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Friday, May 30, 2008 had my afa ICA todae.. it was still quite alright, so i hope all of us will gt a gd pass! so straight after sch, we went to eat at far east's ramen ten to reward ourselves for working so hard for the 3 ICAs, lolx! i ordered lala spicy ramen, and i tink its realli spicy even though the spicyness is onli worth 2 chillies on the menu.. shopped around far east for lyk 2 and a half hrs, before we bused down to city hall for starbucks coffee.. the outlet at suntec city is veri huge and its not tat crowded compared to the rest.. so while we were drinkin our chocolate drink, we had a nice chat on lots of random stuff.. the lightings dere are so romantic until all of us felt rather sleepy, lolx.. time to wawa wif kylie nw.. its been a long time since we played! =p Wednesday, May 28, 2008 yay, two ICAs have ended! i'm not tat happy about it, even though i shld feel much relaxed nw.. reason being i didnt do well for my stats test.. i expected a better score, since its lyk i hv been practising for the past few days.. maybe cos i focused too much on those tough qs and neglected those theory parts, tats why i onli gt a pass for tat test.. =( so yah, i hv to admit i was rather disppointed at tat time.. based on wat kylie n felicia claimed, they said its so obvious i'm not tat happy wif the results, cos usually i will be smiling away after lesson.. bt still, thnx to those hu tried to cheer me up by telling me tat the test is jus 5% of the overall marks, and i can do better next time.. web & tech lesson was quite fun, cos we were taught how to change the fonts in the webpage.. i didnt sat wif kylie tis time, cos dere's a prob wif my com.. so i sat wif another person hu was a student frm another class.. he's quite nice, even though he's a typical ah beng.. he taught me how to do sum parts of the independent challenge and told me wat kind of qs to expect for the pom test later.. since we were allowed to leave earlier, kylie n i went to splash & decker to gt our sandwiches and we went to join the rest outside LTD 1 to do sum last min recap on pom.. anyway, the procedure for tat ica was super interestin.. we were told to wait outside the room, while the teacher will put the question paper on our seats.. to prevent us from cheatin, every alternate seat will hv a different set of paper.. luckily, i gt the set b paper, which was actualli supposed to be the easier one, lolx.. hope all of us can pass well~ kylie and i were late for our meetin wif dine, lizzie, yy and ah ma.. we were supposed to meet at 3.30 at buzz to collect our olvl cert, bt we reached at 4.. =x had a nice chat wif mrs tham and ms quek when we were in sch.. while we were sitting at the locker area, i start to think of the times when all of us open our locker b4 our lessons, and how me, grace n qh 'fight' to open our lockers 1st, since our lockers are so near to each other, hahax.. Sunday, May 25, 2008 after being stucked at mos for arnd 4.5 hrs, we finally finished the powerpoint tat we r supposed to present tmr and we headed to s-11 for our dinner.. i ordered fish & chips, which is considered my 2nd meal for tat day since breakfast.. and while we were eatin, the tv above us was showing the charity show by mediacorp.. the purpose of the show was to help those poor victims in sichuan.. i was quite stunned by the videos tat they filmed, cos everyting u see at the scene itself were jus dead bodies and destroyed houses.. probably a few survivors, hu were cryin miserably for their loved ones hu passed away during tat earthquake, and worryin about how they shld lead their lives after that.. maybe cos i was too affected by the videos tat they show, i tink the fish & chips did not taste as nice as the 1st time i ate it.. well, i still managed to ate the whole plate up, cos i was realli hungry at tat time! when i got home, i found out that both my mum and my sis had already called the hotline to donate.. i did not donate, cos i jus donated to THK hospital and eldercare last month.. no matter wat, i hope the victims will be able to feel the moral support from every single one of us, and settle down soon.. =) Friday, May 23, 2008 went back to nyp to 'study' wif my dinosaurs, lolx.. we managed to book a room in the lib to study.. bt halfway thru, dere were ppl knockin on our door.. to our surprise, we found out tat we actualli went into the wrong room.. so, we went to the room tat we were supposed to go, and we found out tat it was oso occupied by other ppl, even though tat was our time slot.. so frm all the incidences, all of us agreed tat maybe we shldnt study anymore, since we didnt hv the mood to revise at all.. its okay, i will definitely sit down and revise my work tmr.. =p we took a train to j8 for our lunch.. we went to the AXS machine to book a bbq pit at east coast park for bm0807 class bbq.. i'm so lookin forward