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Saturday, August 30, 2008 went to cut my hair wif my mum in the morning.. something interesting happened at the saloon, and i tink i better dun elaborate on it, lolx.. after tat, i met up wif lucas to tampines and shop.. deres tampines mall and century square dere, so there are actualli quite a lot of tings to explore.. ate lunch at pastamania and bought movie tickets to death race, as recommended by jacq.. hmm, the race was quite exciting, cos the ''format'' of it is jus lyk mario kart! when the car drives past a certain spot, the weapon will be activated and it can be used to attack other competitors in the race.. bus-ed to parkway parade and ate our dinner at the hawker centre.. the food was super nice, jus tat we hv to queue for quite long.. i will rmb my 1st time at marine parade and shop at P.P again.. =p Friday, August 29, 2008 advanced happy teachers' day to all teachers! met up wif the clique todae and went back to secondary sch to visit our teachers.. we bought presents for mr yip, mr lee, mrs tham and mr chong and had fun taking pictures wif everyone, lolx.. taken wif our form teacher, mr chong~ mr yip, our fav poa teacher~ our eng teacher, mr lee~ mrs tham! *miss her naggings during f&n lessons, hahax..* 陈老师~ ms chng, our p.e teacher.. *tis picture was rather candid, cos we were laughin at how 陈老师 used the digital cam, lolx..* mrs lim! once my h.m.t teacher.. i still rmb how grace & qh used to fight wif me for their turns to open the lockers! 2133~ our fav past-time when we were in the toilet.. reflection-taking~ ![]() mr lawrence tan! our physics teacher~ ![]() english oral, time to be serious~ ![]() Wednesday, August 27, 2008 went to job-hunt wif kylie, yy and dine.. went to raffles place, followed by orchard.. i still hope our application for the 'mooncake packer' position will be accepted even though the chances are veri slim, lolx.. so after we went for our job interview, we shopped arnd ngee ann city, and dine managed to get a veri cute top frm pull n bear, lolx.. met lucas after tat, and we went chomp chomp for dinner.. the trip to serangoon gardens was realli fast, compared to the other time when i took a bus wif kylie to dere frm amk hub.. ordered fried hokkien noodles, char kway teow, stingray and my fav dessert!! i tried a new dessert tis time, mango wif aloe vera, niceeeee... after dinner, we walked down some veri dark ulu streets in order to take the straight bus back to bishan.. the scary ting is tat we heard some veri unusual sounds, and lucas felt someting.. tats not a gd sign, cos he can feel those kind of stuff.. we jus pretend nothing happen, and jus continued walkin.. Tuesday, August 26, 2008 outing at bugis wif jerlin and singyee!! it been a long time since we meet up ever since sch started.. had a nice time talkin about the past and everyting, and of cos we had fun shoppin for our stuff too.. shopped for a few hrs, before we decided to sit down and drink bbt, lolx.. cam-whored for awhile before we took a train back home.. (: ![]() "Never, never, never, never give up. You can't always get what u want, but if you try sometimes, you might find that you get what you need." Monday, August 25, 2008 movie marathon at fer's hse todae! watched 3 movies at 1 go, and they consist of rat-a-too-ee, material girls and camp rock.. slept awhile during the 1st two shows, cos its either i watched b4 or it was a little too boring.. camp rock was nice, so i was awake throughout!! i kept refilling my water bottle, cos i felt rather heaty after eatin the 2 packets of chips.. kylie and i tried to predict some of the movie parts, and fer will gif us the mysterious look cos she oredi knew parts of the story, lolx.. Sunday, August 24, 2008 celebrated yy's bdae at bugis village ystd.. bought 4-leaves small bread and smuggled into the cinema, hahax.. 'the mummy 3' was realli better than wat we thought, cos dere's exciting and funny scenes.. especially the cow part, kylie n i kept laughin.. (: kylie left 1st, so left wif me, yy, dine and lizzie.. we went to take neos, followed by accompanyin yy to the arcade to play k.o.f.. played wif geraldine the baseball game and hitting screen game.. the funny part was when she asked me to hit the ball wif the bat first.. she was so afraid tat i would hit her face, so she hid at one corner and kept warning me to be careful.. in the end, when it was her turn to hit, i was the one hu kena the hit! LOL, bt its okay la, i noe its jus accidentally.. the throwing ball game was fun oso, especially the one when we hv to hit the mosquitoes to protect the baby.. i kept makin fun of dine, cos shes the RB.. =p ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, August 22, 2008 yipeee! exams are officially over.. i can now look forward to my holidays! (: hmm, talkin about my stats test todae.. i am so angry wif myself.. deres one qs, which i am actualli supposed to use z test since n