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Tuesday, July 29, 2008 yay, 2 projects are finally done.. nw i am onli left wif the online cookie shop website which my grp is suppose to do for web & tech project.. had presentations for 2 days in a row.. oral com and econs.. is lyk we onli nid to present for tat 30 mins or so, bt the preparation for all the speeches and ppt is super tiring.. i onli slept for a pathetic 4 hrs these few days, jus to complete all the tasks tat all of us nid to complete.. bt whenever the ppt slides are shown on the screen, u can feel the 满足感.. i guess tats the best part for doin pw, lolx.. i shall not elaborate much, cos i am goin to let the pics do the talkin.. =p while doing the personal webpage at the lib's cafe.. laugh alot tat day, lolx.. ![]() Thursday, July 24, 2008 todae is considered a relaxed day for all of us.. we dun hv to go for econs lect, as it was oredi the last lesson last week.. bt being super 'hardworkin', i still went back to sch wif my clique to do our econs project.. in the morning, we went to j8's toastbox for breakfast! i ordered floss thick toast wif ice lemon tea.. it was yummy, bt its definitely not filling enough for me, lolx.. we oso went to ntuc to shop awhile, b4 we trained to sch.. camp in the lib for almost the entire day, frm 12pm to 8.30pm.. except for my tea break, i left the lib awhile to print some stuff and ate wif kylie at south canteen.. had my fair share of researching and typing.. and of cos, great share of fun, laughter and joy, hahaha! i jus kept laughin and laughing at the things i see and hear.. the 'cat dog' song by professional singers (rach and sand) and the miniclip table-tennis game.. not forgetting, sumting veri interestin happened when they were using my smartcard to exit frm the lib's gate.. =p the super useful extension plug by agm! LOL it was best left unsaid.. Sunday, July 20, 2008 18th july.. had to dress up formally for pom presentation.. my grp was the 1st one to present and i tink the whole process was not tat bad.. while listening to the presentations by other grps, some of us tried to multi-task by doing sum last min revision for our afa test.. to my surprise, i found out tat the mtd tat i always do for my LIFO stockcard is wrong! =x luckily, the paper tat i got was on periodic inventories, and not on perpectual, lolx.. the 2nd qs was a killer, so i spent quite sum time tryin to understand wat the qs is try to tell us.. after sch, we went to koufu for our lunch.. i ordered yong tau foo wif soup and noodles.. er, the ingredients are nice, bt definitely not the noodles wif the soup.. i tink the soup tat my mum cooks is 50x nicer than the one they sell, hahax.. =p did my personal webpage wif hana, lucas, kylie, mardiah and liza in the lib, with the help of FELICIA! thnx to her, our webpage is finally done up, except for sum editting here n dere.. although it was quite tiring hvin to be stuck in sch for the whole day, i still had fun.. =) met up wif my kcp clique at ps after tat.. all of them commented tat i looked lyk a teacher wif my formal wear, lolx.. had my dinner at pastamania and shop arnd the place after tat.. as usual, we sat at the playground near the bbt shop and played cs and uno cards! bt tis time, we had forfeits for those hu lost in the game.. poor ah ma and jocelin, they were the ones hu have been doin all the silly forfeits the whole night.. the most memorable one was the one when jocelin asked ah ma to say, ''我很笨,我很傻,我只错了!'' hahahaha! 19th july.. went to nyp's lib to do our oral com project.. i had problems loggin in to sbm's network, so in the end, i played cs frm my lappie.. when the lib is about to close at 1pm, we changed location to mac and hv our lunch while doin.. luckily, my connection is alright again, so i can proceed on wif my project.. felicia, lucas and small andrew came to join us after tat.. since macdonalds is closing soon and its time the cleaners wash the floor, we decided to find new location to do our project.. while walkin, kylie was tryin to play cs using sand's com, lolx.. poor fer, she has to hold the lappie and i still scare her by sayin tat if she drops the lappie, she will have to pay for it! wahaha, i am so evil! bt obviously i am jus kiddin, i am not tat mean.. the unbelievable ting was tat we actualli walked for 45 mins, jus to find a perfect spot with plugs to charge our lappies.. i suggested goin to the grassroots club, bt i forgot kylie was wearin the inappropriate attire.. SLIPPERS! we tried to cover kylie by standin in a north-south-east-west formation.. despite our great plan, the security guard still spotted kylie, haha.. the guard was nice enough to let all of us enter, and we finally found a spot to do our discussion.. the rest went home at arnd 6 plus, while kylie n i continued wif our research at bishan lib till it closes.. dinner at toastbox and