to it! aniwae, we decided to eat cafe cartel after further consideration.. we made full use of the benefits a student can hv by orderin student meals, lolx.. felicia was busy writing down the diff set meals they hv for each particular day, so tat we can eat at dere after sch, and gwen was happily tellin us about her life-stories.. it was so dramatic and interestin till all of us realli laugh out loud! supposed to meet van and ah ma at bugis at 6.30.. since i reached dere at around 6, i decided to walk arnd bugis junction myself.. i was veri impressed by the newly-renovated basement, cos dere were many addition of shops lyk gramophone and J.CO donuts!! we had our dinner at mos and headed to bugis village after tat.. me and ah ma bought a belt each, and i was jokin wif her tat maybe one day if we nid each other's belt to match our clothings, we will meet at nyp's shopping arcade to exchange, lolx.. grace came to join us after tat, and she bought her fav checkard blouse wif ah ma.. it was quite a gr8 experience, cos its the 1st time all of us shopped till 10pm, when the shops are closing soon, lolx.. new names: sharlyn.. kaitlyn.. adelynn.. catherine.. (: Thursday, May 22, 2008 lolx, i'm being tagged at cherie to do tis quiz.. Rules of the Taggy Quiz: A] People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. B] Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. Here are my answers: #1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be ? i will not accept it, unless his reason for doin it is someting acceptable.. #2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be ? pursue a degree in a uni, so that i can hv a career i wan.. #3. What will your dream wedding be like ? hmm.. maybe it shld be held at sumwhere veri memorable wif all the pretty decorations.. witnessed by my family and frens.. (: #4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you ? of cos, things tat relate to my future.. for example, how is my life goin to be like 5 yrs later? #5. What's your ideal lover like ? hahax, i'm not too sure about it too.. as long as the person is nice, i will definitely consider him.. #6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ? being loved by someone.. #7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love ? hmm, depends.. #8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do ? give up on my one-sided love? #9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days ? yea, bt i get over them quite fast.. LOL #10. What do you want most in life ? being successful and happy always! #11. Is being tagged fun ? haha, not too bad.. since i tink tis quiz is quite fun to do.. #12. How do you see yourself in ten years time ? i nv tot of tis question.. i onli noe tat i will be 27 yr old ten yrs later, and i hope i wont look lyk an auntie.. =p #13. Who is the current most important person to you ? All the people around me, esp my family and frens.. #14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ? a veri cheerful gal, hu lyks to wear checkard blouses, and is in the same grp as me for pom! #15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor ? if i'm willing to marry tat person, tis means tat i will stand by him no matter wat.. #16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ? A fluffy and cute hamster! #17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do ? i shld not get angry wif anybody for long, cos i tink i shldnt let stuff lyk tat to spoil my mood to do other things.. #18. What kind of person do u think u are ? happy-go-lucky? #19. What do you define as a bad day ? a series of unfortunate events? haha.. #20. If you have to choose between love (as in boy-girl relationships) and friendship, what would it be ? based on the things i witness, i tink i will choose friendship for now.. My next 8 targets are : abigail, felicia, geraldine, grace, qian han, vanessa, yijia and yingyi.. (PS. do at ur own free time bah, lolx..) i dun mean to open curtains at u, bt i jus tink dere shld be other ways tat u could hv done to make things better.. Wednesday, May 21, 2008 ystd was the ultimate day ever, cos i actually stayed up till 3am jus to do hw and projects.. bt i'm super blur ystd, cos i was happily doin my stats halfway, and i realised i did the wrong qs!! so, i gt no choice bt to redo.. T_T tis morning, we had our usual stats tut.. all of us were rather motivated to learn cos our teacher is veri nice to us, lolx.. after tat, almost half the class rushed towards the printing room to print our web & tech stuff.. luckily, i passed my thumbdrive to pei ling, cos i noe she will definitely reach the printing room b4 me since i'm always the slowest in packing up after lessons, haha.. so when i reached the room, i oredi saw pei ling using the com to print, lolx.. so efficient n effective right! =p since everybody is busy doin some last min touch ups on our report, we were late for our