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Monday, December 31, 2007 took leave and went to wing's chalet wif vanessa, jerlin, jocelin n qh.. ah ma actualli wanted to meet us, bt she was not feelin well, so she didnt joined us in the end.. the trip to escape theme park was realli fun!! i played 'rainbow' for the 1st time, n i tink the feeling is great, esp when the wind keeps blowing against u and u can shout for all u can wif ur frens, lolx.. after playin all the rides, we went back to the chalet room n slack all the way till at nite.. some watched tv, while i tried to learn mahjong frm the pros, hahax.. as everybody is too lazy to leave the room, jerlin and hweishyan were nice enough to help us packet back frm kfc, lolx.. at nite, me, wing, qh and kenny went to escape to play again! the funny thing is tat while we were playin the 'flipper' ride, we chatted all the way, while other ppl were screamin away, hahax.. the 'wet and wild' was the best among all.. me and wing played tat ride for around 3 times, and we told each other tat we hv to realli scream when the boat slide down frm the slope, lolx.. we wanted ot play a few more times since dere was no ppl in the queue.. bt the numerous rides oredi amde us wet n cold, so we decided to go back to our chalet room.. and after bathing and dinner, it's time to countdown!! we were super high, and i spent the nite playin mahjonging and cam-whoring wif the clique, hahax.. aniwae ppl, happy 2008! i shall nw take tis chance to thank all my friends for the x'mas presents they gave me previously.. oh, and not forgettin, thnx for making my 2007 a realli memorable one! i <3 color="#33ccff"> (not in order) 1. jerlin* thnx for the tic-tac-to cup.. i will definitely use it when i'm workin to entertain myself, hahax.. and thnx for being such a nice 'twin' all these months.. i will miss ur massaging and ur 'come n slap me' face.. =p 2. kylie* i will always rmb how we wrote for each other P.P.L and n how we make a fool of ourselves while we're hving tution, hahax.. u're realli a great friend! 3. yingyi* i will always rmb ur trademark (the curtains n the moon), hahax.. u're oso my great friend.. my good listening ear too.. =) 4. yijia* thnx for being such a great partner in sch! i will nv forget the way u call ppl a fool, hahax.. 5. singyee* i will nv forget the face tat u gave when u see things tat u dun lyk, and how we mugged for maths wif mr ang during the olvl period, hahax.. my best gossiping partner! 6. bani* thnx for teachin me depreciation, my weakest topic in poa.. and not forgettin, the funny face tat u always gave in sch to make us laugh.. 7. grace* thnx for the little miss twin shirt.. its realli veri sweet of u to buy for me and jerlin the same kind of shirt.. we hv been in the same class since primary 1.. although i keep sayin its my bad luck to be wif u for so long, i'm jus kiddin okies, hahax.. its nice to hv u such a funny friend wif me for so many years.. hope we'll go to the same poly and be in the same class again! 8. vanessa* thnx for the helmet pen, veri meaningful present.. all i can say is tat u're realli my best cam-whoring partner, lolx.. i will nv forget ur 'meow-meow' face.. 9. zhi jun* thnx for the black tube tat u gt for me.. a unique present tat i will hv nv tot of givin ppl, lolx.. i will always rmb how u bullied me and stepped on my feet till 'tou pi', hahax! the one n onli ah ma forever.. =p 10. qianhan* thnx for tat pair of earrings.. i will nv forget how u always make fun of me and the way u tell ppl tat i will nv win u in fighting, hahax.. bt its not fair, cos u noe how to play Counter Strike, tats why u noe how to use ur chess skills to defeat me sometimes.. wahahaha! 11. wei ying* thnx for the chocolates! i will nv forget how u get high sometimes n strangle ppl wif ur hands, lolx.. and not to forget, the way u entertain me n van wif ur roars.. =) 12. jocelin* thnx for the earrings tat u gt for me.. i will rmb how u beat me for no reasons and the way u eat seaweeds, wahahax! *munch munch munch* 13. abigail* the one n onli cute cute! lolx, thnx for the teddy bear tat u gt for me.. i will never never forget ur sneezing and ur royal giao tissues! =p 14. kenny* thnx for the blue cardigan! i will nv forget ur 'fei li zhi shou', hahax.. and thnx for all the meals tat u treated us tis yr! 15. hweishyan* thnx for the bangle, i love it.. i will always rmb the blur face tat u always gif when we talk to u, hahax.. 