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Sunday, June 29, 2008 sry for not updatin for so many days, lolx.. so nw, i shall summarise wat i hv done for the past few days.. fri: after sch, 801 had our lunch at south canteen.. felicia and i ordered salmon don.. its our 1st time eating tat.. quite nice, no wonder its highly recommended by kylie, haha.. bt the lychee milk tea tat i bought tastes super weird.. fel and kylie left first, while i stayed behind wif the rest to do their planning for afa's show & tell.. since sand and rach needed my lappie for their research, i gt nothing much stuff to do, so i started to use lucas's hp to take candid pictures of them.. my entertainment didnt last long, cos all of them noe tat i'm takin pics of them after they heard the shutter sound frm the hp.. i tried to mute the sound, bt cant, lolx.. bt still, i gt use webcam to take some photos.. =p went home to put down my laptop first, before i met up wif my kcp clique to newton circus for dinner! its been a long time since i ate so much spicy seafood at 1 go, cos we ordered chilli sotongs, lalas, kangkong and stingray.. tats why after we ate finish, our stomachs felt so warm, lolx.. went to ps's arcade after tat.. since dere were sum neoprint machines over dere, we decided to take together.. as usual, when we reached bishan, we went to our fav hideout to chit chat, and tats none other than the playground near the bbt shop.. =) sat: went to watch '10 promises to my dog' at vivo city wif kylie, geraldine and eliz.. before we went to book our tickets, we went to subway and eat.. i ordered the snapple promotion set at $7.20, with one sandwich, two cookies and 1 bottle of snapple of ur choice.. super worth rite, lolx.. sum more wif every set u buy, they will gif u a scratchcard to play.. at 1st i tot it will surely be like 'thank u for ur participation', in the end its 'u've won 2 free cookies!' =p the tickets to the movie were selling fast, so by the time its our turn to buy, we r onli left wif the first 2nd row of seats.. had a difficult time watchin, cos the SUPER BIG screen is so near to us and we felt so giddy.. other than that, the whole movie was great!! towards the last part, it was so touchin until everybody kept cryin n cryin.. shopped arnd vivo and chinatown's people park complex after tat.. i bought a top frm one of the shops dere, so did geraldine and eliz, lolx.. ate our dinner, b4 we trained back home.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, June 25, 2008 stats tut was alrite.. mr yeou decided to change his way of teachin by askin us to do 1 qs for him b4 the end of the lesson, cos he felt tat since all of us were busy wif other hw, might as well we try 1 qs and let him mark now.. =) and.. todae is officially the last HTML lesson! all of us were quite efficient while doin the independent challenge, and i can see tat the teacher was in gd mood, cos shes can even joke arnd wif our 'new student', haha! after sch, we took a train to sakura restaurant for our lunch.. the mrt trip to orchard was so super embarassing, so i shall not eleborate further.. =x we actualli requested for a round table, bt the person got us a rectangle one instead.. so nw its no longer 团圆饭, but 团方饭, hahax.. we ordered twin fish fried rice and fried noodles.. the noodles was nice, jus tat its too salty!! shopped arnd far east after tat.. gwen and agm left first, while the rest of us accompanied felicia to heeren's HMV.. she managed to buy the BBT xiao ju dan disc, and i can see shes veri happy about it, haha.. since now is the most appropriate time to eat ice-cream, we decided to walk down to cathay and eat ben & jerry's! even though i jus ate it last sunday, i dun mind eatin again, haha.. we shared the merlion set and we were happily choosing our 6 scoops.. =p after eatin, we went to shop at PS, gwen's new home! i still rmb how she reacted when we saw her dere.. she was so shy till she blushed on the spot, lolx.. dere was one part in carrefaur when we were buggin the playful felicia for one particular thing to see, and we were reminiscing about our fishing moments when we were young.. LOL ![]() ![]() Tuesday, June 24, 2008 stats was okay, jus tat we were being taught on a new topic, and i tink i nid time to understand.. watched some of the piano videos frm lucas's hp during break time.. very interesting! LOL for oral com, its the 1st time 801 sat together in a table, and we played BINGO! did my practise speech on