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Monday, February 26, 2007 chingay parade is super duper fun!! i nv regretted volunteering in tis event.. at first, me and grace thought tat the our sector is veri boring.. bt as time goes by, we realised tat our grp members are actualli veri friendly and enthu, especially during the last two days.. i miss playin the "abc" game wif them.. =p after the chingay parade officially ended, me, grace, ah ma, qh, ly, kenny, vanessa and jocelin went to cheers and bought cup noodles to eat, before headin to the after parade party.. we wanted to play in those kiddy rides, bt by the time we reached dere, it's oredi too late as they're closing soon.. so we decided to go cine and watched a midnight movie (Ghost Riders) at 2.15am instead.. while waiting to watch the movie, we sat at the tables outside a cafe and played the "abc" game, lolx.. we realli laughed lyk nobody's business, esp the part when we hv to hit each other.. after the movie, we went to mac and started our gossiping session till around 6am, before we took the first train back to bishan.. and all i can say is tat it's realli nice hangin out wif them.. *giggles* and now i shall let the pictures do the job by telling u guys more about my whole chingay experience.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, February 19, 2007 chinese new yr had been great for me tis yr.. i realli enjoyed myself especially the overnight stay at my second ah ma's hse (my mum's side).. during the 1st day of the cny, i visited my first ah ma's hse (my dad's side).. as usual, we'll sit around, take family portraits, eat the goodies and watch tv.. i remembered watchin the guinness world records, and dere was 1 part tat made us felt disgusted: a woman showing to us how she can pop up her eyes to a few centimetres!! and as u can see, it's actualli quite boring at tat place, since we're not tat close to them.. after tat, my parents brought me and my sis to a few temples and pray, and we proceeded to my second ah ma's hse.. i was busy playin polka cards, chit chattin wif my cousins.. we oso ate our reunion dinner together the next day and took lots of pictures before goin home.. =) 2 days of chinese new yr seem to go past so quickly.. i will be goin to my uncle's place to eat steamboat tmr, and sch will resume again the following day.. =x Saturday, February 17, 2007 i went to yijia's hse early in the morning wif sy and jerlin.. we played xbox and took pictures, lolx.. bani came to join us after tat, and we went j8 for our lunch and took neoprints.. it's been a long time since we took neos, tats why we were quite excited about it.. =) tis yr, my reunion dinner starts veri early, 5.30pm.. so my family hv to reach dere veri early as the restaurant is so far away.. so tats all ppl, happy chinese new yr in advance! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday, February 10, 2007 went to the chingay briefing again at SR jc.. as we were veri early when we reached dere, me, sy, yijia and wing went to the playground and play.. it's been a long time since i played on the swing, lolx.. we had our overall briefing in the hall, and the person in charge started calling out some sector numbers, includin my sector.. we felt abit awkward cos we had to stand up in front of all the ppl.. after tat, we were told tat we're goin to be the ones hu manage the vips.. we oso received our official chingay tshirts, which are meant for us to wear on the actual day itself.. it is white in colour and the patterns printed at the side is pretty! after the briefing, i went for lunch wif the gals at plaza sing since dere isnt much food to eat at kovan.. we oso shopped at daiso after eating, and most of us were busy choosing our nail polishes and nail art.. arcade was our next stop, and we had fun playin the house of the dead and bishi bashi.. we oso bought earrings frm fresh profusion at doby ghaurt exchange.. vanessa is as usual takin pics of herself and our candid shots wif her digital cam, hahax! grace and jer went home first, while the rest of us accompany qh to bugis to look for her clothes and shoes.. we were lyk laughin non stop at a particular subject, while walkin to bugis village.. as it is a weekend, bugis street is extremely packed wif ppl.. so in the end, we decided to go OG instead, cos we wanted to enjoy the aircon.. qh found the type of shoes she wanted at the nearby stores and bought it.. we took bus 56 back to bishan, and its the first time i dun feel uncomfortable sitting in a bus.. everybody noes tat i gt a phobia in takin buses cos of the continuous jerking of the bus.. maybe becos i had a gd laugh inside the bus, tats why my destination seemed to reach veri fast.. we created so much jokes, until ah ma laughed non stop for no reason, lolx.. i still hv to wake up early tmr for the smrt cram jam competition, which means i'll miss my poa tution.. so goodbye ppl! ![]() Wednesday, February 07, 2007 last week was especially busy especially when i was out during the weekends.. i shall start wif wat i did on sat.. i meet up wif sunneh and mooneh at op, as yy wants to buy a skirt frm dere.. we actualli wanted to go far east and shop, bt we went cathay instead to eat ben and jerry's ice cream.. the train was so crowded as usual, bt the situation became worse when the train stopped at toa payoh.. a woman was busy pushin us, so tat she can come in.. =x we headed to this fashion before goin to cathay.. we had fun tryin on the clothes, even though the queue is veri long.. we spend around 2hrs dere, and i bought a top, mooneh a skirt again and sunneh a top and a cardigan.. next stop was ben and jerry's ice cream shop.. the