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Saturday, June 30, 2007 wondering how's my oral ystd? continue readin and u'll noe wat exactly happened.. the sitting arrangement tis time was veri different frm last yr.. we are supposed to wait on the stage at first.. when its our turn to practice reading, we hv to walk down the stage and sit infront of the teacher, and read till a certain time.. after the time is up, we're supposed to walk further down and sit on a chair again, and look out for the examiner to signal to us.. the examiners consist of a male and female.. the guy looked veri serious, while the gal was busy smiling at me.. the reading part was still okay, bt the conversation part, i tink i could do better if i was not tat nervous.. the topic was about helpin the poor wif donations frm the public.. the guy prompted me wif tis qs, "if i hv the money, will i donate them to the poor?".. i replied him wif tis silly ans, "i will donate to them, reason is becos if one day i am veri poor, i will oso hope tat ppl will donate to me generously.".. upon hearing the ans, i saw the teachers smiling away.. probably they are laughing at the childish way tat i answered their qs.. after the oral, i oso heard frm my classmates tat they were oso veri nervous, tats why they either asked the guy to repeat the qs again, or explain to them the qs.. the funny thing is tat, even though i understood wat he said, the guy will explain to me automatically after the qs he asked.. maybe i gt the blur face, tats why the the teacher thought i dun understand wat he was sayin, lolx.. bt watever is it, the oral is over.. hope everybody can do well and gt a good grade.. =) Friday, June 29, 2007 wow, tis is my 150th post.. i didnt noe i had oredi blogged for so many times.. we realli hv to accept our fate and bear wif it till olvls are officlially over.. =xaniwae, tis few days, i had been busy wif all the e-learnin stuff and goin for extra lessons when other ppl were having their camps.. bt i had fun doin the chemistry practicals ystd, as we can do experiments wif all the unknown X and Y, lolx.. and frm next week onwards, the sec 4s are goin to hv remedial lessons everyday after sch for almost all the subjects.. looks lyk we can onli accept our fate and bear wif it till olvls are officially over.. =x and i will be having my olvl chi oral later, so wish me gd luck! =) Saturday, June 23, 2007 pheww, finally i'm back home.. i had been out since 1.45pm, as i went to kylie's hse to do our maths tution hw together.. when its time to go for our tution, we bought our grass jelly drink and waited for our bus to come.. and i'm happy to say tat i finally got the chance to board the 54 music bus!!! my first time sitting inside and i tink the furniture inside are realli nice, lolx.. as soon as my tution ended, i rushed off to meet singyee, yijia and kenny for bani's surprise bdae party at her hse.. her sis organised the whole party, and we were busy helpin her to decorate the whole hse wif balloons and some wordings.. we got ready all the party poppers and spray cans, so tat we can spray on bani when her mum opened the door.. we had a fun time surprising bani when she got home, and we sang a bdae song her while she was cutting the cake.. although we hv to wait quite some time before our dinner was being served, i still think its veri worth it as the curry and bee hoon they cooked were realli yummy.. however, i sort of made a fool of myself dere.. cos while i was lookin for a place to throw my plate away, i saw a big container tat realli resembles a dustbin.. i nearly dropped the plate inside until i saw some clothes lying in the container.. tat was when i realized tat was not a dustbin, bt a container to store all the clothes.. the thing was so funny tat even i myself oso laughed, hahax! bt overall, i had a great time time dere, especially wif my close friends.. =) Friday, June 22, 2007 wohoos, went to the palawan beach at sentosa todae wif yijia, bani and singyee.. its been a long time since we went for an outing together.. we paid 3 bucks for the 2- way monorail train ride, and i tink is super worth it, since we can see all the nice scenery of sentosa during the ride.. at first we were quite confused about the way to walk to palawan beach.. bt we asked some ppl for directions, and we finally reached the palawan beach!! we found a perfect spot under the coconut trees and ate the mee goreng tat singyee cooked [tastes nice, jus tat its abit too spicy].. me and yijia oso bought the XXL chicken frm taiwan street and the "money bag" frm old chang kee.. after having our mini picnic, we walked to the suspension bridge tat links ppl to the Southernmost Point of Continental Asia.. we started cam-whoring