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Monday, April 23, 2007 went to celebrate yijia's bdae at her hse in advance ystd.. the bbq party was fun, for the fact tat we bbq food for those "pampered children" lyk leonard, kuo junn, singyee, jacq, aneza to eat, lolx.. those independant ppl hu did the bbq were none other than me, kylie, yy, liangyu, youhuai and maybe kenny although he didnt helped much, lolx.. *3 cheers to us* aniwae, we played wif water at the side of the swimming pool, and were busy taking photos.. while we were in the midst of playin, the security guard came.. he said tat if we wan to play wif the water, we hv to put on our swimming costumes cos the ppl are complaining about our behaviour.. since we cant go into the waters, we went to the playground and played marco polo.. =p finally it's time for yijia to cut the bdae cake.. we sang bdae songs for her and even played marco polo at the playground again before we headed home.. aniwae, thanx yijia for inviting us to the party! here are some of the pics tat we took: ![]() best friends forever! ![]() does tis looked lyk a family portrait? lolx.. ![]() yijia's bdae cake.. yummy.. ![]() taken wif the bdae gal.. Saturday, April 21, 2007 ystd was our sch's founder's day.. cant believe kcp already had 83 yrs of history.. we even had an assignment to complete during chapel period, about writing a letter to mr atherton.. since it's founder's day, dere was no cca, so me, vanessa and jer went bugis and shopped.. the clothes they sold dere were veri pretty, bt too bad i cant spend much on them since i hv to leave some money for other shopping trips after common tests, so i jus bought a pair of earrings, a top and a ring.. the ring is super cute cos dere is a packet of macdonald fries on it.. the fries is handmade usin cloth , so its considered quite rare.. and since dere are onli 3 macdonald rings left, each of us bought 1 each.. bt tat ring is not bought frm bugis village, is frm a new shopping place tat i jus found out called the icon.. went to bugis junction and take neos.. its my first time takin neos dere, cos i took neos at j8 or cine most of the time.. tat machine is quite interestin cos dere are 2 cameras, one is for half body shots and the other is for full body shots.. we shopped for awhile before we had our dinner at pastamania.. the mrt ride back home is super funny, cos we were busy jacking each other, hahahahas.. aniwae, here are some of the pics tat we took.. i wonder why tis pic made me tink of fahrenheit whenever i looked at it, lolx.. twists =) Saturday, April 14, 2007 went studyin wif grace, qh, ly and jer.. we went for our lunch at long johns before headin to the cc study room.. the room is fully booked by the ppl, wif their bags on the tables and chairs.. we gt no choice bt to sit on the sofas and try to do our hw.. as the atmosphere is realli too quiet for us to chat and do hw without a proper table, we went off to the study corner under the void deck.. it was much better, bt its quite warm without the fans.. the fans seem to have spoilt months ago, with all the dust collected on the cover, and no one even bother to repair them.. after studyin for around 4hrs, we packed up and went to drink bubble tea.. we oso played awhile at the arcade before we headed home.. =) Friday, April 13, 2007 happy international friendship day to all my friends!! =) todae, all the sec 4s had their bazaar in the canteen.. our class sold italian soda and i can say the business is quite gd during both the recess.. its a pity tat we didnt sell after sch, or not we could hv earned more.. bt at least our hard work paid off as we earned a profit of $125.45, which will be donated to the boys brigade's cip.. i had my chinese prelim's oral ystd, under chen tat guang again, lolx.. i was quite tensed up during my chi oral, which i oso dunno why is it so when i was so relaxed during my eng oral.. the funny thing is tat when mr chen said his first sentence of askin me whether i'm ready to read the passage, his voice went out of tone.. i tried to control myself frm laughin, and my oral seems to end faster than the rest.. grace was lyk laughin away cos she didnt expect me to say so fast, and she onli managed to practise the passage once.. =p Saturday, April 07, 2007 went bowling at marina bay wif ah ma, grace, ly, qh, jocelin, kenny, vanessa and hwei shyan todae.. during the 1st game, i created the biggest joke of the day.. tis is how the whole story goes: the first few times i bowl, it was extremely lousy cos the ball always landed into the drain.. when i finally realised my mistake, i decided to realli chiong in my score.. without hesitation, i jus bowled and tis time wif my hand straight when i threw the ball.. and can u believe it, i gt a strike!!!! jus then, jocelin came to me, gave me a faint smile, and said, "why r u helping me to get a strike?" tis shows how blur am i.. -.