sushi at ntuc.. yum yum.. Tuesday, July 15, 2008 stats lecture was alright todae, cos we were busy doin the qs on chi-square tests.. its considered the easiest topic among all, bt if u make one careless mistake in the calculation part, thats it! then todae i was super 'lucky'.. when i was checkin my ans halfway, the lecturer suddenly called me to ans the qs.. then kylie was super funny, after she heard the teacher sayin 'fong .. .. ', she was still wondering why it sounds so familiar, hahax.. i was quite stunned when teacher asked me to ans tat part, cos i hvent done tat yet.. bt wif the help of kylie and felicia, i managed to ans bit by bit.. and.. the amazing ting is tat she did not nag at me for not answering the qs well, bt instead, she asked me isit i hvent do yet.. then when i say yah, she asked felicia to help me ans, haha.. after lesson, we went to cheers to buy mogu mogu before we went up to class and play dai dee wif our lappies.. i onli won 1 round, and i gt mostly negative points for the rest of my games, lolx.. mdm goh told us our score for oral com ICA2, and i got 36/50.. when it was my turn to present my 1 min speech on homeschooling, mdm goh reminded me to talk slower and dun be a bullet train, cos its in Japan.. zzz.. so of cos, when i was sayin my speech, i tried to slow down and mdm goh said i gt improve a little bit.. now, even andy oso jeact me for talkin too fast, cos at 1st when i was afraid tat 2 mins was not enough for me to cover 4 slides of the pom ppt, he replied me wif 'u sure can one la.. u r the bullet train mah..' LOL the due dates for all the projects are coming soon.. sians.. research, research and more research! raining time! Friday, July 11, 2008 haha, its friday! bt i doubt all of us can really enjoy our weekends, since our projects are piling up, and we hv to start doin our research.. as usual, i had my pom tutorial in the morning.. in between the lesson, hana and andy told us sum ghost stories.. scary! after lesson, the rest went to buy sum snacks.. mogu mogu, roller coaster.. so tempting! bt too bad, i mus withstand all temptation, haha.. i am goin to reward myself wif fastfood and ice-cream after i recover.. =p acctin lecture was rather slack, cos i am sitting in btwn 2 ppl hu r busy wawa-ing, and its none other than.. .. kylie and lucas! so yah, when kylie finally gt sum rather gd cards, we found out tat lucas had even better cards, like 3 twos etc.. then kylie is super blur, cos she always misses her turn while she was still tinkin whether to throw tat card or not.. after sch, we wanted to go koufu to eat ban mian.. the place was super crowded at tat time, so we went to mac instead.. kylie suddenly felt lyk tryin the terriyaki chicken rice bowl, so she went to order.. unfortunately, the person told her tat dere is no more rice oredi.. in the end, we ordered tuna mayo sandwich.. its niceee, esp wif the generous amt of tuna in the toast bread.. yum yum.. then my grp started to talk about the 'a - ssaulted fish' incident, and sand ar.. she started to push the thing to us by sayin tat we r the ones started the whole joke, hahahaha! since lucas was oso havin a flu, we decided to go mac and buy ice-cream, since the doctor told him b4 tat ice-cream can help in curing sore-throat, as it can 'smoothen' the throat, haha.. when i was about to order frm mac, the person told us tat their ice-cream machine spoilt.. so, we went to cheers to buy instead.. lucas bought the magnum classic, while i bought the neapolitan cup ice-cream.. anyway, thnx for the treat! =) so while the other grp was busy doin their project, my grp was cam-whoring wif our lappie's webcam.. had alot of fun takin pics wif all those weird effects.. after all those laughing and cam-whoring, sand started to feel unwell too.. bt still, we managed to do sum discussion and felicia started to talk about creating a new club, known as Jacking Club.. and they say tat they will be more than willing to let me be the founder and C.E.O, since i am always their target, lolx.. hmm, since i am the C.E.O, i shall welcome 801 to join my club with open arms.. lalalalala~ okies, before i end off, i shall upload sum of the pics tat we took.