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Saturday, January 27, 2007 went to serangoon JC todae for the chingay parade briefing.. yijia's father had a hard time sending us to tat place as tat JC is located at such a deserted place, lolx.. bt i still want to thank her dad for driving us dere.. =p their auditorium was veri cold, and somemore hv to sit dere for veri long.. luckily, grace is in the same sector as me, or not i will be bored to death, hahax! then behind us is wing, yijia and ah ma.. we were busy laughin at the lame topics, tats why time flies quite fast.. my grp leader is not tat enthu as compared to all other leaders.. we were actualli suppose to decorate our lucky dip box, bt alot of ppl frm 4joy nv bring, so we actualli had a "gathering" at the side of the stage and had fun chatting and taking photos.. bt watever is it, i hope i will enjoy myself at the fundraising event next week.. after the briefing, the gals walked to kovan heartland mall for lunch.. kenny oso tagged along, and he treated the 12 of us to pizza hut!! we ordered a family feast, 2 large pizzas, cocktail drinks, 1 loaf of garlic bread, spicy drumlets and a variety of fried food.. realli enjoyed tat lunch, thnx to kenny lim.. =) after tat, walked around the mall and headed to j8.. we accompanied qh to find for her shoes.. bt after walkin to quite a few shops, she still cant find the suitable ones.. we oso shopped at bum equipment, and grace and vanessa tried on their denim skirts.. went to bubbletea shop aftermaths, and headed home.. =p Wednesday, January 24, 2007 its been such a long time since i blogged.. had a veri fruitful week, and i shall tell u guys all the things tat happened.. last sat, i went to ngee ann polytechnic openhouse.. had a great time dere wif sunneh, shann, lizzie, dine and deedee.. we took 52 bus straight to the poly and went to explore the whole place.. the poly is veri huge, and they are seperated into many different buildings which is actualli veri unique.. the ambassadors led us to the convention centre and collect our free goodie bags.. we oso looked at the booths of many diff courses, and their respective lecturers were dere to answer our questions.. after tat, we queued up for the shuttle bus, and it leads us to diff schools.. we got down the bus when we reached the sch of film and media studies.. we gt to noe how the news reporters worked, how the djs worked inside the studio.. we were oso involved in the video clip, which they wanted to show us how movies always show scenes frm other countries, when actualli they're not even dere to film.. quite fun, and the tour dere was realli fascinating.. our next stop was the sch of business and accountancy.. me and sunneh were veri excited when we reached the booth about tourism and resort management.. we realised tat takin tat course was realli not easy.. last yr's cut off point was 12, and they onli accept 80 students.. tats why, me and sunneh were realli motivated to work harder for our olvls and gt into our dream course.. after tat,i rushed back to bishan community centre to meet qh, grace, jer and sy at the study corner.. we managed to some homework, even though we were busy laughing away.. lolx.. =) and these few days, wang ting kept on pestering our hmt class to go for the mediacorp talkshow hosted by jack neo.. the filming date clashed wif the chingay parade rehearsal.. tats why we were busy explainin to her why we cant go.. despite our explanations, she still write down our names on the paper and asked us to explain to ms nah if we realli cant go.. luckily, ms nah excused me frm tat talkshow after i explained to her.. phew, or not i realli cant imagine myself appearin on tv.. lolx.. =p Friday, January 19, 2007 tis week is a veri tedious one, especially wif all those homework.. poa, chinese, eng, food and nutrition etc.. next week is no better, cos dere will be 3 tests.. boos.. =x and tmr, i will be meeting kylie they all to ngee ann poly openhouse.. after tat, i will be meeting jerlin they all at the national lib to do our hw.. hope we will feel veri motivated to study!! lolx.. Wednesday, January 10, 2007 ystd was my mum's bdae.. so my dad, sis and i treated her to a wonderful dinner.. happy birthday mommy!! lolx.. our first lesson todae was chem.. we did our practical in the lab.. mrs ong was busy arranging our seats according to alphabetical order, cos she wanted us to do individually, jus lyk how it will be during olvls practical.. before the experiment tat we actualli shld hv done last yr, mrs ong explained to us the steps.. although she spend around 2 periods to explain to us tat chim experiment, i tink its quite nice for her to do tat.. at least we wont be lost while doin tat experiment ourselves.. bt of cos dere will still