is more than 30.. i even wrote at the top of the qs paper tat ONLY use t test when n is less than 30.. guess wat? i cant believe i wrote since n=100>30, so t test is applicable.. after exam, i went to watch fireworks wif lucas and his 2 frens, nicholas and daphne.. trained to city hall and ate at shokudo for dinner.. i ordered spaghetti wif croquette and shared mushroom soup wif lucas.. i was busy laughin at their jokes, so in the end i am the last person to eat finish, lolx.. walked over to the sg flyer area and waited for quite some time before the fireworks ting started.. the fireworks were super nice, bt too bad my hp is no longer the cybershot one, so i cant take veri clear pictures at nite.. bought ice-cream frm marina sq's azabu.. i bought double scoops, berry and cookies & cream.. veri smooth and yummy, haha.. the train to bishan was super crowded, cos i tink everyone is rushing back home.. =x pictures time! Thursday, August 21, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY YINGYI AKA MOONEH! ALL THE BEST IN EVERYTING U DO! (: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 econs paper is over~ all the memorising of the notes.. waking up half an hr earlier b4 my usual time to draw the 12 graphs on market structures.. its realli energy-consuming and even till nw, i can feel tat my brain is still packed wif all the theories.. hope my effort will pay off.. T_T stats is another module tat i nid to put on my thinking cap.. i shall put away my econs stuff, and make way for my revision tmr.. aniwae, jus for fun.. todae is a veri special day.. 20-08-2008.. double '2008s'.. =p Monday, August 18, 2008 yay.. another paper is over.. woke up at 10am to complete the afa revison paper, then meet up wif kylie to go sch at 1.30pm.. luckily, we were not the latest, or not we will be the monkey for the day! and NOT surprisingly, the person hu was the last to arrive is none other than sanddddd... hahahaha =p did some last-min revision together.. i started to feel the stress when i realized i forgot how to do notes receivable.. luckily, i didnt spend much time studyin tat, cos lyk wat we predict, it didnt came out in the exam paper.. ate the sushi tat felica brought for us and prata for lunch.. nice nice.. hmm.. overall the paper was still manageable.. jus tat i made some veri careless mistakes.. mistakes tat i shld not even commit at all, argh.. bt its okay, maybe i will gt sum working marks? hahax, mus look at the bright side.. okies, tats all for todae.. i shall start my revison for econs soon.. Friday, August 15, 2008 (edited) i am currently watchin the olympics table tennis game nw.. SINGAPORE VS KOREA! it is quite exciting, cos their scores are so close to each other.. hope s'pore will win, haha.. and tada, latest results! we won!! tis means tat sg will be getting its medal since it gained independence in 1960.. (: had my pom semestral exam in the sports hall todae.. the whole atmosphere is jus lyk taking olvls, except tat we were not wearin sch uniform, and u can leave the hall after u hv finished the paper.. oh ya! the small little pouch tat they hang at the side of our table for us to put in our pencil case n valuables.. it looks quite cute, lolx.. gonna start on my revision for stats later.. i mus learn to like tat module, so tat i will be interested to learn more about it.. =x Monday, August 11, 2008 happy birthday vanessa! went to terminal 2 to study afa todae! its been a long long time since i went to the airport, and i can finally see my aeroplane friends landing and taking off from the tracks, lolx.. explored around t3, and we took several funny pictures and videos.. the rides on the monorail train was fun, and i still rmb the 'you jump, i jump.. u drop, i drop..' hahahax, inside joke.. =p popeye's chicken was ultra-nice!! i ordered their chicken burger set, wif mashed potato as my side and biscuit as my appetizer, lolx.. biscuit aka shortbread + strawberry jam= sweet combination.. mashed potato + gravy = best combination.. even though i oredi ate 1 large mashed potato before i went back home, i still feel lyk eating it again nw.. its realli addictive! =x okies, pictures time.. Saturday, August 09, 2008 friday: wore red to sch, together wif all my friends! at first i was tinkin whether to go to sch, cos i had swollen eye in the morning.. bt still, i went in the end cos deres afa revision lect.. i still remembered wat my econs lecturer said before.. "revision lectures are super impt.. so even if u r sick, u still hv to climb out frm ur bed and go to sch.." saturday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! woke up at arnd 9 to meet lucas for breakfast and study session.. we went to the hk cafe, and i ordered their porridge.. walked over to the library after tat.. and uh oh, it was not open! it was then we found out tat 'oh yahhh, its public holiday.. the library nv open..' in the end, we settled down under the void deck and started our econs revision.. tis time the studyin was much more fruitful, cos i understood more concepts nw.. *thnx for teachin me so patiently even though i keep askin u to repeat..