-" of cos, i played so much better in the 2nd game.. at least the ball managed to hit a few pins, and i gt scored another srike.. after bowling, we went to the arcade and play.. the machines they hv are super nice!! especially the new version of daytona, we can actualli move along wif the car.. which means the seat of the car will also move when u turn right or left.. and happy to say, when me, ah ma and kenny played in the second game, i won kenny and gt a 2nd place!! we also played another car game, in which the camera will take our photos and as we drive on the road, we'll see both u and ur opponent's faces on the screen.. we went to another arcade after tat, and played some shooting games and danced in the para para machine.. wanted to go to the true love concert at the church, bt we decided not to go, as we're too tired.. we went to amk hub after tat, and went to the nearby sumo restaurant to eat japanese food.. its realli worth it, cos the food they sell is cheap and nice and there r many varieties for us to choose frm.. we actuali wanted to go jocelin's hse and play, bt we didnt go in the end cos some of us are lazy to take bus all the way to dere, and still nid to take bus and go back home.. so we might as well go hme and watch tv, go online and slacked, lolx.. Friday, April 06, 2007 haha, todae last minute went to seoul garden wif kenny, liangyu and grace.. we ate frm 11.40am, all the way to around 3 plus.. we took alot of garlic and terriyaki chicken, clams and the shrinkable squid, lolx.. after eatin, we went far east to shop for awhile.. wanted to take neos, bt we dun realli lyk the machines, so we decided to go back j8 and take.. we shopped for awhile, before we leave the place.. the 1st time the neos tat we took were not tat nice, cos dere are ppl usin the machine while we're designing the pics.. we decided to take again in a different machine, bt tis time kenny paid for us.. obviously tis time the pics turn out quite well, since we can take our own sweet time to design the neos.. we headed to funland after tat, and played daytona and photohunt.. kenny always make me frm the second to the last, thnx to his max.. the max is super powerful cos the car will go faster than turbo, and even if the car was crashed, it will still fly to ur opponent's car and u can still catch up.. grace left first, while we continued to play daytona and the drum machine.. the drum machine was fun, and i'm in charge of stepping the "paddle", while they used the sticks to hit the drums.. we oso bought bbt and drank at the playground before heading home.. =) 6th april, good friday.. double-quality humans.. =) ready, get set, go!!! =p we nv even looked at the camera.. wat a candid shot, lolx.. Wednesday, April 04, 2007 went popular jus nw wif ly, grace, qh, vanessa and ah ma.. i recommended them the maths assessment bk tat i bought tat time, wif all the practice qs wif solutions.. each of them bought 1 each, while i bought the maths ten yr series.. as the books they displayed at the top are all crumpled, we tried to lift the books up, and took the ones below.. while we are putting back the books to the original place, a worker dere started to complain and said why are we choosing the bks when all the bks are the same.. i felt lyk tellin him tat u cant blame the customers for choosing the books, since the way they arranged the bks are so untidy, making the books torn and crumpled.. *rahhs* after buyin the bks, we went to drink bbt and almost laughed all the way, lolx.. aniwae, shimmie jus sent me the remainin photos we took tat day, so i decided to upload them here.. happy browsing! kylie look blur in tis photo, lolx.. Tuesday, April 03, 2007 had f n n practical jus nw, and my team did longtong and lime juice.. we actualli wanted to make claypot rice and chin chow, bt too bad, they're taken.. quite fun actualli, cos i get to use tat mini rice cooker and pounder for the first time.. when mrs tham came to our table and spot check, she said why we nv soak the dried chillies.. guess wat me, ah ma, and jer said.. we replied tat is her recipe's fault, nv tell us wat to do in details.. it onli tells us to pound everyting together, which proves tat its a lousy recipe.. lolx!! at first mrs tham did not believe wat we said, bt in the end, when she finished lookin thru the recipe, she was lyk givin us a faint smile.. =p while we're about to complete our coursework, mrs teo came in and seemed to be orderin mrs tham to do things.. she was telling mrs tham to judge our performance properly, nagged at us to cooperate wif the teachers and complained about our noises, which she claimed tat she can hear frm next door.. mrs tham tried to help us by sayin tat we oredi did two dishes todae, bt mrs teo said she dun care about how many dishes we made in an impatient tone.. mrs tham had no choice bt to keep noddin her head while mrs teo jus kept naggin.. i guess we're getting tired of all those naggings which are repeated again and again.. .. .. =x luckily, dere are still some things to look forward to tis week, lyk goin to seoul garden on gd fri and bowling at marina bay tis sat.. haha, it realli seems lyk its the end of olvls and everybody is busy thinkin of how to spend their hoildays.. =) |