be ppl hu slept thru the whole of mrs ong's explanation, lolx.. bt its quite fun actualli, cos we can use the diff types of apparatus, lyk the pipette and the burette.. and we hv to put a few drops of methyl orange into the solution Q and use solution P to change the colour frm transparent to pale orange.. bt we hv to be veri careful during the experiment, cos an extra drop of solution P will affect the colour of the end product.. we spent so much time on the experiment tat all of us didnt noe tat we missed maths lesson for around 20 mins.. lolx.. we oso did practical for physics.. not tat challenging as chem, bt still quite okay cos we still can connect the wires and batteries, and see how much the iron rod react.. for food and nutrition, we were given our olvls coursework qs.. hv to start researching and do decision making.. our class will be hvin pe tmr.. heard frm other classes tat we will oso be running 1.8km along the canal.. gd luck to us.. Sunday, January 07, 2007 1st day of sch was quite alright.. i miss seeing all the ppl.. my form teacher is still mr chong, bt my chem, ss and pe teachers all changed le.. frm mrs yap to mrs ong, mr marican to ms ros and mr chua to ms chng.. it could be quite a good change, as we dun realli dare to make so much noise in class.. bt for my chinese, frm mrs lim to wang ting.. *sad case* the 1st thing mr chong said before we greeted him is "we hv to get ready for olvls, blah blah blah".. we expected him to say tat aniwae, bt we didnt noe he will remind us the 1st thing early in the morning.. mr chong oso laughed at himself when he saw our expression, lolx.. timetable was horrible tis time.. the latest time to go home for my class is 5.35pm.. each lesson has been extended to 45mins, and recess oso changed to 11.15am.. =x when its time to go for chinese lesson, me and xin ran went around the whole sch to find our class, cos we didnt noe hu is our new teacher at 1st.. at last we found our class, and we were so surprised to see tat wang ting is actualli the one..! her lesson was boring, and her expressions are realli funny.. i was busy controlling myself not to laugh when she told us stories.. the thought of it nw makes me feel lyk launghin again.. hahax! next week is the day when the teachers will start to teach and rush thru all the topics.. its time i buck up and score well in my olvls! 3 cheers!! =) Monday, January 01, 2007 happy 2007!! hope everything will go smoothly for us tis yr.. lolx.. aniwae, i had a great time wif kylie and yy ystd.. although we didnt go to the esplanade for countdown in the end, we still had a veri memorable one.. they accompany me to bugis street to find for my new sch bag.. bt after searchin for quite a few shops, i still cant find those tat are suitable for sch.. bt kylie managed to buy a blouse frm dere, her new yr clothing.. lolx.. and finally, i found a suitable bag frm the wallet shop.. veri nice, bt abit ex.. =p after tat, we proceeded to cineleisure to buy our movie tickets, death note 2.. we oso went to suki sushi to eat.. we ordered quite alot of food lyk steamed tofu, miso soup, unagi, gyoza and salmon.. eat until we feel so bloated, hahax! and in between our eating time, we oso exchanged our belated x'mas presents.. i gt kylie's present, which consists of a veri cute 3 musketeers notebk and a teddy bear.. yy gt my present, a voice recorder elephant plushie, jelly beans and a x'mas card.. as me and kylie are super crappy, we recorded the moon's song inside the plushie for yy to hear.. lolx.. death note 2 is realli veri exciting, bt the ending is abit sad.. too bad dun hv part 3, or not i will surely go and watch, lolx.. after watchin the movie at around 8plus, we followed kylie to j8's poh kim.. being a korean drama addict, kylie bought another vcd in tat 50% sale.. after tat, we went to buy ben and jerry's chocolate fudge wif brownie ice-cream, and go kylie's hse and celebrate.. we switched on the tv to channel 5, and watched the live telecast of the countdown at vivo city.. kylie's dad oso prepared for us an alcoholic drink, something lyk vodka wif 7-up.. after the countdown, yy went to sleep first, while me and kylie were watchin korean shows frm the laptop.. bt the wasted thing is tat, halfway thru the show, the com hanged, and we were told tat its becos the disc is dirty or spoilt.. so in the end, we oso sleep frm 1 plus midnight all the way to 10 plus in the morning.. -.- ate breakfast together at the nearby coffee shop, and went to yy's hse to play monopoly wif her little bro.. her brother is forever so enthu and energetic, esp during the game when he dun allow us to buy his fav properties.. lolx.. cant believe we're goin back to sch in around 29hrs later.. hv to wake up early again, and attend lessons.. *faints* |