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, July 09, 2008 had my stats ICA2 todae.. was late for the test by 2 mins.. since the paper tat all of us got was white in colour, so i tot we r all doin the same paper.. the 1st qs is confusing enough for me to be stuck dere for quite long.. then i saw zhen xin hu was sitting beside me, had already proceeded to the second qs.. it was after the paper then we found out tat everybody gt the different paper! lolx.. and final conclusion: all of us agreed tat the paper is tough, so i tink we shldnt tink too much about it nw.. =) web & tech lesson was fun, cos the teacher is gettin better and better in jeacking us.. Funny Conversation 1: teacher: if u are ready, pls look up.. So at least i know u r done wif ur task, and i can move on.. some of us: *lookin at her obediently* teacher: now i know who are the ones not ready.. if i never ask you all, no one will admit that they are not done with that work.. and the next moment when u finally look up, u will be 'teacher.. why i dun hv that part? teacher.. why like this, why like that..' Funny Conversation 2: teacher: *stared at me* i wont look at your work.. me: *blurred look* and ask kylie why teacher suddenly said tat to me.. teacher: *amused look* u dun hv any problems in your work, so i dun hv to see lo.. me: oh.. kylie: HAHA, i know the reason why teacher said tat le.. its because you always got a lot of problems! me: -.-" you are no better.. after lesson, i ate my lunch wif my pom grp.. i ordered terriyaki rice bowl, then kylie was lyk sayin they are eatin chicken rice outside, bt u eat in sch.. then i replied wif yah, substitutes.. =p i had a hard time doin my pom project, cos i was rather sleepy and i kept sneezing, lolx.. okies, time to do some research for my econs project.. bb ppl~ Saturday, July 05, 2008 tagged by YIJIA (: Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you name them. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this. Have FUN! 1. kylie 2. felicia 3. rach 4. sand 5. lucas 6. gwen 7. agm 8. grace 9. joce 10. vanessa 11. ah ma 12. wing 13. ly 14. qh 15. yijia 16. jerlin 17. singyee 18. geraldine 19. elizabeth 20. kenny A.) How did you meet 14? -qh- in primary sch? bt i onli noe her when we came to secondary sch.. B.) What would I do if i never met 1? -kylie- i would not have a friend for me to say everyting to, and dere will be no one to entertain me.. (: C.) What if 9 & 20 dated? -joce & kenny- impossible! cos jocelin will always jeact kenny whenever she sees him, and kenny will always try to fight back, haha.. D.) How about 6 & 17? -gwen & singyee- even impossible.. cos they are both gals and they dun even noe each other.. E.) Describe 3. -rach- the barbie doll wif her bangs! a veri patient gal who can be veri crappy at times.. F.) Is 8 Attractive? -grace- yup.. she's so funny, so happy-go-lucky, tats why sec sch gt quite a few rumours about her and sumbody.. =p G.) Describe 7. -agm- quite funny and patient.. H.) Do you know any of 12's family members? -wing- i saw her mum, dad, and one of her brothers before.. I.) What would you do if 18 confessed that he/she likes you? -geraldine- hahax, she wont.. i am jus the caretaker workin in her hse.. J.) What language does 15 speak? -yijia- english, chinese, dialect and singlish? K.) Who is 9 going out with? -joce- hmm.. u noe, i noe, everyone noes.. L.) How old is 16? -jerlin- 16, goin on 17.. M.) When is the last time you spoke to 13? -ly- on friday's gathering.. N.)What's 2's favourite band/singer? -felicia- i tink dere are quite a few.. 棒棒糖, NEWS and SuperJunior! O.) Would you ever date 4? -sand- for outings after sch? sureee, since she can always make us laugh wif her jokes.. P.) Would you ever date 1? -kylie- of cos.. for shopping trips! haha.. Q.) Is 19 single? -elizabeth- i tink so, lolx.. R.) What is 10's last name? -vanessa- Lim.. S.) Would you ever date 11? -ah ma- sure.. bt for nw, it seems lyk we r too busy wiith sch stuff to meet out for shoppin etc.. T.) What is 3's School? -rach- currently in nyp.. U.) Where does 16 live? -jerlin- bishan.. V.) What is 5's favourite thing? -lucas- hmm.. his precious grand piano, computer and soccer ball .. W.) Have you seen 2 naked? -felicia- of cos not, lolx.. 5 targets, specially selected by me to do tis quiz.. kylie, felicia, grace, qh and liangyu! do it at ur own free time.. Wednesday, July 02, 2008 30th june.. had my show and tell.. it was quite successful, and i tink the whole thing was quite interestin, especially wif all those funny skits tat the class presented.. LOL 1st of july.. everyting happened so suddenly, and i tink its realli too much for us to handle, especially me.. .. unexpected stuff tat i tot it shldnt end up tat way, or perhaps it shldnt even happen at all.. in circumstances like that, i can only take it that nothing happen, and hope tat everyting will go back to normal again.. enough of such demoralising stuff.. time for some happy stuff to lighten up the mood.. i passed my microecons! i tot i will fail, cos during the ICA, i didnt manage to complete my paper, and i knew 8 marks will be gone.. so in order to pass, all the qs tat i had completed mus mostly be correct, which i tink its 'mission impossible'.. bt miracles do happen, i gt 30.5/40.. (: and my oral com ICA 2.. i was not as nervous as last time, bt somehow i jus cant control myself frm talking too fast.. bt still, big thank u to u guys hu tried to slow me down by doin all those hand signals, lolx.. accepting it is one thing, bt getting over it is another ting.. it takes time.. |