fast food infront of the class, and as usual, i talked super fast again.. i mus not commit tat mistake again during ICA2.. =x econs project.. hmm, under their arrangement, i will be grouping up wif gwen, lucas and agm.. its my first time groupin wif them, so 合作愉快, hahax.. we had to draw lots and see what industry we r supposed to do, and tada! we got boutique shop.. ate our lunch at koufu and i ordered ban mian again! no creativity, bt its realli veri addictive, jus lyk meiji chocolate milk! haha.. Sunday, June 22, 2008 had my family day todae.. we had a very interestin lunch todae, cos we went to eat chicken rice BALLS todae.. they looked super cute, and taste yummy too.. those balls may look small, bt they are super filling! LOL after tat, we went to visit my ah ma and we headed to united sq for ben and jerry's ice-cream! yayy, finally i gt to eat it after craving for so many weeks.. we ordered the merlion set, so we can choose 6 scoops of ice-cream plus brownies, bananas and topping.. i tried their new flavour- cheesecake brownie, and i tink its nice.. aniwae, thnx sis for the treat! (: while we were shoppin at novena sq, my dad saw a soccer table outside the shop, and he suddenly felt lyk playin.. i guess he was jus too influenced by the on-going euro cup, lolx.. so, we put in 2 bucks into then machine and we were given 14 balls to play.. my parents form one team, while my sis and i form another team.. i was quite impressed by my dad, cos i didnt noe he's actualli quite gd in playin, lolx.. as for me, i didnt hv much chance to show my 'skills' tat i accumulated while playin wif my kcp clique in sch, cos my sis took the mid-field.. bt still, it was a good game! =p time flies.. my 2 weeks of holidays are coming to an end, which means i hv to start wakin up at 7plus to go sch again.. hope i am oredi fully recharged to start studyin again.. =o Friday, June 20, 2008 saw tis test frm kylie's blog, so i decided to try out.. and tada! here are the results: ![]() aniwae, b4 i met up wif my kcp clique for our gatherin, i met up wif kylie under my void deck to do some discussion on our afa show & tell.. brainstormed on a few ideas, and we all agreed tat they were all so kiddy, lolx.. dinner @ sumo hse and the pool game at amk were great.. nice catching up wif them, especially at the playground.. its been long since we sat down together and had our 'face-to-face' talk.. i still rmb tat time b4 our olvls, we were so lookin forward to poly life and we cant wait to graduate frm kcp.. and nw after a few weeks in poly, all of us started to miss our sec sch life, and hope to go back to kcp.. contradicting rite? bt still, i'm sure all of us will be able to adapt to our sch life sooner or later.. lets all work hard together!! =) thnx for the effort tat u hv put in.. Thursday, June 19, 2008 took a bus to east coast park todae.. the super long n never-ending bus ride made me so uncomfortable.. luckily gt my mentos and rach's eclipse to help me survive through the whole journey.. =x we walked frm area A to area E for lyk half an hr, cos its realli veri far frm the place we alighted.. while waiting for the rest to come, me, kylie n rach went to explore the place n took pics together, lolx.. the rest of us went to play 'heart attack' wif the poka cards, while waiting for the 2 guys to start the fire.. we were super 'high' while playin, and i tink all of us had fun hitting each other's hands.. hahaha at first, the guys were the one hu cooked and served the food to us.. bt after sum time, we decided to contribute by bbq-ing the food too.. the seafood tofu tat i cooked and the mini sausage tat we poked were super successful! in order to clear up all the food tat we bought, i tried to eat up most of the hotdogs tat we cooked.. tats why i doubt i will be eatin them again for the next one month, lolx.. aniwae, i still hope tat we will hv more of such events in future! Wednesday, June 18, 2008 went to ps's carrefaur to shop for our bbq stuff! the way we chose our drinks and chips was super funny, cos gwen told each of us to grab any drink and any chips we like.. in the end, i onli chose my fav peach tea, lolx.. suddenly i miss buyin the pkt peach tea frm the vendin machine in sec sch.. i still rmb everyday without fail, after we buy our food, we will peep at the machine n see whether peach tea is on sale.. if yes, i will be lyk 'yayyy.. todae gt peach tea..' hahax, i oso dunno why the whole grp of us was so addicted to tat drink at tat time.. (: after buying all the stuff, we made the 2 guys carried for us.. felt a little guilty, cos i tink sum bags were not tat heavy, so actualli i shld do my part in carryin oso.. =x went to food court and ice-monster for our lunch.. we were veri hungry and cold at tat time, cos we didnt eat much for breakfast and sumhow the air-con was blowing at full blast, lolx.. tmr will finally be the day of the bbq.. kind of excited about it, cos we can cycle and bbq at east coast park! bt.. .. my OPPU-TUNE-NITY COST for goin to the bbq is goin to rtc to swim wif my kcp clique.. so sry i cant join u guys.. i will cya on friday instead! ^.