lab lesson.. is lyk when when we entered the lab, i can see the teacher's face so black! mus be opening curtains cos we were late for her class, lolx.. lesson was rather fun, cos i jus find the way of using codes to makes a webpage is super amazing! bt when we hv to do the webpage ourselves at the later part, i started to gt confused wif all the codes, and luckily my saviour, felicia came to help me.. thnx bball dinosaur! so after lab, we went to south canteen for our lunch.. we were super quiet when we were eating, cos we felt bad due to some personal stuff.. and so, we didnt hv much mood to eat our lunch.. hope the next time we go to south canteen, it will be a happy one when all of us will eat and crack jokes together! hmm.. live soccer match at 2.45am later.. chelsea VS man. u.. wonder hu will win, hahax.. the people in my class were super excited about it, and dere were situations whereby if man u win, u treat.. if chelsea win, u treat, hahax.. as for my dinosaurs, we will wait for rach to sms us which team won.. if chelsea win, we will wear blue.. if man. u win, we will wear red.. lucas was lyk so confident jus nw.. he said i will definitely wear red tmr cos he knew man u will win, wif his 'veri accurate' 6th sense.. WE SHALL SEE.. =p many apologies for wat we did.. Sunday, May 18, 2008 17th may: was supposed to meet kylie for lunch at 11.30.. bt due to my blur-ness, i went to off my alarm which was supposed to ring at 10, lolx.. so in the end, i woke up at 11.17, and i gt no choice bt to ask kylie to meet me at 12 instead.. we went to j8's food court.. she ordered the egg ommelete noodle tat i recommended her, while i ordered mini wok noodle.. after tat, we walked arnd the shoppin centre lookin for tat swinging CJ7 and oso to popular to look at files and storybooks.. i happened to see the table full of olvls 10-yr series, so i told kylie tat suddenly i missed studyin for o's, cos its lyk tat time, everybody hv the same goal, and tat is to run for the last lap wif all ur might and go into a poly no matter wat.. (: headed to the bbt tea shop to buy my blue coral ice-blend and kylie's grass jelly, and then i went to her hse to watch dvd.. as i nid to meet wing they all after tat, we onli managed to watch sum parts of the show and i hv to leave oredi.. sry about it kylie, we shall continue our show on mon.. =p since i was late, i ran all the way frm kylie's hse to the mrt station.. impressive rite, haha! so me, wing, grace and qh took a train to bugis and shop.. its been a long time since i shop at bugis ever since sch reopened.. vanessa and liangyu came to join us after tat.. we bought a friendship band together.. saw alot of veri nice stuff, and i was so tempted to buy the hoodie when i saw it.. bt i didnt buy in the end, cos i decided to gt a checkard blouse instead, lolx.. i shared earrings and a necklace wif van.. the necklace we bought frm diva is super interestin, cos the set consists of 2 necklaces, 1 wif a pendant tat writes 'friends', while the other one writes 'forever'.. FRIENDS FOREVER! took neos after tat, and we went back to bishan's S-11 for our dinner.. chatted outside ntuc on alot of stuff b4 we headed home..
![]() Saturday, May 17, 2008 i realise my blog is laggin so far behind, ever since i cant go online the past few days due to sum connection prob.. so nw, i shall blog all about my happenings at 1 go.. BE PREPARED! 16 may: pom was kind of funny, cos whenever i turned to my right side, sand will always stare at me wif her big eyes, and i will stare her back, lolx.. i noe its childish, bt inside a not veri interestin tutorial lesson, doin things like tat can make u feel more enthu about tat module.. after our tutorial, everybody was veri hungry even though we hv oredi eaten our breakfast at hme, so we went to splash & decker to buy our ham and cheese sandwich.. chatted for arnd 45mins, and we went for our acctin lecture.. during our ecture, we were taught on how to do perpectual invt.. wat i dun lyk about her teachin was tat she kept emphasising tat tis topic is super easy, and then she jus go on and on, without further explainin how she gt tat ans.. tats why when she asked us to do the lecture exercise nw, me and yilin were busy analysing on how to do tat qs.. luckily, wif our great determination, we finally noe how to do, so i tried to explain to kylie and felicia the steps to do.. and i found out tat the topic we learnt tat day was so relevant to the biz world, cos i remembered when i was doin admin work tat time, my boss told me to do a masters report on our warehouse inventory.. when the lecture ended, sand was so happy, becos we can go to the cathay building for our movie! we booked the tickets for accuracy of death at 3pm, and we went for our ice cream session at ben & jerry! we ordered the cloud 9 set and we had fun choosing the 9 scoops of ice-cream which include my fav strawberry cheesecake and