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Friday, August 31, 2007 had teacher's day celebration todae.. a short clip was shown during assembly, and 1 of the part was made by the graduatin classes.. we were told to say "happy teachers' day.. u're the best.." and clapped as loud as we can.. although dere were many problems of us not sayin the phrase during the 1st few tries, it was quite funny afterall.. =p actualli we were supposed to go bishan park and hv picnic within our class.. bt due to the 'reliable weather forecast' tat told us tat it will rain in the morning, the picnic and the race was cancelled.. is lyk even though everything was cancelled, we still hv to walk to bishan park and walk back to sch.. after tat, we still hv to go back to form teacher's homeroom and wait till 12.30.. mr chong let us sign on his class t-shirt, and obviously ppl will remind him bout the c.p.e barring ppl frm exams for 3 yrs, lolx.. headed to pri sch after tat.. saw quite a few ex-classmates and chatted wif mdm teo for awhile.. i explored the sch compound wif the gals, and realised tat dere were quite a few changes in the classroom block.. walkin around the sch realli makes me miss my pri sch life alot.. =) ate at mos, and played at funland.. played mario kart for the 1st time.. kenny bought for us the card to record our achievements for every race tat u play.. the game is reallia ddictive, especially wif all the cute characters and graphics.. i lyk toad the best!! his mushroom cap makes it look so cute, lolx.. Monday, August 27, 2007 todae is the 1st day of prelims.. while ppl r hving their amaths paper, me, jer, ah ma, grace, singyee and abbi sat at one table and started doin some revison on chem.. most of us are busy studyin organic chem, cos its the hardest chapter among all.. bt in the end, the paper did not even hv 1 qs bout macromolecules.. i realli dun understand why mrs ong set the paper until so difficult, when she herself did not even teach us much.. the "best" thing she did was to throw us notes and ask us to read.. when we ask her how to ans some of the qs in the ws, she will always tell us to refer to the notes tat she gave.. if her notes hv the ans, would we even ask her in the 1st place? -.- and since we cant depend much on our teacher, we mus work doubly hard by ourselves and master chem.. =) Thursday, August 23, 2007 my eyes hurt, so did some of my classmates.. hope everybody will recover soon and get ready for the upcoming prelims.. =) Sunday, August 19, 2007 jus reached home after celebrating yy's bdae in advance.. at first when kylie n yy told me tat they want to watch 'transformers', i was quite reluctant to go as i am totally not interested in watchin those robots moving around.. bt after some thoughts, i decided to go cos i tink i shld respect the bdae gal's decision, lolx.. and yup, the movie was realli nicer than wat i tot, cos the sound effects and graphics are great.. accompanied yy to the arcade after tat.. she was busy playin the kof machine, while me and kylie sat at one corner to play nitendo.. stoned dere for one hr, and we went to swensens for our dinner, together wif yy's family!!! my fish baked rice was yummy, and thnx to yy's mum, hu treated us to tis meal.. we went back to the arcade again, and watched yy's little bro play the mario kart.. the way he tip-toe and wanted to take a picture of himself wif the machine's camera, his screamings at the top of his voice and the hi-5s when he gt the 1st position in the race were realli cute.. we kept laughin throughout and had lots of fun.. =) and since i tink i wont be goin online for the next few days, i shall wish yy a HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY in advance.. <33 Monday, August 13, 2007 todae is a great day for me.. reason cos i gt an A2 for my olvl chi, lolx!!! the first time i took the paper was when i took hmt, and i gt a b3.. not contented by the reults, i decided to retake.. luckily, tis time i gt improve by 1 grade, hahax.. =) then after sch, had my olvls eng oral.. i hope i didnt screwed up my oral, cos i was rather nervous tat time.. one of the testers was a causasion, and i tink he looked lyk the guy hu noe how to speak chi and promoting the bak kua for the company in the 'i not stupid' show, wahahaha! aniwae, cheer up to those ppl hu didnt score well tis time.. i'm sure u guys will oso improve by a few grades when u all retake at the end of the yr.. jiayou! Saturday, August 11, 2007 studied at the bishan library wif jerlin.. i was busy doin my maths tution hw, while jerlin read abit of chem and ss.. bt at the later part, she started to lose concentration, and was "admiring" the food in the cookbooks, lolx.. we left the lib at around two hrs later, cos jerlin kept pestering me to eat lunch wif her as she's too hungry.. =x after eatin our lunch at ljs, we went to the arcade and see ppl play the jackpot candy machine.. we saw one mother hu spent around 40 bucks on the machine, jus to win the mushroom plush toy.. she was lyk so happy when she gt a jackpot and shouted "yay" so loudly, lolx.. we went back to the lib, hoping to find some seats.. bt since it's the peak hr, the seats are all occupied by the ppl.. so i went to jerlin's hse and managed to complete my hw on time.. headed to my tution centre straight after tat, and the teacher told us to complete at least 5 qs in paper two within 1 hr.. i was so happy when i managed to completed the parts within the given time, hahax.. i'm getting more n more interested in maths! *beams* aniwae, i will be having my olvl eng oral, followed by the release of chi olvl results [if i'm not wrong] next mon.. so wish me and everyboday gd luck!!! Friday, August 10, 2007 went to watch disturbia wif vanessa and jerlin.. the movie was realli much nicer than wat i tot at first.. tis is how the movie goes: a teenager hu was veri upset by his father's death in an accident begins acting out and soon finds himself under house arrest after getting into trouble in sch.. To help pass the time stuck indoors, he begins spying on his neighbors, only to become convinced that the guy living across the street is KILLING young women.. shocked by wat he saw, he started to investigate wif his friend.. the murderer found out, and he was determined to kill both the teenager and his mum.. the part when the teenager went into the murderer's hse to save his mum was super exciting, and the scenes realli freaked out quite alot of ppl.. so ppl, do watch tat show if u wan something thrilling enuff to watch.. =) ![]() Thursday, August 09, 2007 didnt go to sch ystd for the national day celebration, cos i'm down wif fever and sore throat.. so my mum brought me to see the doctor, and nw i hv lots of pills to swallow.. not onli tat, i oso hv to gulp down the chinese medicine tat my mum brewed for me early in the morning.. its realli bitter, and the taste of it still lingers in my throat, even though i managed to drink finish.. bt no choice, hv to eat finish all the medicine to recover faster.. =) aniwae, its the 9th of august todae, so happy birthday singapore!!!! Tuesday, August 07, 2007 yay, both my mock exams and sci practical prelims are over!! finally it has ended, after all the feedback sessions tat made us so hungry and tired.. the sci practical was not too bad todae, although my final ans for the salt is wrong.. bt i hope my previous observations r correct, so i can at least gt some marks frm dere.. i did three silly things during the practical.. firstly, i poured out 2cm cube of solution into the measuring cylinder, and was preparing to get a test tube to pour the solution in.. instead of pourin the solution into the test tube straight away, i poured the solution into the sink as i tot the cylinder had not been washed.. secondly, i poured in aqueous sodium hydroxide wif the solution inside the measuring cylinder.. i forgot tat i was not supposed to do experiments inside a measuring cylinder.. and lastly, i nearly dropped the measuring cylinder while i was doin the washing up.. it seems lyk i realli hv lots of problems wif the measuring cylinder, lolx.. =p tmr is the national day celebration, so i hope the sch will hv some nice programmes for us.. 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