^ Tuesday, June 17, 2008 tagged by kenny lim! 01. What'a Your Favourite Fruit? mango.. watermelon.. grapes.. 02. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? hongkong or taiwan oso can! 03. What’s your favorite thing to do? shoppin.. eatin.. listenin to music.. 04. Do you think money can buy happiness? nope.. 05. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be? to hv everyone's wishes come true.. 06. Do you prefer a kiss or a hug? as for nw, i would prefer a hug, lolx.. 07. What are you afraid to lose the most? the ppl arnd me? 08. If you win $1 million, what would you do? think of how to use the money wisely.. 09. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? -sumtimes abit emo -sumtimes abit hyper -crappy 10. What makes you happy? almost anyting around me can make me laugh.. i'm small-minded, jus lyk felicia.. =p 11. How do u describe yourself? (i changed to tis qs!) happy-go-lucky.. 12. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? i will behave like how a typical 27 yrs old person will be? LOL 13. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To rewind time.. 14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? to be successful and happy always.. 15. Any childhood memories you’ll like to re-live? yes, many! i miss my childhood times.. everything is jus so simple.. 16. How old do you want to get married? hvent realli think about it, lolx.. 17. Which cartoon character you like most? pooh bear! 18. Are you courageous enough to go and tell the person that you like he/she? not at the moment.. 19.Do you think you're pretty/handsome? nope.. 20.what are you doing right now beside replying this tag? chatting in a mass conver wif grace, joce, ly and qh.. =p Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. My Targets : kylie, yijia, jocelin, felicia, cherie, geraldine, qianhan? if u're feelin bored after doin all ur homeworks, feel free to do tis quiz too.. =p Monday, June 16, 2008 went for lunch at ajisen wif kylie, gwen, gwen's ah ma, lucas and agm.. i ordered chashu ramen, without the spicy-ness tis time.. at 1st i was still not used to the taste, bt at the later part, it became nicer n nicer oredi, lolx.. so while gwen was bringin her ah ma to ttsh for her checkup, the rest of us went to shop arnd velocity and united sq.. we were supposed to get sum ideas for our show & tell at toys r us, bt we ended up playin instead, lolx.. bought a new water bottle.. gt my fav baby pooh and piglet on top.. hope it will motivate me to drink water everywhere i go.. =p we oso went to donut factory's cafe to try their new flavours.. i tried their cookies 'n' cream! super nice, mus tryyy.. Saturday, June 14, 2008 so sad.. my well-designed plan specially for father's day was half screwed up due to some last min stuff.. so tmr, we can onli celebrate in the evening.. bt its okay, since plan a cant work, i hv to think of plan b.. plan b is to surprise my dad wif the present tat me, my sis and my mum shared at 12am sharp! and yah, we jus gave him the present, and he likes it! hope he will wear it to work next time.. =) aniwae, todae my pom grp went to interview hk's uncle.. learnt quite alot of stuff from him and i tink its a gr8 experience for us since i tink its our 1st time interviewing ppl.. i remembered when we asked him wat advice would he gif to students hu wished to be successful in their careers, he said tat we mus be sure of wat job we realli wan, and excel in tat area.. we mus oso cherish our schooling time, cos our workin life in future would no longer be lyk tat anymore, wif all the tings nicely done up for us.. did some discussion at starbucks.. drank my chocolate cream chip again, and nw i felt so heaty cos i drank it for 2 days consecutively, and i even bought a subway cookie wif kylie jus nw, lolx.. since we were hungry