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Sunday, March 30, 2008 26th (wed): took neos wif abi, yijia and anthea after their kbox session.. after tat, anthea and abi went to centre point to pass her punch cards to eddie, while me and singyee went to pastamania for our lunch.. as yijia was not feelin well, she did not shopped wif us at doby ghaurt's tis fashion.. we tried on alot of bottoms, and singyee managed to buy a skirt and a necklace.. i saw a red belt tat i iked, bt it has sum scratches on it, so i didnt buy.. aniwae, here are sum of the neos tat we took.. =) ![]() ![]() ![]() 27th-28th (thurs, fri): singyee introduced me to a part-time job at funan.. hourly pay + commission + lunch allowance.. our job is to promote fujitsu laptops at the atrium fair.. it was not tat easy to sell, cos dere were oso other companies sellin fujitsu coms at the place itself.. so when dere were no customers at our booth, me and singyee were busy chattin wif each other, and played wif the games inside the coms.. the staff dere were nice.. alvin was the one hu always wan to teach us new IT stuff and even showed us his funny blog entries, the phillppino guy (i forgot his name) hu always made us laugh wif all his silly jokes, amos aka brother bear hu enabled us to go wireless wif his acct, and was nice enough to gif me his sales even though he's the one hu explained everyting to the customer.. and lastly, tommy hu always act lyk the boss and bickered wif me on my wawa. lolx.. i had fun workin on tat 2 days, thnx to chia sing yee! oh, and i will nv forget the 'feedback' song tat the advertisement kept playin over n over again.. Zzzz... 29th (sat): met up wif singyee, grace n wing to the body shop fair at suntec's convention hall.. bt when we reached dere, we were surprised to see a veri long queue waiting to go inside the place.. so in the end, we decided not to go in, and went to amk instead, lolx.. we shopped at amk hub for awhile, b4 we went to play pool wif ah ma and jerlin oso.. the place was crowded, since it was a saturday.. bt still, i had fun playin, cos we kept askin each other to hit tat forbidden black ball, hahax.. singyee went home 1st, while the rest of us went to S11 for our dinner.. i sort of regretted after i ate the 1st mouth of my spicy ramen noodles, cos i didnt expected it to be tat spicy, lolx.. chatted on alot of random stuff, and tat includes the things tat happened to us frm kindergarden till sec sch.. and since it was still early, i suggested goin back to amk hub to look at the cj7 stuff tat alot of shops are startin to sell.. and since dere was a sale, we finally bought the 七仔 purse tat we hv been tokin about it since tues, lolx.. yay, childish us! LOL Tuesday, March 25, 2008 went shopping wif vanessa ystd.. the trip was rather fruiful, cos i bought 2 blouses and a pair of shorts, lolx.. our 1st stop was to bugis village, then to chinatown.. the tis fashion at chinatown is realli huge, so we jus took a few bottoms to try for fun, lolx.. after tat, we actualli wanted to eat at the well-known porridge shop, bt it was not open for biz tat day.. =( shopping at people's park complex is the best part.. we went to our favourite 'butterflies' shop, and tried on the clothes tat they sell.. and we jus found out tat the clothes tat they sell are actualli designed by themselves! so talented huh, hahax.. after tat, van brought me to a shop and buy the ribbons for our buckle.. dere are realli alot to choose frm, so in the end, i bought the one wif the maroon and white stripes.. we ate at the nearby dessert shop b4 we headed home! =) Saturday, March 22, 2008 went shoppin wif abigail and vanessa todae.. bt b4 tat, we waited for abigail to wash finish her hair at the saloon for lyk 1 hr!?! OMG.. luckily, we managed to pass time by tokin to each other and laughin at the jokes tat one of the customers said, hahax.. its lyk the customer is waiting for her son to cut finish his hair.. while cutting halfway, she told the hair-stylist not to cut his hair until so short, cos his frens might laugh at him.. her son was lyk givin her the 'watever' face, and the mother told his son veri loudly tat he can actualli keep his hair long, then