* =p after tat, i went to chomp chomp for dinner wif kylie and elizabeth! we ordered fried hokkien noodles, fried kway teow, macaroni and satay to share.. the desserts they sold were veri unique, and i ordered mango pudding wif fresh mangoes.. yum yum! at 1st, we wanted to head over to esplanade n watch the fireworks.. bt after hearing tat the fireworks performance might be cancelled due to the rain, we took a bus to compass point instead.. we saw the 'tamiya' car competition, and the whole ting was super funny as dere was tis poor red car hu always get stuck halfway on the truck and kena knocked by other cars, lolx.. shopped arnd the place till arnd 7 plus.. after hearin tat the fireworks ting was still on, kylie n i decided to try our luck and trained to city hall to watch the final fireworks.. when we reached marina sq, i received a sms frm lucas, askin me whether i managed to see the fireworks.. it was then we realised tat the fireworks had oredi ended long ago, lolx.. no wonder we saw so many ppl rushin to the mrt station.. ZzZzzz.. bt its okay, me and kylie continued to squeeze through the crowd, and we went over to millenium walk.. we shopped at candy empire and each of us bought some veri intererestin goodies frm dere.. Wednesday, August 06, 2008 yipeee!! finally my last project is done.. this means no more getting myself busy wif all the researching and editting anymore.. (: went to sch earlier to do sum last-min editting and publishing of our webpage.. our end product was quite nice, and i tink all of us are quite happy wif it.. the funny ting is tat since we used kelly clarkson's 'because of you' as our background song, we decided to write sum silly comments on the peer evaluation form.. comments lyk 'ms yang, because of you, we did tis webpage.. so, we would like to dedicate tis song to you..' hahaha, how crappy can we gt.. here are some screenshots tat i took of our 'online cake shop' webpage: ![]() ![]() life is full of surprises.. Monday, August 04, 2008 sch ended early, cos dere was no oral com lesson.. so to celebrate lucas's bdae, i went to marina square wif him after tat.. we bought the tickets for 'money not enough 2', and started to explore around marina sq b4 the movie starts, lolx.. and somehow, we came to the Millenium Walk shopping centre.. it was my 1st time dere, and i tink the place is rather interestin.. we saw part of the ferris wheel frm dere, so lucas suggested tat maybe after our dinner, we will go up-close and see.. the movie was not tat bad overall.. it was 2 hrs long and its more of touching rather than funny.. dinner @ kenny rogers! i ordered the fish set, while lucas ordered the half chicken set.. i noe i shldnt order that, cos fish is definitely not their signature dish.. bt the thought of hving to cut it into small pieces using METAL cutlery jus turns me off, lolx.. we shared the side dishes, which consist of mashed potato, potato salad, country garden pasta and baked rice.. the food was super filling, tats why i was quite full after tat.. not to forget, their corn muffin is veri nice! yum yum.. walked around the area near the esplanade and floating platform.. the night scenery is super nice, and i took quite a few pictures.. after some time, we finally found the place to the ferris wheel.. i like it the most when the ferris wheel changes its light to purple, hahax.. took a bus back, and home sweet home!! ^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, August 01, 2008 celebrated lucas's bdae in advance ystd.. was supposed to meet the rest at yck mrt station at 11.30.. bt i ended up meetin them at arnd 12.30, cos i overslept, haha.. we actualli planned everyting nicely last nite.. bt when we were told tat lucas nids to meet up wif his fren b4 he can meet us, we hv to think of a plan b to surprise him.. so while we were waiting for the bdae boy to come, we were eatin mac-wings.. =p when he finally came, i still hv to act as if i am angry wif him for being late.. sadly, my acting failed miserably, cos i am not gd at it and he actually knew about the surprises we r goin to gif him oredi.. so right frm the start, he's jus tryin to cooperate wif us by pretendin tat he dunno anyting, lolx.. rach n fer came frm behind and surprised him wif the chocolate cake tat we ordered frm splash & decker tat day.. its quite yummy wif tat crust in the middle, jus tat i tink its a little to chocolate-ty for me.. headed to doby ghaurt's cathay building to watch 'dark knights'.. the movie was 2.5 hrs long, and i tink its quite nice.. me and kylie were findin the 'sweet part' of the popcorn in the dark, wif the help of lucas's hp, hahax.. rach left first, while the rest of us went to BK for our dinner.. i like my fish burger and onion rings! (: photo gallery time! super funny shots, LOL.. |