chocolate fudge! the ice cream was so yummy tat all of us agreed tat eatin ice cream can make us feel veri 幸福 and contented.. after our ice cream session, its time to enter the 'room' for our movie.. (: after sitting down, we found out tat the seats we gt were actualli the couple seats tat the person claimed were special seats, lolx.. the movie was kind of boring at some parts, so many of us fell asleep in between the show.. kylie, sand and rach are the survivors for the movie, cos they managed to watch finish everyting.. i'm so impressed, hahax.. and felicia is so evil, she actualli took a picture of me while i was sleepin, argh!!! and the whole clique was busy laughin at me after tat, lolx.. bt cant blame me okies, i slept late the previous nite, as i was busy studyin and ironin my clothes at the last min b4 i slept.. oh, and while we were walkin out of the building, i saw a realli cute toy.. its actualli a small swing wif CJ7 sitting on top.. gwen and kylie told me tat if i realli wan to gt it, i shld buy it elsewhere, cos the rent there is veri high, so the stuff they sell shld be more expensive.. accompanied rach to heeren's HMV to find her disc, and we walked to far east for our dinner!and grats to kylie cos she gave her 1st time of walkin frm doby ghaurt to orcahrd to us, lolx.. we decided to eat at sakura restuarant, and the waitress led us to a round table and sit.. sitting together in a circle made all of us felt lyk we r hvin a family reunion dinner, haha.. after dinner, we went to shop arnd the shoppin centre b4 we headed to the mrt station.. while we were walkin thru the underpass, we saw many whiteboards tat were done by tiger beer to promote their stuff and to let us play games on them.. since we saw many ppl hu wrote their names on top, we decided to follow suit and write on almost every boards.. the whole process took us half an hr, and we had so much fun writing, especially sand hu declared her love for her one and onli anand, hahax! we were here to witness sand's love, wow wow wow.. (",) took a train back and i went to meet my kcp clique under the void deck! we took many pictures using the webcam and wing's digital cam.. went to buy bbt after tat, and they accompanied me to ntuc to buy my all-time-fav- dewberry biscuit! Tuesday, May 13, 2008 had my oral com ICA ystd.. i was so nervous when it was goin to be my turn, so i started to drink water to calm myself down, lolx.. when i began my speech, i keep tellin myself tat i nid to hv eye-contact wif my frens and dun talk lyk a bullet train! to me, i tink i did much better tis time, cos i can feel tat my voice was not realli trembling compared to last time.. even though i oredi tried to slow down while talkin, mdm goh commented to the class todae tat i shld talk slower instead of jus keep goin n goin.. hope i will do better next time.. aniwae, thnx fel for helpin me to click my powerpoint.. the funny ting is tat most of us had to wear formal office wear for our speech, and the clothes we wore made us look lyk teachers, promoters, bankers and even CEOs, lolx.. nw tat the ica is over, i feel so relieved! =p and todae, i met up wif my clique for breakfast! as usual, our 'rare' sand is late by 22 mins! bt its ok, we had fun eatin together, lolx.. had our stats tut after tat, followed by oral com tut.. those ppl hu did not present their speech ystd will present todae, and i tink they did well! especially andy's speech, it was realli touchin.. went to koufu for our so called teabreak, since all of us didnt eat much b4 tat.. we ordered frm the jap stall, and i tink their food is realli yummy! no wonder dere was tis campus food show tat felicia chin and desmond koh hosted actually came to nyp to film tat particular stall, lolx.. ![]() requested by sand to post tis onto our blogs, lolx.. aniwae, we took tis pic while goin home in the mrt.. (: i didnt noe there were actually so many factors to consider.. Friday, May 09, 2008 jus came back frm my class gathering jus nw.. we had so much fun takin pics from van's lappie, especially when we took them in the dark, looked so spooky, lolx.. felt so giddy while playin on the playground's spinning wheel, bt we still continued turning n turning becos we wan to saboo qh! =p and b4 we meet up wif the rest, me, ah ma, van, wing, hweishyan and jocelin went to sakae sushi for our dinner.. talk alot on our sch life, and then we were busy eatin the side dishes and the terriyaki chicken ramen i ordered.. thnx to hweishyan for the treat! aniwae, sch todae was not too bad.. the terriyaki chicken sandwich tat sand introduced us to buy is realli not bad SIA! hahax, inside joke.. the accounting tutorial was rather dry, so whenever i turn to my left side, i saw kylie dozing off, lolx.. bt due to my 'great determination' and ah ma who asked me to help her listen to tat tutorial, i did not sleep at all throughout the lecture and i managed to understand wif the help of yiling, lolx.. then after sch, i accompanied kylie to amk hub to look for her shoes for the speech, and we bought mini sushis and fruit juices to eat at the 'fountain'.. and halfway while we were playin viwawa, we saw ziying and peiling! so coincidential rite, and they mentioned tat me n kylie lyk everywhere oso wan to use laptops, lolx.. tmr i'm goin to amk wif kylie to buy her shoes and oso to hv lunch at sumomo hse, haha! then after tat, i will be goin to her hse to watch show, and maybe meetin van and wing they all in town.. =) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i'm in charge of protectin the guest-of-honour! ![]() ![]() ![]() tats grace! she looked so different rite.