tie up his hair lyk AH MENG! headed to bugis after tat.. went to take neos, and we realli did some veri silly poses, lolx.. then accompanied vanessa to the singtel shop and abi to the wallet shop.. abigail had a hard time choosing her desired wallet, and finallyyyy, after askin us several times which one is better, she bought the ozozo white wallet.. me and van then bought a white purse, printed wif a cartoon tat has a veri cute bowl haircut, hahax.. *does tis part seems familiar? =p* abigail treated us to ajisen, so me and vanessa shared a bowl of ramen and a plate of salmon sashimi, yum yum.. wanted to shop at bugis village after tat, bt due to the heavy rain, we decided to shop at tis fashion instead.. tried on quite a few pair of shorts, and our dear abigail had been complaining right frm the start tat we take so long jus to try, lolx.. finally, the rain stopped! so BV time! i bought a blue tshirt, while vanessa bought a checkard blouse and 3 tshirts.. the funny ting is tat the guy hu attended to us was busy playin his audition on his lappie even after we had oredi chosen the tshirts and ready to pay him! total slacker! =D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, March 20, 2008 played pool wif jocelin, grace and ah ma! i can play better tis time, cos i hv been playin for quite a few times the past few weeks.. then me and jocelin team up, while ah ma and grace team up.. it was super fun, cos we kept tellin each other to aim for the black ball to go inside the hole, hahax!hweishayn came to join us after tat.. we bought durian pancakes, milk ice wif peach and mini-sushi frm amk hub, b4 we went to cine for our movie- rule #1.. the movie was realli thrilling, especially wif all those extremely loud sound effects and bloody images.. and the air-con in the theatre was so cold until we shivered! HAHA! the storyline is great, bt towards the end, we were a little confused by the turn of the events.. so in the end, hweishyan was the one hu explained to us, hahax.. so overall, i still tink the movie is still worth my precious 10 bucks.. =p bought sum snacks at taka, and accompanied hweishyan to 'pull and bear' to shop.. the clothes they sell is super interestin, esp the one wif the x-ray picture, lolx.. tmr's good friday! hv a great holiday! =) Wednesday, March 19, 2008 shopping outing wif yijia, kylie and yy.. its been a long time since we 4 went out together, hahax.. our 1st stop was to doby ghaurt's tis fashion.. while waiting for the heavy rain to stop, we spent quite alot of time dere tryin on the clothes.. everybody gt their 收获, esp the mooneh! thnx to the 40% member's discount tat yijia got.. =) took neos and headed to bugis village after tat.. since yy was a little hungry, we went to the teenage's cafe to eat.. we ordered onion rings and fish & chips.. and while we were waiting for our food to come, dere's a bunch of gals hu realli attracted everybody's attention.. they were tokin so loudly, and while they were about to leave the shop, two of the them were still pushin each other, and both the gals and the chairs fell.. -.- shopping was rather fruitful after tat.. can see yijia is tryin to stock up her tshirt collection for poly, lolx.. me and kylie went to LJS for dinner, while the rest headed home.. i ordered combo 1!it's been months since i ate tat.. and the silly kylie, the way she ordered her fish combo was super hillarious.. LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday, March 18, 2008 yipee! i'm OFFICIALLY done wif my whole enrolment proedures.. and in the evening time, i received a sms frm nyp, tellin me tat the orientation is no longer three days, its jus two days, which is on the 10th and 11th, lolx.. hmm.. nw its time for me to choose which brand of lappie i wan, hahax.. maybe i shldnt be too choosy, and jus buy the one tat i realli like? =p Saturday, March 15, 2008 woke up early in the morning todae, jus to go to the bank wif my parents to pay for my sch fees.. yay, nw i'm jus left wif my online enrolment and takin of passport-sized photos, and everyting would be settled! =) in the afternoon, i met up wif abigail and singyee to the food fair at suntec! the place is so crowded, bt we r lucky