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Friday, October 31, 2008 IT'S HALLOWEEN! WAN SOME PUMPKINS? had treat-or-treating wif the rest todae.. supposed to knock-knock on their heads and gif them their sweets, bt it turned out tat we jus exchanged wif each other during writing skills tut, lolx.. bt still, we had fun eating all the chocolates and sweets while playin our recent all-time-favourite, MURDERER! we were super addicted wif tis game, till to the extent tat we tried to add new roles lyk doctor, priest and the special passerby (tom) who had 3 lives.. *winks winks* after sch, kylie, shann and i went over to yck stadium to check out Nihon Mura 日本村.. the lunch buffet was quite worth it, bt since the timing is frm 12-5.30, we didnt go for tat promotion.. waited quite sum time for yy, dine and elizabeth to come.. i ate 6 plates of sushi at 99cents per plate, and a cup of frutips blackcurrant juice.. yum yum! went back to bishan and we played arcade games.. firstly, for bball, i paired up wif dine and we managed to gt into stage 2, lolx.. secondly, for house of the dead, even though it was fun, me and yy 'died' super fast, oops.. and lastly, for bishi bashi, i kept losing at the stage whereby we hv to be the fastest in making the flower grow.. =x after tat, we went to bbt shop, and saw qh they all at the playground.. *sry guys, i missed tis friday's gathering.. shall join u all again next time* i bought honey green tea, under the recommendation by shann, eliz and kylie, lolx.. sat the the benches and took a few pictures using shann's cam.. aniwae, i suddenly tot of the pictures tat i took wif grace & ah ma last yr.. it was oso during the halloween's season and we tried to do sum poses wif the props.. LOL Wednesday, October 29, 2008 monday: its deepavali! sand invited us to her hse.. there were several hilarious tat happened.. 1. me and rach entered the hse first.. both of us knew tat it was sand's sis standin by the kitchen door, so we jus paused dere and waited for the rest to come in.. as usual, kylie created the joke for the month by shouting a veri loud 'AUNTIE' at the 1st person she saw.. at 1st she tot it was sand's mum, bt it turned out to be the sister, hahaha.. P.S next time mus be more alert ok! 2. sand was super polite and she kept serving drinks and food for us.. the dishes were nice and spicy, especially the potatos and 'campbell soup'.. we tried to fit into their tradition by usin our hands to eat.. kylie and i started to eat slower n slower, so in the end, both of us gave up and used fork n spoon instead.. 3. played heart attack and murderer inside sand's room.. kylie had a great time beatin our hands, and she kept gettin impt roles lyk murderer or detective.. unlike sand, she onli gets to be a passerby, lolx.. 4. lucas tried to do some magic tricks for us to see.. we were quite impressed by it, and sand kept wantin to learn, cos she wans to trick anand, lolx.. since it was raining outside, we wanted to talk about ghost stories.. sand tried to scare us by puttin her scarf over her face n pretended to be the ghost.. -.- 5. met anand downstairs to play sparkles and cards.. played murderer again.. lucas tried to wink at rach, bt she tot tat shes the detective herself, so she was lyk 'ohhhh lucas, you r the one'.. kylie, hu was then the real detective heard tat and caught lucas on the spot.. =p 6. rach was oredi 'pronouced' dead in the game, bt sand still seemed so confident by sayin tat rach is the murderer! LOL 7. when we were goin back hme, sand's father wanted to shook hands wif all of us.. since everybody were busy walkin, we didnt noticed tat he was actualli standin by the side.. it was when he tapped lucas's hand, then lucas realized tat he was tryin to thank all of us.. aniwae, thnx sand for the invitation! u're a good host.. =) Sunday, October 26, 2008 i am a fool! supposed to do concept check, bt i went to do concept challenge.. i spent so much time doin, bt after i submitted the file, i found out tat i did the wrong one! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =( Tuesday, October 21, 2008 i was totally a blind mice durin marketin lect, cos i took out my contacts.. dunno why my right eye had been givin me problems since the last few weeks, argh.. looks lyk i can onli wear my specs for the time being.. =( had tutorial after tat, and i was asked to present my ans for the part on my fav brand.. i chose donut factory! i am definitely their loyal supporter, lolx.. kylie made the discussion a little funny wif sum of her answers, so overall it wasnt tat boring.. =p steamboat session after tat! its sum sort of a belated bdae celebration for me.. we didnt ate at tat place ever since it shifted frm marina bay to novena.. even though the tom yum soup was quite nice, it was realli too spicy! i regretted takin tat 1st sip, lolx.. we were too engrossed wif their cute little desserts, till we became veri bloated and neglected other nice foods.. hmm, i shld had jus listened to lucas and eat them at the last.. bt still, we had fun dere, hahahax.. shopped arnd novena after tat.. had quite a few laughs, thnx to sand's silly jokes, hahax.. we used lucas's hp and cam-whored ALOT at their benches.. not forgetting, we played tis statue game, and the aim of it is to make the 'stoned' person to laugh out loud, lolx.. i took sum videos of it and i shall upload them here.. for more pictures, i shall wait patiently for the rest to send me.. (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, October 20, 2008 after we ended class at 11am, ferr, rach and sand went to the helpdesk to configure their lappies, while the rest of us left first.. kylie went to amk to find her mum, while me and lucas went back to bishan for our breakfast.. headed to c.c after tat and we did our marketing tut together.. after completing our work, we headed to city hall.. since we gt the craving for donuts, we went to eat at donut factory.. lucas treated me to the rocky road ice-cream frm tat 'marvelous cream' shop located at city link.. super nice! i am goin to try other flavours next time! (: rushed over to kumon.. they let me try marking higher lvls of worksheets, and trained me to mark wif both accuracy and speed.. and tada! i am glad to say tat i am abit faster now, lolx.. at arnd 9plus, it started to rain lyk cats and dogs.. i didnt bring umbrella, so they allowed me to leave 1st.. i ran over to the bus stop, and bus-ed back to j8.. called up my mum, and she came to fetch me.. i better learnt my lesson and bring umbrella where-ever i go, since its the rainy season nw.. =o ![]() ![]() Friday, October 17, 2008 had lessons frm 9-4pm todae.. even though i was quite tired, i didnt doze off for both my tutorials and lectueres.. its quite a great achievement oredi, hahaha! maybe cos dere are several stuff to entertain me, for example: 1. felicia tried to draw on rach's foolscap paper.. we helped to contribute by giving her some silly ideas to decorate the picture.. basket full of 'R's.. =p 2. lunch at splash & decker.. shared wif lucas terriyaki chicken sandwich and chocolate mocha float! the coffee was rather bitter, bt the vanilla ice-cream was nice, hahaha! 3. econs lecture was rather funny.. we were busy doin eye-contact wif each other due to some reasons.. *rach shy shy* after sch, i went to marine parade wif lucas.. shopped arnd P.P, and we ate our dinner dere.. i had a sudden craving for spicy stuff, so i ordered tom yum chicken ramen.. the soup was realli spicy! i had a super hard time eating, and i had to keep drinkin the sugarcane juice.. kind of deserve it, lolx.. while walkin to the bus-stop, lucas suggested playin on the swing.. its been quite a long time since i realli played on one tat its high enough for me to play, so tat my legs wouldnt touch the ground when it reaches the bottom.. i dun lyk those kind whereby onli little kids can play, lolx.. it was fun, and we sat on the swing for 1hr, talkin about our pri and secondary sch time.. and through the long chat, i found out so many interestin stuff, wahahaha! okies, i gtg sleep le.. i still nid to work halfday at kumon tmr.. quite lookin forward to it.. =) Thursday, October 16, 2008 i am so busy these few days.. tues: it wasn't a veri great day.. even though i oredi told alex i am not working for them anymore, he still wants me to go over to tampines' ntuc income insurance.. he kept persuading me to do him tis favour, cos its veri difficult for him to find other telemarkerters to help him at such a last min.. so okay lo, i shall help him to wif tis project for 3 weeks.. not working everyday, bt jus 2 days per week.. the staff dere were nice.. they taught me several tips on tackling customers and i managed to gt 2 appointments! tis means tat i may be able to gt commission frm dere and gt a gd pay, hahax.. while i was eatin dinner wif