after our discussion, we decided to eat at sakura restaurant! coincidentally, we sat at the table which was exactly the same one tat i sat wif 601 last time.. talked about alot of stuff, and we were busy laughin at each other's jokes, lolx.. went to find kylie at john little after tat.. waited for her till she ended work and we went over to funan and use the engraving machine over dere.. after kylie engraved on ding chao's pencil, i took a spare cap to practise 1st b4 i engrave on lucas's pen.. hope they wont gt a shock after seeing our ''professional' engraving skills.. HAHAHA Friday, June 13, 2008 i'm so fated wif my number 13 todae! firstly, todae is june 13th.. i met up wif lucas at city hall at 13 00, and we went to the IT fair at suntec city.. actualli i gt no intention to go to the fair, bt for the sake of my sis, i hv to go frm lvl 4-6 jus to look for her thumbdrive.. bt i dun realli mind lah, cos i tink its quite nice to look at the gadgets ppl are selling.. and yup, i finally bought a 4gb imation thumbdrive at $26.50.. (: after buyin, we walked over to marina sq to find kylie for lunch.. wanted to spring a surprise attack on her, bt i failed cos the auntie told her, lolx.. bt i'm quite happy, cos its nice to noe tat even after 5 long months, ppl lyk the sifts promoter, candy guy, ping ping and lance still rmb me.. we went to the foodcourt, and ordered the noodles recommended by me.. hope its still acceptable for u guys, lolx.. we managed to shop arnd for awhile, b4 we went back to john little.. tried to practise my engravin, bt it seemed lyk i 失手 le.. so in the end, i didnt manage to help lucas engrave, and kylie had to bring the pens to funan tmr to let her senior engrave.. T_T since ms kylie seah requested for me to wait for her, i shall be nice and wait till she end work.. so while waiting, lucas and i went to catch a movie- the happening! its realli a veri nice movie, cos its a combination of comedy, horror and abit of romance.. so yah, highly recommended! and not to forgt, one of the the seats tat we gt was 13! after the movie, we went back to jl to shop for my father's day present.. together wif kylie, we headed to raffles's city's starbucks to drink ice chocolate! since faris was workin dere, he was nice enough to gif us a discount, lolx.. so b4 we left, we decided to write a 'love letter' for him! actualli tat idea was frm an unknown person, hu placed a heart-shaped note on the table and wrote 'thnx for clearing our table' to the ppl at starbucks.. so sweet of tat person rite.. aniwae, i took a picture of the letter we wrote, so u guys may wan to take a look.. its okay if some of u dun understand wat we r writing about, hahaha! i may be of some influence to u, bt it still depends on the effort u put in.. so jus stay the way u are, and we shall see how things go.. Thursday, June 12, 2008 work was alrite ystd.. time passed quite fast, maybe cos i was spendin my free time doin my acctin tut 6.. i was quite surprised wif myself cos i'm usually those kind hu would rather day-dream instead of study, lolx.. since ystd was the last day of the roadshow, many companies started to pack up their stuff at arnd 7 plus.. i was the only one standin dere, lookin at how busy they were and smsin kylie how weird i felt, cos many ppl were lyk wonderin why am i still relaxing, since my side looked lyk one of those hu have the most things to pack.. after waiting for quite some time, my boss is finally here! she was quite shocked to see so mani ppl hu had oredi packed finished, and she told me tat they shldnt do tat, cos the fair ends at 10pm.. if everybody kept all their stuff, there were not be anyting left for the customers to shop.. the packing up was quite fun though.. there were 2 workers hu came to help us to deliver the stocks back to the warehse.. one of them was super funny, cos he tried to introduce to us the new-comer tat he brought along todae.. tis is wat he said (translated frm chi to eng).. worker: let me introduce him to u all.. his surname is called 'shuai', name is called 'ge'.. me & my boss: -.