enough to find an empty table for us to sit.. so we take turns to walk around the place to buy sum food to share wif each other.. i bought the japanese pizza and my fav fish maw soup! the passion fruit drink tat we bought is super nice too.. and abigail is super pro.. is lyk 1 packet of chicken cutlet is 4 bucks, while 3 packets are sold at 10 bucks.. since dere is a discount if u buy more, she realli bought 3 packets of different flavours.. *faints* despite me and singyee tryin our best to help her eat some of the chicken, dere are still many leftovers.. so in the end, abi decided to bring it home, lolx.. we jus eat and chat at the same time for lyk 2 hrs plus, and jerlin came to join us after her work.. mayb abi was in a gd mood tat time, so she was nice enough to treat each of us a cup of cookies n cream ice-cream! yummy! headed to marina sq for pool after tat.. pool is realli addictive.. is lyk i jus played ystd, and here am i playin it again todae, lolx.. so even though my hands are still aching, i still continued to play.. and after hearin frm abigail the rules of the game, i realised i'm still quite confused about it, hmm.. played till 8 plus, and we took a cab home wif abigail, hahax.. =) Friday, March 14, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KYLIE SEAH! celebrated kylie's bdae wif geraldine, shann, yy and mag at macdonalds early in the morning.. took bus 13 to east coast and started our cycling journey! at 1st, i was rather scared tat i will fall down frm the bike, since its been ages since i went to cycle.. bt luckily all those didnt happen, cos i manage to rmb how to ride a bike after awhile.. =p then we jus keep cyclin and cyclin, stopped in between to wait for each other, buy ice-cream to eat, and cam-whored at bedok jetty, hahax.. bt due to the strikin sunlight, we had a hard time openin our eyes to take pictures.. and riding down slope is realli super fun, i like it!! bt its all thnx to the hardwork of the sun, and the cooperation of the dark clouds and rain drops, tats why we r able to play in such a super sunny weather, lolx.. and after riding for 2 long hrs, we returned our bikes and went to subway to hv our lunch.. since its still so early, we decided to go n play pool!! as most of us r still considered beginners, we were rather relaxed while playin.. i tried to learn while playin, and finally i won 1 game, hahax.. sense of satifaction! =) had a fun time celebratin kylie's birthday.. hope the sunneh will like the presents tat we got for her! omg, and nw i realise my face red red de, mus be kena sunburnt, lolx.. i will upload the pics soon, i guess.. =p Thursday, March 13, 2008 had chalet at coasta sands on tues.. met up wif jocelin and ah ma earlier to go ntuc to buy some of the food needed for the bbq, b4 we trained to pasir ris.. kenny, the organiser hvent even reached pasir ris yet, so we decided to hv our lunch at kfc 1st.. and since the rain is so heavy, we walk arnd the shoppin centre aimlessly while waitin for kenny's mum to fetch us to the chalet.. then when we reached the chalet, we oredi saw wing sitting at the reception counter dere wif all the plastic bags filled wif all the bbq food tat she and her grandma prepared for us.. and not forgettin, the mahjong and the game of life! thanks! =) hmm, luckily, the rain didnt stop us frm hving our bbq.. thanx to those hu hv done the bbqing outside and served us wif all the yummy food, haha.. the sotongs and lala wif sambal chilli is the yummiest among all, tats why even though its super spicy, we still managed to eat all up wif the help of all the cold drinks, lolx.. then as usual, we spent the rest of the night playin poker cards, takin pictures and using kenny's laptop.. and since i'm so bored, i decided to video-call kylie and abi on msn.. i tink its super fun, cos its my 1st time tryin tat function.. i'm a noob, haha.. ah ma and hweishyan oso came to join in wif the video-chattin.. the funny part is tat we didnt noe tat by pressin f4, the com will start to take video of us.. tats why when we were doin all sorts of stupid actions, the com is actualli filimin us, hahaha! we oso used the webcam to take all sorts of pictures.. and all i can