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Tuesday, October 30, 2007 yay, maths is finally over.. realli hope tat everybody can gt a gd pass, after puttin in so much effort into practicing the yearly papers and coming back to sch almost everyday during our study leave to ask mr ang qs.. =) counting down frm nw, i jus nid to hang on for 1 to two weeks, and everything will be over!! so we shall all jiayou and mug hard together.. ^_^ Wednesday, October 24, 2007 todae is the 1st day i took my o's.. chem paper was manageable, at least its easier than prelims.. quite pissed wif myself for making some very careless mistakes, bt everything's over, so no point thinkin about it.. taking exam in the hall is seriously veri interestin.. jus by thinkin of the things can make me laugh.. the 1st thing tat made me laugh is the invilgilator.. he looked super emo, wif his head always lookin down.. van and joce oso told me tat his hair looked out-of-shaped, lolx.. the 2nd thing is after the exam, the 1st person frm the row had to collect the unused foolscap papers frm us.. for the row, abigail is in charge of collectin.. lookin at her face tat she gave while collectin the papers, i jus burst into laughter.. of cos i tried to control myself frm laughin too loud, jus in case the invilgilator come n scold me =p.. thirdly, it's the invilgilators hu were walkin around the hall, checkin our hairstyles and attire.. tis is the time when i realise some guys started to look down, so tat their hair would not look tat long.. bt in the end, they still gt caught, and they were lyk sayin '**** lah, liddat oso wan to catch'.. wahahax!! aniwae, gd luck to those ppl takin geo and hist, since u all hv to take the papers tis week.. =) Thursday, October 18, 2007 saw tis quiz in ly's and kenny's blog, so decided to try out.. after doin tat quiz, i tink the results are quite true and accurate, worth a try.. =) -GET A PEN AND PAPER -WHEN CHOOSING NAMES, MAKE SURE THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE THAT YOU ACTUALLY KNOW -GO WITH YOUR FIRST INSTINCTS 1. On a blank sheet of paper, write numbers from 1 to 11 in a column on the left. 2. Next to the spaces 1 & 2, write your 2 favourite numbers. 3. Next to the spaces 3 & 7, write down 2 members of the opposite sex. 4. Next to spaces 4, 5 and 6, write anyone's name (like friends or family). 5 . Next to spaces 8, 9, 10 and 11, write down 4 song titles. THE INTERPRETATION TO THE QUIZ: - In space 2, it tells u the no.of ppl tat likes u. - In space 3, it tells u the person tat u love. - In space 7, it tells u the perosn tat u like, but your relationship cannot work. - In space 4, it tells u the person tat u care the most. - In space 5, it tells u the person tat knows u veri well. - In space 6, it tells u the person hu is your lucky star. - In space 8, it tells u the song tat matches the person in space 3. - In space 9, it tells u the song tat is for the person in space 7. - In space 10, it is the song tat tells u most about your mind. - In space 11, it is the song tat tells u how u feel about life. - In space 1, it tells u your lucky number. Saturday, October 13, 2007 yay, i'm offically 16!!! aniwae, i had a veri memorable birthday tis yr.. thnx to all my friends hu made my day by wishin me a happy bdae and givin me presents: jerlin*, singyee*, yijia*, bani*, kylie*, yy*, vanessa, qianhan, ah ma, grace, wing, liangyu, kenny, abigail, joash, geraldine, renice, felicia, esther and some other ppl.. =p my tution centre organised a bbq for the students todae.. as my tution teacher knew tat it was my bdae, she bought a cake for me to cut (veri nice of her rite).. yijia, sy, bani, jer, kylie n yy sang a bdae song for me and gave me my bdae presents.. took several photos, bt i nid to wait for bani to send to me before i can upload.. =) in the mean time, u can view some pictures tat i took using my phone.. u may wan to click on the pictures for a larger view.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i love my presents! the sour berry land card, jerlin's 'bowl' card, swatch watch, singyee's drawing, winnie the pooh plushie, big head small body mushroom and wallet.. =D Thursday, October 11, 2007 celebrated my birthday in advance wif kylie and yy todae.. they gave me my birthday present in advance, which is a winnie the pooh soft toy and keychain shared by them, yijia and geraldine.. thnx alot, gals! headed to marina square after tat and wanted to buy the tickets for 'resident evil'.. as its an NC16 movie, we were asked to show our ez-link cards.. even though i nid two more days to be officially 16, the person did not allow us to buy the tickets -.-.. as we were about to give up, we saw a group of gals approaching the cinema.. i decided to try my luck and ask them whether they can help us buy.. luckily, they agreed to help us and all of us managed to sneak into the theatre on time to watch the movie.. the movie was super exciting, especially parts tat show how the ppl kill all the zombies wif their guns and knifes.. the scenes were rather bloody and disgustin, and the sound effects were so loud tat we covered our ears while watchin.. shopped around marina square, and kylie bought a necklace to match her shirt.. i bought a pair of earrings and a ozozo glam wallet frm the wallet shop.. the wallet was actualli a present shared by my dad and sis <3..> wanted to buy a box of doughnuts back home frm the famous donut factory.. bt the queue was rather long, so i decided to come back again next time instead, probably after o's.. =p Tuesday, October 09, 2007 happy 16th birthday to grace ling hui li !!! aniwae, qian han has made a video specially for us.. was rather touched after seeing the video, as it realli made me think of the times tat we had being together for the past four yrs.. so yup, i will cherish each and every person around me and hv fun wif them till i graduate, hahax! actualli i wanted to upload the video here, bt the column in my blog is too small to view.. so u guys may wan to click on tis link instead.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SYoWNABUJY |