16. jacq* thnx for all the lame jokes tat u always tell us.. =) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, December 30, 2007 happy birthday to ting qian han! hmm, work was rather fun todae, although it was tiring.. cos 1 couple came n bought 10 sets of pens frm me.. and since one set consists of 1 pen n 1 pencil, i hv to engrave a total of 20 pens!! luckily, i'm oredi quite familiar wif engravin, tats why the whole process was rather smooth-sailing.. bt i'm happy i did a great job tis time, cos i guess i wont hv the chance to engrave anymore since i'm switchin job soon, lolx.. and since one of the new friend tat i made is goin on leave soon n wont be seeing me by the time she comes back, we went to the fitting room secretly and took pictures together, lolx..i will try to upload the pics here n let u guys to see once she send them to me.. =) oh, and the reason why i decided to change job is not becos i'm not happy being a parker pen promoter.. its jus tat i wanted to experience sumting new, and lead a 'office-girl' life, hahax.. i will be workin in an office at doby ghaurt, and helpin my tution teacher's company to do admin work.. maybe becos tis job is about admin work, tats why the pay is higher than my parker pen job.. and dere is a rule tat i hv to follow, and tat is to leave a minimum sum of my salary into my cpf acct.. it may seem a little weird, bt i tink its quite gd, cos the government is tryin to 'force' us in preparin for our retirement, lolx.. *sry if tis part sounded a little social-studies =p* so ppl, do come n accompany me for lunch if u all happen to shop at doby ghaurt, lolx.. these are the pens tat i engraved for the couple.. nice nice? LOL Friday, December 28, 2007 24th dec: met up wif jerlin, kenny, van, grace, joce, wing, jacq to celebrate x'mas in advance, lolx.. wanted to eat at orchard's swensens, bt since the queue is so long, we decided to go novena and kenny treated us to fish & co for dinner! i ordered new york fish n chips, and shared chocolate milkshake wif grace.. when the food is being served to our table, all of us managed to squeeze the lemon juice on the fish, except the clumpsy ah ma.. her lemon flew out frm her hand and landed on the floor, wahahax! and the way she asked the person for a new piece of lemon is super hilarious, lolx.. oh, and the food they served are in suepr big portion.. tats why all of us started to eat slower n slower, simply cos we're too full to continue eatin.. bt overall, we had fun chattin wif each other.. =p 27th dec: celebrated a belated x'mas wif kylie, yy and yijia.. we went to cafe cartel for our lunch, and all i can say is tat their food is realli yummy, bt the portion a little too small, lolx.. we exchanged presents while waiting for the food to be served.. kylie gave me laneige cosmetics, glitter perfume and a winnie the pooh hp pouch, while yy gave me a robot necklace.. i love their presents, hahax.. kylie went home after tat, cos she's not well enough to join us for shopping after our lunch.. so me, yy and yijia went to bugis to take neos, followed by shopping.. the part when we took neos was super fun, lolx.. the wasted ting is tat we dun hv much time to decorate the neos.. the shopping trip at bugis village was a fruitful one for us, cos i managed to gt 3 tops frm dere! yy and yijia even did their manicure dere, lolx.. they went hme after tat, while i went to raffles city to gt donuts frm donut factory using my pay, hahax.. waited for jerlin, and we went home together.. =) sum pictures for u guys to see.. click for a larger view.. ![]() ![]() Sunday, December 23, 2007 hmm, reached home at 11pm todae.. work was alrite todae, at least i wasnt veri bored, cos i was busy doin things lyk engraving, rolling up wrappers and doin cashier work, lolx.. the engravin part is the craziest.. a promoter frm suntec's book fest came wif a bag full of pens, and asked me to engrave everyting by todae.. i was quite shocked, cos the pens are realli too much for me to handle since i'm busy wif my customers too.. bt when she told me it was actualli agnes, my boss, hu called her to come here and engrave, i agreed to help her.. so in the end, my partner had to come n help me serve some of my customers, hahax.. supposed to meet yy for ''lunch'' at 5pm at suntec city.. bt whenever i'm ready to leave my counter, one customer will cum and buy pen frm me and ask me to engrave for them.. tats why, i always ended up eating my ''lunch'' alone at around 7pm.. =x cashier work was fun though, although the staff dere claimed tat i'll get sick of doin it if i do for a veri long time.. actualli they wanted to let me try the scanning of items and handling of money, bt i didnt wan cos i'm afraid i will screw things up.. so on the safe side, i decided to help them wif the packing, lyk puttin the items tat ppl buy into plastic bags.. my boss came at nite to visit me.. and when i asked her why she treat me so ''good'', gave me all the pens to engrave, she gave me a blur look and told me tat she wasnt informed about it.. my boss then told me tat if i realli