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Friday, February 29, 2008 ystd was my last day of work.. so my boss treat me to AJITEI, while my disciple treated me to the chocolate tart frm beard papa.. i always felt veri 幸福 whenever i eat chocolates, lolx.. aniwae, i shld be visitin them next week to gt my pay n hv my lunch wif them! yay! then todae, i went to bugis wif kylie, geraldine, shann and regina.. while we r on the train to city hall, we were tokin about the polys tat we go in.. i started to make fun of geraldine by tellin her tat she better study hard in sp's interior design, cos i will ask her to design my hse next time, hahax.. i saw a veri nice ELLE wallet frm the wallet shop, bt i tink its kind of expensive, hmm.. then at bugis village, i bought wif the rest of the ppl a pair of RED earrings.. suddenly all of us lyk red, dunno why oso, lolx.. mus be influenced by the sunneh! saw a veri cute monkey top, so me and kylie bought together.. i bought my fav col - pastel purple, while kylie bought pastel blue.. =p and since kylie needs to go to cineleisure to meet her bro and her cousins, she went off 1st while the rest of us went to macdonalds to take a rest.. maybe is becos of the macflurry tat i eat, tats why i felt super cold, lolx.. window-shop at bugis junction after tat.. i lyk the clothes frm edc and F.O.X!! maybe i shall gt 1 top frm each shop when i gt my pay to reward myself? oh, better not.. i cant spend too much on my 'wants'.. maybe 1 top will do bahs.. =) and.. geraldine is realli someone hu can realli make me laugh!! i cant go into details on why is she so funny, cos she say if i do tat, she will spam my tagboard, lolx.. threaten!! Thursday, February 28, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANG HWEI SHYAN! (i actualli wrote tis post long ago le, bt i didnt post, cos i hvent upload the pics yet =p) met grace n vanessa earlier to shop for hweishyan's bdae present.. we headed to heeren to buy the panda coin bank for her.. is lyk if u put in a coin into the coin bank, the jackpot machine will move.. and if u happen to gt a jackpot, the panda will move to n fro wif the music.. super cute rite!! we went to take neos after tat.. it was super funny, cos we had to do quite a few silly actions to match the background of the pics.. and since we still hv so much time, we decided to go over to united sq to visit jerlin at her workplace.. she was rather surprised when she saw us and treated us to their aloe vera honey drink.. we oso went to kelly services to apply for part time jobs.. bt unfortunately, the shop is not opened on sundays.. so yah, its considered a wasted trip dere.. coincidentially, we saw kenny at tpy, so we went to take train together to bishan and meet up wif the rest.. and while boardin the train, we saw wing inside! hahax, the world is jus so small.. celebrated hweishyan's advanced bdae wif the clique at sushi tei after tat.. as the restaurant does not hv enough seats for 12 ppl outside, they gt us a private room! the atmosphere dere was gd, jus tat the place is veri cold.. i ordered chicken katsu don wif chawanmushi.. its not too bad, bt he rice is way too much for us to eat finish.. as usual, we will chit chat about random stuff and make fun of each other.. and not forgettin, we oso cam-whored wif our cameras, lolx.. the coincidential thing is tat the friendly waiter hu served us was actualli youhuai's cousin! we didnt noe at first, until yh came and recognised him, hahax.. jacq bought a chocolate cake for hweishyan, and we sang a bdae song for her.. had a great time dere, and as promised, i will upload the pictures here for u guys to see.. =) wing hidden in the dark, lolx.. our photo-takin skills not tat gd, tats why sum of us gt 'cut'.. =p ![]() Sunday, February 24, 2008 meet up wif singyee and yijia to lime flea ystd.. wanted to buy those veri vintage buckle belts frm dere, bt cant find any.. maybe its becos the weather is too humid, tats why we didnt hv the mood to realli look at the stuff one by one.. bt singyee still managed to gt a halterneck frm cine.. we lunched at BK first b4 we headed to our shoppin spree at bugis village.. dere were many nice stuff tat i like, bt i cant buy cos my parents hv been naggin me for spendin too much on clothes.. so in the end, i jus bought a dress and a top, lolx.. jerlin came to join us after tat to gt her cardigan, and we sort of walked arnd the shops at the 2nd floor.. saw a shop tat sells 'lolita' items, so me n sy started to make fun of jerlin by sayin tat these shop suits her, hahax.. =p went to join abi for dinner at cuppage plaza.. its my 1st time goin to the shop tat abi introduced.. i ordered black pepper chicken hor fun wif my ice lemon tea! yummy, lolx.. abi is funny as usual, cos she kept repeatin to the person for 3 times tat she wanted one more can of soya milk, as she was afraid the person cant hear.. in the end, the person gt so irritated until she snapped at abi and say 'yah lah, i heard ur order.. u wan 1 more soya milk rite?' wahahaha! erh, i will update about the advanced bdae dinner tat we had wif hweishyan todae once i gather all the pictures by tis week? so stay tuned to my blog.. =D Wednesday, February 20, 2008 yay, i can finally blog! cos ystd i tried to update, bt they keep sayin tat the way i login seems lyk a virus, lolx.. aniwae, i knew my posting results ystd.. i gt into my 2nd choice, and tat is nyp's biz management! although i still didnt