went to takashimaya to buy xmas gifts for exchange tmr.. i cant wait to go for countdown!! wahahaha~ Monday, December 25, 2006 merry x'mas!! whee.. my present tis yr is a new wardrobe, given by my parents.. the wardrobe is realli huge, compared to my previous one.. it even touches the ceiling! and jus nw, i was eating the chocolate-flavoured logcake frm angie the choice.. yummy! =p and todae, my parents and my sis came to times bkshop and visit me.. my dad then supported me by buyin a parker ball-point pen.. after tat, i brought them to the food court and eat.. their hokkien mee is realli nice, realli worth buyin.. lolx.. 6 more days till the end of 2006.. i cant wait to go to the countdown at esplanade! lalalala~~ Wednesday, December 13, 2006 todae is officially my 1st day of work at funan times bookshop.. everything was not tat scary as wat i thought at first.. bt seriously, without my trainer hu so called brief me on all the parker, waterman and cross pens, i tink i will feel veri lost.. cos i hv to work in an new environment and dere r so many types of pens sold in times bkshop, compared to popular.. and yup, the coincidential thing is tat he know my sister cos they studied in the same pri sch and both of them are once a prefect.. his sister oso studied in the same sec sch as me, and is oso sec 3.. tats why he told me tat when he saw me introducing myself, he thought i looked veri familiar.. lolx, singapore is realli jus so small.. in between our work time, when dere are no customers, we will read books and chit-chat abit.. since todae is his last day, it means tat i realli hv to depend on myself frm tmr onwards.. and so, we went for lunch and went home together cos he oso live in bishan.. so ppl, wish me gd luck tmr okies! it's time i 'zi li gen sheng'.. =p Monday, December 11, 2006 todae is my 1st day of training.. time flies quite fast cos i still gt kylie to chat wif, lolx.. i learnt quite alot of new stuff, lyk the various types of parker and waterman pens and how to wrap presents.. i tink wrapping present is realli not my cup of tea.. i always blur blur de, keep forgettin how to wrap in tat special way.. hahax! bt identifyin pens was quite okay, cos its quite easy to see which are the roller-ball, ball-point and fountain pens.. although we're at the counter in-charge-of selling parker pens, dere will still be ppl hu will approached us and asked us things lyk where to find the envelopes, how much is tis notebk etc.. lolx.. i rmb gt 1 time more funny.. an indian man and woman speaked to us in some unknown language, and obviously me and kylie dun even understand.. bt luckily we somehow managed to figure out frm all the sign languages.. and when the couple walked away, they were lyk giggling away.. perhaps he mus be thinking how funny our reactions can gt.. =p then auntie anne told me tat the counter tat i will be working at sells more pens than those in popular bookstores.. hope dere will be more ppl hu come and buy frm me.. lolx.. Sunday, December 10, 2006 received a call early in the morning frm auntie jane.. she asked me to go for training under kylie at toa payoh.. then 2 days later, i will go to funan the digitalife mall and promote parker pens at times bookshop.. finally after so many times i tried to find jobs wif sy, shina and jer, i finally gt myself a proper job.. =x bt aniwae, if u guys are shopping nearby toa payoh or city hall, do drop by and visit me.. lolx.. Thursday, December 07, 2006 jus came back frm poa tution.. lyk long time nv see yijia le, cos all of us are busy wif our stuff during the holidays.. our tution teacher gave us winnie the pooh stickers wif our name printed on it.. so cute, i love it! i shall paste on my calculator and txtbks.. lolx.. hv been watchin the doha asian games these few days.. it can be quite exciting in some competitions lyk table tennis and badminton.. bt for swimming, it can be foreseen tat singapore will lose.. lolx..bt cant blame them oso, cos they hv gt realli powerful enemies lyk china and korea.. bt frm wat i jus see frm the news, tao li gt a gold in the 50m butterfly! rockin! ok, tats all for todae.. take care ppl! =) Wednesday, December 06, 2006 i'm back frm 2love'05 chalet! lolx.. it was awesome.. even though we onli stayed dere for 1 nite, bt i guess we realli enjoyed ourselves dere.. i went to downtown east and meet them at around 5 plus.. we played 'cheat' usin the poka cards, and we realli laughed lyk mad..especially the part when we make fun of the guys, lolx.. bbq was not bad oso, except tat we hv to wait real long for our food.. bjorn was mainly the one hu bbq the chicken wings and otahs.. bt i prefer to bbq marshmallows!! golden brown on the outside, and soft inside.. it was nice chatting on the bench and chat together under the moonlight, lolx.. we even went to the beach and feel the sea-breeze even though its oredi veri dark outside.. we onli "sleep" for around 5 mins, cos dere is simply not much space for us to sleep when the boys hv occupied so much space.. me, ah ma, grace and liangyu even hv to squeezed on a single bed.. lolx.. we gt no choice bt to go to macdonalds and hv our breakfast.. so when the guys went to swim, we faster use the remaining time to sleep.. and all i can say is tat the air-con is realli too cold..we were lyk shivering all the way till we gt our blankets.. lolx.. hope to hv another chalet soon! =p Friday, December 01, 2006 todae went to the macdonald at toa payoh for the youth talk wif grace and liangyu.. actualli we went dere is partly becos of the free meal after the talk.. lolx.. quite alot of ppl went, and many of us bought some food while waiting for the guest of honour to come.. as usual, when the mp came, we were asked to take pictures.. -.- the talk was quite boring, bt still its quite meaningful.. then when its the question and answer session, the mp set a qs for us to answer.. the qs is actualli wat we are afraid of at the moment.. and the "lucky" thing is tat, the host made me the 1st person to ans tat qs.. i was lyk so shocked, so i kept sayin i dunno.. then the chairman hu was sitting by the side said i am fearless, not afraid of anyting.. lolx.. after the talk, we were given free macdonald meals.. can choose the burger we want, plus fries and drinks.. after eating, i went to visit kylie at popular, since todae is considered the first day she started work.. 1st time i see her wearing all the formal clothes tat she bought.. she looked presentable, bt i tink its her shoes tat make her half kiddy and half mature.. lolx.. i then accompany her to the food court and hv her dinner.. while eatin her jap meal, she was busy tellin me all the things tat she do and encounter during her trainin and working time.. quite interestin, hahax.. btw, tis time i nv used x'mas colours for my blog entry.. =p |