hv gt no time, i shld not offer help to the promoter.. bt its alrite la, jus make the engraving session todae a practice for me then.. =) Thursday, December 20, 2007 tues 18th dec: went to watch alvin and the chipmunk wif jerlin, grace, ah ma, van and jocelin.. while we were queueing up to buy the tickets, i asked the rest a veri dumb question: ''wat's tis movie about? i onli noe the characters veri cute..'' in the end, they oso dunno how to ans my qs, lolx.. and all i can say about tat movie is tat its realli nice, especially those parts when the 3 chipmunks hang out together.. previously, chicken little was my fav movie cartoon.. bt nw, i found my new love, and tat is THEODORE!! =p headed to bugis after tat to get a new pair of working shoes for myself.. wanted to gt a round-headed shoe, bt none of them are nice, so i still bought back the pointy kinds, hahax.. me and vanessa accompanied hwei shyan for dinner before we headed back hme.. wed 19th dec: had a horribe day at work.. thnx to a customer hu totally spoilt my mood for the whole afternoon.. here's how the story goes.. tis customer was a handicapped.. i treated her veri nicely and told her all the gifts sets n pens tat we hv.. she told me her budget is $50 and wanted the 20% discount.. and since the gift sets do not hv the discount and she did not wan those cheap sets, i promoted more of the individual pens.. she asked me for my suggestions, and so i tried to recommend sum tats within her budget.. jus then, the promoter frm goldlion came.. the customer started to ask him wat pen he would prefer.. the guy told him tat the gift sets tat cost 35 bucks are good choices.. the customer started to lecture me, and say i shld follow my boss's way of promoting pens.. when the guy told her tat he's not my boss, she said to me: '' lucky u.. if he's realli ur boss, i bet he will gif u a good scolding..'' i tried to bear wif all her sarcastic comments, and force myself to smile at her even though i realli cant stand the way she spoke to me.. the engravin part was worst.. at first, she wanted me to engrave a long name on the cap.. bt i told her tat becos of the small cap, the name cannot be too long.. after the engraving, i showed her the pen.. she started scolding me again and asked me why the engravin cant be seen veri clearly.. when i explained to her tat engravin on a stainless steel surface is like tat, she did not believe and started to find other faults on me.. she said i shld engrave on the body of the pen, not on the cap.. the goldlion partner tried to help me by sayin tat engravin is always done on the pen caps.. and since she wanted the name to be engraved on the body, i still helped her.. after the engraving, she started to scold me again! she said why i still engrave the shortcut name, when i shld engrave the longer name tat she wanted at 1st.. is lyk she did not even tell me she wanted it tat way, how would i noe.. then she kept sayin tat i did not hv the common sense and keep sayin how i can be a promoter at my standard.. after engravin the pen for her for 2 times, she's still not happy wif the overall product, and she requested for a new pen.. i gt no choice bt to engrave for her again n again.. i nearly cried, when she kept scolding and scolding me for no reason.. luckily, the goldlion guy tried to calm me down by sayin tat i shldnt cry over such an unreasonable customer, since i had oredi done my best in serving her.. and he said tat with him helpin me, everything would be fine.. tats was realli nice of him, and yea, i decided to control my emotions and continued to serve tat customer.. =x after work, me and jerlin went to vivo city to watch a midnite movie, the golden compass.. we did not hv to pay for the gold-class ticket, cos the tickets were given to us by jer's mum.. and since's dere's still a long way before the movie start, we walk around the place n look at their x'mas decos.. the facilities in a gold-class theatre were great, as dere r chairs which we can adjust it to the angle tat we wan, blankets at the side of our seats and tables for our free popcorn and drinks.. the movie was quite exciting, better than wat i tot, lolx.. the pretty x'mas tree at vivo-city.. me and jerlin.. Thursday, December 13, 2007 hihihi! it's been a long time since i blogged.. working for the first few days was veri boring, cos dere was nobody to talk to me, at most jus smile smile.. bt ever since the stocktake, the staff dere started to talk to me, hahax.. the guy hu's workin under goldlion was funny.. at first, i did not dare to talk to him, cos he gt tat veri strict look.. bt dere was once he came to my counter to do his accts, and we started to talk.. the funny ting is tat no matter how mani times i tell him to call my real name, he