gt into my dream tp and cant continue the class trend wif grace, i'm still quite contented wif the course tat i gt in.. lyk wat everybody say, since we're fated to gt into tat course, so jus accept it and work hard frm then on.. =) oh, and jus nw when me, grace, wing n ah ma went to the bbt shop, the auntie asked us which polys we went into.. i dunno why, bt i jus felt a little 不舍得 cos all of us landed in diff polys.. bt i guess i shldnt feel too sad, cos we will still meet up occasionally rite.. bt no matter wat, even if we realli drift apart due to us being too busy to meet up, do rmb to say 'hi' to me if u happen to see me on the train or shopping malls, hahax.. and jus nw, i went to watch 'jumper' wif the clique.. sry for makin u guys watch tis movie at the last min, lolx.. headed to arcade after tat, n slacked under my blk to chit chat and cam-whore.. and poor wing, she accidentally kicked the bench and nw her toe is bleedin sue to the top part of the nail tat is coming off.. hope her nail will grow out soon, lolx.. okies, here r sum of the pictures tat we took.. didnt manage to squeeze inside tis pic, lolx.. grace looked so hyper in tis pic.. =D Sunday, February 17, 2008 spent my valentine's day at kenny's chalet, together wif the clique.. BBQ-ing is the best part, cos we realli had our share of laughter while cookin.. the sotongs wif sambal chilli is the best among all, cos we prepared it all by ourselves.. *sense of achievement, lolx..* played mahjong, blackjack, in-between and tarot cards throughout the night.. and not forgettin, we oso exchanged presents wif each other.. thnx ppl for all the gifts! i had fun wif u guys! Sunday, February 10, 2008 HEY, HAPPY NEW YR! HOPE U GUYS HAD A GREAT TIME! =p my chinese new yr was rather fun tis yr.. especially wif all the karaoke sessions during the reunion dinners, puttin in my contacts myself for the 1st time, collecting of ANG BOWS, photo-takin usin the great camera tat my professional cousin got, playin of poka cards, steamboat-ing and chit-chattin wif all my cousins.. i will upload the pcitures as soon as my cousin send them to me.. ;p oh, and during the new yr's eve, i went back to sch wif the clique.. the feeling of going back to sch as an ex-student was rather great.. i cant help bt tink tat time realli pass veri fast.. frm sec 1, i go to the sch at rangoon road wif my huge sch bag, carryin my art file and txtbks everyday.. my mum was lyk tellin me nw tat she still rmb how i used to walk lyk a penguin since my bag is even bigger than me, hahax.. till sec 4, our bags are so much smaller, cos we gt the lockers to help us.. i still miss the times when i played soccer table wif the rest during the amaths breaks and how we mugged for our o's in sch and in the bishan library.. and nw, we r goin back to sch, not to study, bt to visit the juniors and teachers.. interestin rite? LOL then after all the chit-chattin wif the teachers, i went to yijia's hse wif the rest.. ate the yummy new yr goodies and watched 'wei xiao pasta' together.. and when singyee came, she taught me how to wear my contacts.. we were stuck in the toilet for 45 mins, cos singyee had to help me put my contacts into my eyes, since i still cant put them in myself.. bt luckily, lyk wat i mentioned earlier, i managed to put in the contacts myself during the 1st day of new yr.. so i shall take tis chance thank singyee again for teachin me! Sunday, February 03, 2008 1st feb: watched 'le grand chef' wif wing and grace after work.. the movie was so touchin tat it makes us gonan cry, lolx.. then while iw as walkin down the stairs after the movie, i didnt notice dere's still a step infront of me since its so dark, i tripped and sumhow sprained my ankle a little.. ouch! went back to bishan after tat.. we sat at the void deck underneath my blk to chit chat, wif the cup corns and apple pie tat we bought, hahax.. tok about quite alot of stuff till 12, and headed home after tat.. and luckily, my ankle wasnt tat pain when i reach hme, pheww.. 2nd feb: shopped wif jerlin, singyee, grace n wing.. shopped around wisma.. and finally, i bought the cardigan tat i hv been longing to hv frm cotton on!! grace bought together wif me, and i tink we look kinda good on it, hahax.. headed to far east after tat.. went to our usual hideout [the fruit store] to buy fruit juice, lolx.. wanted to help singyee to find a suitable dress for cny, bt cant find any.. as for me, i managed to buy a pair of heels frm mondo to match my cny clothes, super happy! and since dere isnt much to shop at far east, we headed to bugis.. as usual, we went to the neoprint shop.. bt grace said she dun feel lyk takin, so in the end, onli the 4 of us took.. as i was wearin the forbidden colour [GREEN!], tats why all the neos tat i took seem lyk i am wearin diff shirts, lolx.. and.. bugis village is realli realli realli crowded.. we managed to squeeze into a shop to gt singyee's dress, and proceeded to the second floor.. the unlucky ting is tat the aircon somehow doesnt seem to be workin, tats why we didnt hv much mood to shop oso.. grace n wing left 1st, while me and singyee went to do our manicure.. as our nail polish hvent realli dry yet, we hv to trouble jerlin by askin her to hold our plastic bags, and carry umbrella for us since its raining, hahax.. so A BIG THANK U TO JERLIN! [jerlin p.s: see, i didnt lie.. i realli put ur big name on my blog, hahax..] pictures pictures on the blog.. =p ![]() ![]() |