say is tat the photo-takin part is veri addictive.. once u start usin the frames to take pics, u will wan to keep takin and takin, hahax.. nw i understand why wing took so many pictures last time.. LOL and stayin up for the whole nite to play cards is super tiring.. bt its still alright, cos i had fun playin.. and i noe i sure made the rest of them VB when i was playin 'dai tee', cos i threw out the wrong cards down, and make other ppl win, lolx.. then lyk wat joce said, i sure will noe how to play after they 'scold' me a few more times, lolx.. headed to macdonalds for breadfast, b4 we headed home.. my 1st time takin a bus back home instead of the mrt frm pasir ris, since i always hv a phobia in takin buses.. i sat wif jocelin, and throughout the trip, she's the one hu realli entertain me by talkin and talkin.. maybe cos of her stories and the super cold environement due to the heavy rain outside, i did not feel giddy at all, lolx.. and even though grace and ly were sleepin soundly throughout the trip, i did not even sleep even though i'm oso veri tired.. =p okies, enough of my super long post.. pictures time! i tink my eyes looked a little red in tis pic, cos the place was kind of smokey.. Saturday, March 08, 2008 wheee!! i finally receive my enrolment package le.. was veri excited when i first heard frm ah ma and kylie tat they had received theirs.. and the 1st thing i did was to call my dad and ask him to open the letter box when he comes back frm work, hahax.. hmm, the enrolment package tat nyp gave is realli veri detailed, so i did not have much problems in understanding.. the issue nw is tat i nid to do all the things, lyk medical checkup, paying of sch fees and takin of passport sized pics, before 19th march, which is lyk so rush.. bt i dunno why leh, i still find the whole thing abit unrealistic.. is lyk when i read the offer letter, i'm still quite doubtful to the fact tat i'm goin to be enrolled into tat course, lolx.. bt even though i'm doubtful, i'm excited too.. i'm goin for my orientation real soon, and my poly life will officially start.. so, i guess i shld realli cherish the time tat i hv wif all my frens now, b4 we wont see each other so often again when sch reopens.. =) and todae, me and singyee accompanied jerlin to far east to gt her flats, b4 we meet yijia at wheelock's fish & co to eat! i actualli wanted to order 'chockie junkie', bt its not available in tat store, so i changed to 'pink passion 'wif a set of classic fish & chips.. and since the food was served in super big portions, we were veri full after eatin.. went to wisma to shop for awhile b4 we headed to j8's arcade to play outrun! =p Thursday, March 06, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOCELIN WONG! went to city hall to buy jocelin's bdae presents.. had quite a hard time choosin, so i tink she will like it and use them rite, hahax.. went to sakae sushi to eat their buffet, and while we were happily eatin the side dishes tat we ordered, grace suddenly tok about my embarassin moments during my sec 4 life, lolx.. the way she said and acted, we realli laughed! even though i'm the victim, i still tink its veri funny, lolx.. hmm, the bdae party at abigail's hse was rather fun.. especially the video-takin of jocelin when we sing for her the bdae song while she cut the cake and the automatic cam-whoring part, hahax.. the pizzas tat abi ordered finally arrived after waiting for arnd 50 mins.. -.- so after eatin, we decided to go to the rooftop of the carpark to play wif the sparkles.. and when we started to light the 1st sparkle, the smoke started to stream out frm the stick.. and the 1st thing we noticed was ppl startin to stand at the windows, tryin to find out hu were the ones hu irritate them, hahax.. so in the end, we went to the playground instead.. maybe its becos the place is too smoky, tats why i keep coughin non-stop.. so i'm sort of being forced to stop playin sparkles.. then slowly, one by one, they all stopped playin, leavin abi and her sis playin, lolx.. so the rest of us jus sit at the slides to cam-whore at chit-chat all the way till 11.30.. pictures pictures pictures! we may be nice.. bt we can oso show attitude to u.. LOL |