didnt wan.. he gave me a new name, called 'candy'.. and nw, almost everybody in john little started callin me 'candy', as if its realli my name.. so nw, i gt no choice bt to acknowledge tat name when i'm at work.. bt i still feel a little weird, cos tat name is too sweet for me, lyk wat jer said, lolx.. i agree wif her tis time, cos i rather they call me my real name.. bt tat guy is quite nice actualli, cos whenever i'm busy wif my customers, he'll help me to wrap the gift sets even though he himself is busy.. he even taught me how to use cuff-links!! in case u guys dunno wats tat, its actualli wat sum guys used to button their sleeves up to make it look nicer.. in fact, most of the staff dere are nice, lolx.. so nw, i'm gettin to lyk the place more n more.. oh, and ystd, dere's tis new goldlion's promoter hu came.. she's oso 16, and veri friendly too.. i made friend wif her, n we keep tokin to each other.. and tats why time pass veri fast ystd, lolx.. i wanted to tok to her todae, bt she was being posted to the atrium to help out by 'chocolate' for a few days.. bt its okay la, aniwae, i will be posted to suntec city's book fest for the next two days.. hope the biz over dere would be good.. =) aniwae,these are the neoprints tat i took wif the clique on kenny's n ah ma's birthday.. Tuesday, December 04, 2007 todae is my third day of work.. went to robinsons and learn engraving.. unfortunately, candy, the person hu was supposed to teach me had sum urgent things to settle, so i waited frm 11am all the way to 1pm before she arrived.. luckily, i gt ppl lyk kylie and jerlin to entertain me wif all the phone calls and sms, lolx.. hmm, engraving is much more fun than wat i tot.. at first, when i see the person engrave, it seems to easy.. bt when its my turn, i made quite a few mistakes.. then after all the reminders tat candy told me, i finally getting the hang of THE ART OF ENGRAVING! oh, and candy is nice enough to give me the caps tat i engrave on for memorial, hahax.. =p after practising for three n a half hrs, i left the place and went to meet yy for lunch.. jerlin, grace and vanessa came to join us after tat and keep kajiao-ing me, as usual.. i kept laughing and laughin, till i gt no mood to eat my nasi lemak le, hahax.. they accompanied me to my counter at john little, before they left.. business was not too bad todae, bt my legs are realli veri tired, after all the walking and standing.. its okay, i tink i will gt used to it soon.. =) Saturday, December 01, 2007 todae, i actualli wanted to meet yy to city hall together de, since i nid to go marina sq for my job briefin.. while i was waiting for yy to come at bishan mrt station, she called me and said tat she left her nametag at hme, so she nid to go back hme first.. so in the end, i hv to rush to city hall myself since its jus half an hr more to the meetin time wif the person-in-charge.. so when i reach city hall, i tried to walk abit faster so tat i wont be late.. jus then, the person called me n say she gt sms me tat she will be late, bt i nv reply her.. then i told her i did not even receive her sms at all, lolx.. nvm, since she will be late, i jus take my own sweet time n walk to john little.. hmm, the person in charge was realli friendly.. she kept teachin me the tips to push my sales higher, and she's goin to teach me how to engrave names on the pens.. i'm both excited and nervous about engravin, jus hope i wont screwed things out.. bt she assured me by sayin it will be easy if i keep practising.. if i still cant handle, she will help me wif it.. then after the briefin, she drove me to the mrt station, together wif her maid and her baby gal.. veri nice of her rite.. met up wif singyee and yijia at bugis after tat.. it's been a long time since i met up wif them! the process of takin the neoprints was fun, lolx.. went to the food court after tat, since everybody's hungry.. we ordered laksa, and shared the ice kachang together, yum yum.. after eatin, we headed to bugis village for some shopping!! the place was crowded, cos the shops are all open and ppl tend to shop at tat time.. i bought a pair of flats, followed by a brown top.. all of us managed to buy something frm dere, so we were veri happy even though we're veri tired after all the shoppin.. =) they went hme after tat, while i went to city hall to meet jerlin.. went to penisular plaza and bought a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeve top frm the nearby shop for my job tmr.. went to eat dinner at suntec after tat.. wanted to find mooneh at Harris, bt she end work oredi.. oh, and after tryin all the clothes tat i nid for my work, i tink i look a little lyk adult sia, realli not my kind, hahax.. aniwae, wish me good luck for my 1st day of work! ![]() ![]() ![]() |