wif our cameras, and oso played some ball games inside the waters.. i realli enjoyed myself dere, and we promised to go dere again after our olvls, lolx.. see u again, sentosa!! =) Thursday, June 21, 2007 went to marina bay and bowl wif grace, ah ma, liangyu and jocelin ystd.. my bowling skills improved by abit, compared to the last time.. the 1st game i gt the forth position, and third position for the second game.. the funny thing is tat whenever i roll the ball for the second time, the machine will hang, which means tat i can roll the ball for the third time.. tats why, i got quite a few strikes and spares, lolx.. and becos of all the incidents tat happened whenever i roll the ball, they called me the ''hang queen''.. =p played the special daytona at the arcade beside the bowling place.. ah ma and liangyu was leadin, while i was driving veri closely behind them.. and suddenly, both of their cars went to the pit beside the track, so i managed to catch up and came in first!! hahax! we oso went to the arcade at doby ghuart mrt to play the basketball machine.. we oso went to pc bunk to looked at those maplers killing those high-lvl monsters in an unknown map.. ok, tats all for now.. i gtg watch tv.. Monday, June 18, 2007 went to sch to do my f & n tis morning.. at first all of us tot onli left wif the evaluation to do, in the end, mrs tham last min asked us to do tis and tat, make us so confused and irritated, lolx.. bt dere are still some jokes inside the com lab, so the whole session was still quite okay.. rush back home after tat, changed to my home clothes before i headed to amk hub to meet kylie and yy.. it's been a long time since i met up wif the mooneh, bt kylie, i met up wif her every week since we're in the same tution class, lolx.. watched fantastic 4 at the newly-opened cathay cinema.. their seating arrangement is lyk those in the stadium, from the highest to lowest, so the view of the show was quite gd.. aniwae, the movie was realli exciting, especially the part when the four of them, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben solve the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom.. after the movie, we shopped for awhile at amk hub before we headed back to j8.. kylie and i accompanied yy to the arcade to play her kof machine.. the funny thing is tat whenever yy wans to play against the com, dere will always be a challenger coming in to compete wif her, lolx.. yy was super addicted to the game, cos she played tat machine for quite a long time.. after playing, we went to the basement to buy our dinner frm taiwan street.. hahax, so tats all for todae.. hv to go back sch again tmr to finish up my coursework and pass up by 12pm cos mrs tham has to leave after her meeting.. and 2hrs later, we'll be having our e-learning training.. =x Sunday, June 17, 2007 happy father's day to all dads out dere, lolx.. i jus came back frm dinner wif my family to celebrate father's day.. my sis, mum and i paid for the dinner, and we ate till super full.. =p tmr hv to go sch again to pass up the evaluation of my coursework.. hope mrs tham approve and dun find faults on my work, cos I realli spent lots of time doin all the thinking and typing.. and most probably, i will be watching movie wif the "horny gals" tmr.. its been a long time since we 3 hang out together.. =) Thursday, June 14, 2007 went shopping wif ah ma, grace, ly and qh todae.. our meetin time was 12, so i leave hse at around 11.45 jus in case i will be late again and qh will surely nag at me, lolx.. while waiting for grace and ah ma to come, i realised i left my wallet at home, so i ran all the way back home to take.. although ah ma was still later than me, i still tink i'm not fated to be early, which means i shall be late next time, hahax.. our 1st stop was to amk hub.. nt much to shop, bt we settled our lunch dere.. while walking back to the mrt, qh suddenly asked me to go for ear-piercing wif her.. although i wanted to gt a 2nd earhole for my right ear, i was still not prepared for it.. so in the end, we decided to come again if we realli wan to pierce our ear.. we went to bugis after tat, to find for qh's shoes and bag.. ah ma bought a handbag, while qh gt her shoes and her bag.. since we still hv quite some time for more shopping, we went to the tis fashion next to PS to look for clothes.. bt duuno why, todae didnt manage to see anything nice frm dere.. although i lyk the bubble skirt, bt i did not buy.. at least, i gt some nail products from DAISO, so it was not realli a wasted trip afterall.. went to back to j8 and bought some sushi before we headed home to watch 原点.. =) Tuesday, June 12, 2007 went out wif ah ma, jerlin and vanessa todae.. we went to the grand cathay and