- worker: nw my turn to introduce myself.. my surname is called 'hand'.. me: huh? u mean the ham tat we eat? worker: no lah! i mean the 'hand' in the word 'handsome'.. my boss: childish! so crappy rite, lolx.. bt the worker keep sayin 'xiao mei ar, wif the rate u're packin, i tink we can onli go hme at 11pm.. bt its ok la, we can sit down here n wait, n look at the 'beautiful' scenery.. u can slowly pack, i'm not rushin u..' after hearin tat statement, of cos i will pack faster rite, later he will say sumting sarcastic again, haha.. in the end, i am the 1st one to pack finish, so i went to help them.. =p we were the last company hu packed finished.. so when i was walkin to amk mrt station, its oredi 10pm, lolx.. ok, i shall end here n start on my pom tut.. byeeee... Saturday, June 07, 2008 started my holiday work at popular's roadshow todae.. so early in the morning, i met lucas for breakfast at amk hub.. the 'ah mei cafe' tat we went to was so crowded, bt sumhow we managed to get a table.. since its my 1st time eatin dere, i felt so noob cos i didnt noe tat they will gif us a number tag.. if the number is shown on the screen, it means tat our food is ready for collection, lolx.. i ordered egg prata and ice milk tea.. and yah, i hv to agree tat their milk tea is nice, bt cant drink too much, cos the news said so.. =p since its still so early, we went ntuc to buy sweet and then walk arnd.. we walked the same lane over n over again, till i tink i can recognise the shops oredi, lolx.. and after so long, my boss was still not dere yet, so i suggested goin to the arcade! no mario kart dere, so we played daytona.. hmm.. my experience wif the 2nd customer was the most unforgettable one.. she was the regular customer of parker.. n b4 she came to my booth, my boss told me tat later she will come to buy frm us and she had to serve her personally cos she always use my boss name whenever she buy pens frm other places.. the shockin ting is tat the customer showed her true colours after my boss left! while she was wrappin the pen, dere was one little gal hu stood at my counter lookin.. the customer started to scold the gal and ask her to get lost, cos she dun lyk ppl to look at her when she is doin things.. the gal was so scared, and i'm quite surprised the gal's mum didnt tried to fight back for her daughter.. =x kylie came to find me and we ate lunch together at mos.. lucas n i tried on the small meat dumpling tat kylie made at her grandma's hse.. i tinks its not too bad, and i'm quite impressed by the appearance and look of the dumpling, lolx.. tats why i kept sayin tat makin ur own dumpling seems so fun! time passed quite fast todae, since dere are 2 ppl hu came to entertain me, haha! tmr will be yijia's turn to join me for lunch.. =) aniwae, happy birthday to rach! LOL Friday, June 06, 2008 i'm so sleepy nw, so i am tryin to blog and listening to songs to keep me awake.. T_T okies, so todae i went to ljs for breakfast.. based on wat rach said, it was so called the last breakfast we hv together BEFORE HOLIDAYS, lolx.. bt in the end, most of us couldnt woke up on time, so onli me, kylie and rach ate together.. we were happily eatin our breakfast, till we didnt keep track of time.. when we knew tat we r onli left wif 15 mins to go sch, we tried to walk the shortcut way to the lecture room.. esp kylie, she became so efficient suddenly, and walk super fast, lolx.. then during the lect, yilin gave all us a bubble gum each.. and kylie seah! she kept laughin at me for not knowing how to blow the bubble, lolx.. luckily, i am not the only one hu dunno how to blow.. felicia and sand oso dunno how, hahaha.. so after the lecture, we had our balloting on our oral com ica 3.. kylie was the one hu represented my grp for the ballot.. the 1st round, we were lucky enough to be one of the 2 grps hu will hv 4 ppl in our grp and we were lyk so happy! the 2nd round wasnt tat lucky, cos we actualli wanted food or fashion, bt we gt wellness instead.. bt its ok la, at least its not the most boring topic.. =p after the 'super interestin' ballot, the ppl in '801' plus mardiah went over to one side, and used felicia's hp to take a video, specially for gwen! at 1st, we asked winston to help us take.. bt we kept laughin in btwn the filming, so dere were lots of NGs, haha.. finally, we managed to finish the video, and we sent to gwen.. sadly, gwen couldnt open the video we sent, so we decided to tell her thru the phone: ''even though we r not wif you physically, we will support mentally.. gd luck!'' and wif such a touchin statement, gwen told felicia she's realli touched, lolx.. oh, and i jus received an mms frm gwen! i couldnt view tat pic, bt its ok, cos kylie already told me wat the pic shows.. so i tried to sms gwen, and she told me everyting was okay, jus tat it was veri painful and bloody.. jus hope she will recover