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i'm the one in the middle.. i looked so scary, lolx.. ![]() me and van jumpin behind! ![]() i shall see how things go.. Wednesday, May 07, 2008 its wednesday todae! the day tat i can finally take a nap and wake up without hvin to do any tutorials, lolx.. not tat i realli hate doin tutorials, bt the things tat i hv to do these few days is so much.. stuff lyk doin IT presentation and statistics hw, studyin for web & technology test within a day.. so ystd, many of my classmates burnt the midnite oil, and u can see that everybody looked so tired during stats tut.. bt even though i'm tired, i still gt tat enthusiasm in doin those qs in class, cos tat teacher is realli great! he's friendly, unlike some teachers, lolx.. and during our IT lesson, we had our online test and i gt 15/25.. even though its not realli gd, bt i'm oredi quite satisfied wif the score, cos tis test is realli tougher than the previous one.. and.. the long-awaited moment is here! presenatation time! my grp is the last second to present.. is lyk the room is so freezing cold until it makes us more nervous.. as usual, when i'm sayin halfway, i started to laugh a little bit, cos i cant stand myself being so serious and tokin infront of the whole class.. =p after tat, me, sand n kylie went to the humanlink after tat for an interview for jobs in kumon and childcare centre.. is lyk sand keep laughin at me say 'shuyinggg, u wan to be a teacher? u sure..' hahax, how dare she doubt my abilities.. then while waiting for our turns for tat interview, sand started to act for us the way she will treat the kids.. her true colours!! aniwae, the interview was alrite.. cos i'm basically jus crappin my way thru all the qs, lolx.. we were lyk so hungry at tat time, so we went to north canteen and eat sausage & cheese prata! and 1st time in history, kylie seah eat faster than me lo! tats why i say she's realli too hungry le.. i bought chocolate milk frm cheers after tat, and we headed to the grassroots club for pool wif lukas, gwen n andrew.. we were lucky enough to win the onli round tat we played, bt lyk wat gwen said, its so obvious they r lettin us win, cos they usually dun play in tat way, lolx.. and since everybody's tired, we left at around 4 and trained back hme.. things are gettin a little more complicated, jus lyk everybody arnd me.. Thursday, May 01, 2008 its labour day todae! all of us can finally take a break and wake up abit later, hahax.. i jus stayed at home the whole afternoon, doin my pom and statistics tutorials.. bt of cos, i didnt jus study the entire day, i was oso watchin the 'hito award ceremony' at c56.. after watchin the funny 'ye man nai nai' show, i went out for dinner at j8 wif my family.. oh, and i bought a veri cute bag for sch.. not those kind of kawaaii-ness cute, is jus kiddy cute, lolx.. sch on wed was alrite.. i had my 1st test on web n technology, n i gt 17/25.. not tat bad, bt not tat gd oso.. i shld hv prepared for tis test earlier, and not study for it onli after i do finish my statistics hw, zzz.. gwen went for her checkup after tat, while the rest of our clique went to the south canteen to eat to prepare ourselves for the makeup tutorial.. the funny ting is tat i kept psycholing sand tat there is actualli a west canteen, and she realli believe wat i said, hahax.. as usual, sand will tok about all the amusing stuff to make us laugh, and all of us nearly cant swallow our food.. =p while waiting for the lecturer to come, we used fel's hp to take pics.. (samsung hps are gr8 becos of their front cameras, lolx..) we even took pics inside the lecture hall, which i tink its quite interestin, cos we didnt take b4.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() me n kylie went to abi's hse after tat to watch 'ah long pte ltd' dvd, together wif jerlin n lenice.. we ordered pastamania home delivery, and we all agreed tat its not realli worth, since the portions they gave is so much lesser than u eat at the outlet itself.. abi had a hard time eatin cos she poured too much chilli flakes onto her pasta, lolx.. even though i had watched b4 the movie, i still find sum parts veri funny.. =) |