watch the movie, men in white.. the movie was realli funny, and almost everybody were laughing lyk mad.. i still rmb whenever the big size guy 'pop' out, ppl will surely laugh, hahax! after the movie, we went to PS to shop for awhile.. bt there was nothing much for us to see over dere, so we decided to go orchard and shop.. went to the toy fair at ngee ann city, and i saw lots of winnie the pooh plushies, my fav.. we oso went to buy some doughnuts frm taka, and all i can say is tat they were realli yummy.. it does not taste lyk bread, bt the texture is lyk abit "crispy".. the rest of us went over to far east, while vanessa went home first cos she gt tution.. we spent quite some time at the accessories shop, looking at the rings and nail polish.. and i finally bought my mini mirror, lolx.. we settled our dinner at lucky plaza, cos jerlin wans to introduce the food court's fried fish bee hoon to us.. the fried fish were realli crispy, and i tot they taste lyk nuggets, lolx.. ok, i gtg do my F & N workbook.. i'm jus left wif a few more chapters to complete the whole entire book, whee.. =) Sunday, June 10, 2007 todae woke up veri early to help up in the bishan family day wif my mum.. i'm supposed to put the items inisde the goodie bag, so tat ppl can collect them wif the coupon.. it was quite tiring, bt its quite interestin cos dere were quite alot of things for me to laugh, lolx.. after tat, i went out wif my parents to chinatown.. i went to the newly-opened Buddha Tooth Relic Temple.. the whole building looks realli magnificient, and standing frm the outside, it seems lyk i'm in china, lolx.. i went to shop for my shoes aftermaths, and i finally found my perfect heels frm OG.. its white in colour and the usual price for it is actualli 39.. bt since its great singapore sale, after discount, it cost 23 bucks onli.. =)) met singyee and jerlin at around 6plus and went to the UK funfair together.. at least we tot we can enjoy free rides wif the tokens, in the end, the tokens are jus for a discount on the rides.. jer left after tat, cos she said her mum would scold her if she spent money on rides.. me and singyee stayed on, and jacq came to meet us.. after careful comsideration, we decided to play the roller coaster and bumper car.. singyee did not joined us for the roller coaster ride, so onli me and jacq went.. both of us were screaming all the way, even the woman sitting next to us oso laugh, hahax.. the bumper car ride wif singyee was fun, and it was my first time playin tat.. aniwae, here are the photos we took together.. me, singyee and jacq.. i shall go up and try the ferris wheel one day.. .. i wanted to play tis ride, bt singyee did not wan cos she tinks tis ride seems lame.. so in the end, none of them played wif me.. =( me and jacq on the roller coaster.. =p we gt banged by other ppl, lolx.. tis froggy is so cute, haha.. Thursday, June 07, 2007 had my f&n practical exam todae.. came quite early to sch to collect all the ingredients needed for my dish.. the reason why i went dere so early is becos i was afraid tat all my ingredients will be gone, jus lyk last yr, when i reached class earlier by ten mins, almost half of the things were already taken away, lolx.. it was quite rushing for us, as we onli had around 2 hrs to cook 3 dishes, which include preparing all the ingredients and washing up.. my char kway teow was abit too salty [tats wat mrs tham say, although i dun realli agree, lolx..], the noodles of the wonton mee were so soggy and the bubur chacha too dilluted.. =x bt i tink i still can pass, cos the taste of the dishes were still dere.. hahax! if onli i noe i can cook macaroni soup [my speciality], i will definitely use tat as my main dish.. .. .. aniwae, here are the photos of my 3-dish meal.. Tuesday, June 05, 2007 went out wif singyee and yijia todae.. our 1st top was amk hub, and each of us bought a top was IP Zone.. our next stop was to bugis, and we met up wif jerlin.. surprisingly, i bought nothing much frm dere, except a pair of earrrings.. wanted to buy my heels and handbag, bt didnt saw those tat i lyk.. took neos after tat, and we purposely find those tat we can sit, cos our legs are aching after all the shopping.. after tat, we went to toa payoh.. walked around the shoe shops, bt still did not find those tat i lyk.. bt its okay, i shall look for my shoes and handbag again next time.. =) Sunday, June 03, 2007 todae is realli a great day, cos my mum bought for me a bag frm trendy zone.. the handles of my old bag are goin to break anytime, so i decided to get a new bag for the brand new term, lolx.. for the next five days, i tink i will be super busy wif my f n n coursework and i will be doin my practical exam.. so wish me good luck! =) |