furnishing dere is realli nice, and their ice cream is realli worth tryin.. i bought waffle cone, wif 2 scoops of ice cream, sweet cookies and cream ad strawberry shortcake.. yy was busy helpin me to take photos of the shop until she disappeared, lolx.. we thought yy kena kidnapped cos she was standin near the exit door before tat and she nv picked up our call.. finally, kylie saw her waving at us frm a veri far distance.. lost and found! =p jus then, i saw 3 guys laughin and even pointed at yy.. when i looked closer, i saw 1 of the guys posing and smiling at the camera yy was holdin.. he mus be thinkin tat yy wans to take picture of him, lolx.. how bhb can he gt.. after tat, we rushed to toa payoh and meet shimmie.. we took a bus to serangoon gardens and meet nisha.. tat was the time when the bdae surprise plan start! we entered deedee's hse thru the backdoor to gif her a surprise! deedee didnt noe tat we're coming at first, tats why she was realli shocked when she saw us.. the whole surprise was actualli planned by her mum, and so we're the accomplices, lolx.. deedee brought us around the hse to explore.. i cant believe tat she still kept the breezer bottle tat she drank during's yy bdae chalet, lolx.. the food was yummy, especially the samosa and the fried fish.. we took a few photos after tat, and started to play "heart attack" usin poka cards.. we realli laughed till our heads off during the game as the cards are all flyin around.. finally it was time when we sing bdae song for her.. we saw how sweet and loving her family are, when they feed each other bits of bdae cake usin their hands, and how they gave each other a big hug.. had a veri fun time dere.. ( a photo for u all to see.. =p) ![]() ![]() credits to yy, hu used photoshop to edit the original pic.. =) ok, tat all for sat and nw i shall talk about wat i did on sun.. had poa tution in the morning and rushed to buzz to meet qh they all.. we took a train to cineleisure and settled our lunch dere.. we're realli tempted to shop at dere, bt too bad, we cant do tat.. we nid to report at youth park for the chingay fund raising day.. me and grace were lyk so lost, cos our assistant leader doesnt seem to noe wat r we supposed to do.. luckily we gt singyee they all to help us wif the sorting out of the teddy bears, bkmarks, tissue packets, chocolates and the lucky dip coupons.. it was especially tough askin ppl to donate, bt fun when ppl contributed 1 buck and had their lucky dip.. i remembered a man hu was quite contented to gt a packet of tissue as reward, and started to joke tat he thought he will win a car, lolx.. me and grace kept walking around for donations, and dere was a place where a new starbucks coffee store was newly opened.. they were givin out free cups of ice coffee for ppl to try.. as me and grace were thirsty, we joined in the crowd, and gt the coffee.. =p finally, it was time to go back to our reporting place and returned our donation bags.. although we're realli tired, bt come to think of it, we actualli helped some of the youths to become champians thru the heartwork network fund raising.. =) Thursday, February 01, 2007 lolx, guess wat i did on 28th jan? i went to fahrenheit's mini concert at kbox union! me and yijia took a cab to cineleisure straight after tution, and met up wif jocelin and jiying.. we actualli wanted to queue up, bt tat person in charge started to chase us away and asked us to come back at 1pm sharp.. we gt no choice bt to camp at the lift.. we all squeezed at 1 corner of the lift wif all the other fans, and pressed all the levels frm 1 to 9, and the lift went up and down for around 10 times? u'll be shocked to noe tat all the 4 lifts inside cine are all fully booked by fahrenheit's fans.. =p at first, we're not allowed to enter the concert, unless we bought the s.h.e's package.. bt we didnt gif up, still kept on waiting at the staircase, hoping tat they will gif us a chance to enter.. jacq came to join us after tat, and we waited together.. finally, the staff said tat they allow those ppl hu has the kbox member card to enter.. however, onli yijia and jiying gt the card, so we started to cheat by askin them to pass the card to us.. while i managed to pass the card to jocelin, the staff found out and did not allow her to go in.. so we passed the card to her thru the small little hole at the door, and she managed to come in.. the atmosphere inside was so high when kbox played the mtvs of fahrenheit.. we started to sing along, and when they realli appeared infront of us, everybody screamed lyk mad.. they realli looked so handsome, especially wu zhun!! they sang three songs in total, and everybody were busy taking photos and sang aloud wif them.. a veri nice concert, bt i cant believe i actualli waited and spent around 4hrs dere jus to see fahrenheit.. lolx, i'm seriously crazy.. bt watever is it, i tink its still quite alrite since they onli come to singapore once in a while and i realli had fun dere.. after the whole concert, the rest went home, while me, jacq and yijia had our lunch at yoshinoya.. i even went to plaza sing after lunch to meet up wif sunneh and mooneh.. we shopped around at daiso, where we bought alot of jap snacks.. we oso went to pmk to buy clothes, since dere is a storewide 30% dis if we use yy's membership card.. we were busy tryin on the clothes and i bought myself a veri unique collar tee.. yy bought a top tat has a gal playin wif a rabbit printed on the shirt.. we even accompanied yy to P.O.A and she bought a shirt of the moon, lolx.. it will surely be a perfect scenery if dere is a coconut tree and carrots!! hahaha! some photos for u all to see: ![]() ![]() ![]() |