soon! =) aniwae, here are the videos tat we took.. its so funny till the more i watch it, the more i feel lyk laughin.. after many times of NGs.. we decided to use tis.. cos tis file is small enough to send over to gwen! =) Thursday, June 05, 2008 had my last ICA1 paper todae, and tat is microecons! i hv to complete 3 long qs within 45 mins, so even though many ppl told me tat i mus hv gd time management, i failed to do so.. is lyk i noe how to do the qs, bt due my slow writing, i lost 8 marks jus liddat, haix.. since what's done cannot be undone, i shall not think about it anymore, lolx.. after sch, me, kylie, rach, fel, sand and lucas trained to orchard for lunch at seoul garden! the main purpose was actually to celebrate rach's bdae.. gwen and agm joined us after tat, and we had a veri fun time bbq-ing our food and taking grp pics after rach cut her bdae cake.. gwen, agm and sand left first, while the rest of them accompanied me to sony's service centre to repair my hp.. thanx to them, i dun hv to wait alone, haha.. after tat, we went to buy liza's present frm sasa.. i was so 'high' while choosing the perfumes, and i kept laughin and laughin when lucas went to pay, lolx.. aniwae, i tink the glow-in-the-dark, elizabeth arden and lulu paris perfumes smell the best! =p after tat, we walked to taka to get a bdae card.. they are so gd in jeackin me while we were choosing the cards, esp the part on the 'zoo-keeper' and the 'guy astronut', lolx.. finally, we found a suitable card for liza, and we went to the toy fair to shop around.. the pooh bears dere were so cute, and we had fun playin wif the kungfu panda and dora & the explorer toys.. esp rach, all of us saw her shakin the toy and putitng it near to her ears to listen to wat the toy is talkin.. we didnt noe she can be so kiddy, even though she appeared tat she was bored at 1st, lolx.. fel went home 1st, while we went to wheelock to shop for awhile.. explored marks n spencer and borders, b4 we headed home.. =) ![]() 601~ ![]() nw upgrade to 801, lolx.. aniwae, the bdae gal is the one in btwn sand n kylie.. all the best ok! everyting will turn out fine.. =) Monday, June 02, 2008 knew the results of my afa and oral com todae.. not too bad, at least most of us were pretty satisfied by the score, haha! after mdm goh told us our score, she gave comments to everyone of us.. it was quite predictable on wat she would say to me, so i was very prepared for it, lolx.. she said i rely too much on my cue-card, so i tend to miss out eye-contact.. my pace is way too fast, so i mus slow down a little.. bt after hearing the last part tat she said, i felt a little more confident nw, cos she said if i correct all my mistakes, she tink i will do well for my speech cos i hv gt good vocals, haha.. so yah, i will try to put in more effort for my speeches in future.. =) the train frm bugis to city hall was super crowded till all of us had hardly any space to move.. dere was tis guy hu stood behind me.. is lyk when the train is moving, i can feel his hands sumwhere around me.. thinkin tat it was probably due to the crowded train, tats why his body tend to go veri close to me, i tried to move a little to the side and move forward.. bt wat i did seemed to be useless, cos he jus kept moving forward, and tis time, he tried to touch my hands.. the feeling was so horrible, and all i had in my mind tat time was to reach the station asap, so tat i can get out of the train.. yucks.. ok, and while we were takin the train frm city hall to marina bay, kylie saw a bug on her backpack.. gwen was lyk screamin away, while kylie jus threw her bag on the chair.. the bug didnt crawled out frm the bag, and nobody dared to touch it.. i gt no choice, bt to hold the strap and try to shake and move the bag.. and finally, mission accomplished! the bug is finally out frm the bag.. the next thing i saw was the ppl around us, hu were busy laughin at our silly actions, lolx.. we can forgive, bt we can't forget.. Sunday, June 01, 2008 time flies.. its oredi the 1st of june, which means half a yr had gone past, lolx.. aniwae, i went shopping at bugis wif yijia, kylie and yy ystd.. its been a long time since i realli shopped and bought so many stuff ever since sch reopened.. we went to the cafe by j-co and we had a great eating experience wif all the 'so yummy' donuts! yijia left first, while me and kylie accompanied yy to the arcade to play kof.. its always exciting to see her compete wif other ppl, haha.. |