them, they were tellin me about their ghostly encounters, and i tot it was rather scary.. aniwae, the trip back hme was super tiring, cos frm tampines to bishan, its a super long mrt journey.. =s wed: i was super tired in the morning.. at 1st i was still tinkin tat after my lesson at 1pm, i shall go back hme straight and take a nap.. unfortunately, alex called me and said whether i can go help out at doby ghaurt's ntuc income insurance.. since i am supposed to work for 2 days per week, i agreed to it.. after sch, i ate my lunch wif lucas at koufu.. my ban mian, i missed it.. we went to bishan c.c to complete our acctin tutorial, and headed off to doby after tat.. the place was rather convienient for me, and the manager was nice.. he kept askin me to eat the digestive biscuits tat were placed beside my table and take the drinks frm the vending machine, lolx.. all i nid is to press the button, and i can gt the drink without payin for it, super cooooool.. in btwn, qh, grace and jerlin came to find me for awhile after their training.. i onli managed to gt 1 appointment, and alex jus told me tat actualli i can include those hu said tat they are interested to meet up, bt can onli comfirm their timing again as an appmt oso.. he shld hv told me earlier!! -.- thurs: had stats lecture in the afternoon.. the lecturer is a Ph.D and has a veri long indian name.. according to him, Ph.D is oso known as Permanent Head Damage!! his jokes realli made all of us felt more energetic, since we had our lunch earlier on.. however, until the middle part of the lecture, i started to feel abit sleepy, and was about to doze off.. luckily, teacher tried to keep us awake by sayin sum silly stuff again.. he's jus lyk my marketing lecturer, so funny and tall (as proclaimed by sand), hahahaha.. went back to bishan after tat.. it was raining quite heavily, and at arnd 6, lucas sent me to work at st.22's kumon.. basically, wat i did todae was to grade the students' assignments, and record them down.. i hvent tried to teach yet, cos i nid to hv my trainin 1st.. the ironic ting is tat when i was in pri sch, i was a student frm kumon, doin their hw and meetin the instructor for consultation.. bt nw, i am so called 'the teacher' dere, and everytime i see those innocent kids, it jus reminds me of my childhood times, lolx.. time flies.. aniwae, my mum is super interestin.. she jus passed to me a plate of peaches to eat.. she always used them to put inside the konnyaku jelly tat she made.. i shall go and sleep after i eat finish my momo peach, LOL.. Monday, October 13, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! coincidentally, my bdae oso marks the 1st day of sch.. lucas suddenly pop out behind my hse lift, and we went to mrt station to wait for queen kylie, lolx.. we had our macro tutorial wif tis new teacher, called randall (if i'm not wrong).. he wears a belt wif a letter 'R' buckle, lolx.. bt thru his unique self-introduction, i realized he's quite lame.. he wrote several qs on the board and we r supposed to go up and answer any of them.. 'if i can be a pet, what will i choose to be?' guess wats my ans? *drums rolllllllll* teacher: why would u choose to be a hamster? me: becos i lyk the wheel tat the hamster can play inside its cage.. =p teacher: isit? i tot they looked retarded on the wheel.. zzz after the tutorial, the clique started wif my bdae surprise.. i totally didnt expect anyting, cos i tot we will celebrate it during our steamboat session next week.. the plan started wif felicia tellin me tat they had to leave 1st.. i totally didnt suspect anyting, and lucas proceeded wif askin me to accompany him to buy sandwich.. we jus stood by the side eatin, and he jus take his own sweet time eatin, and even tried to dragged time by tellin me tat he nids to wait for his fren to pass him sumting, lolx.. finally he said his fren came, and we went into mac to find him.. as i was not wearin my contacts, i jus walked blindly behind lucas.. and tada, i saw my clique! they sang bdae song for me, and we ate the blueberry cake tat kylie baked.. its nice, and i rated her 5 out of 5 stars.. and surprisingly, my clique gt me a pair of checkard pumps, while my retarded family clique gt me a veri cute pencil case and hp strap.. after tat, i spent the rest of the day wif lucas.. we watched a movie at ps, 'my magic'.. quite a touching show, cos it shows how a father sacrificed himself for his son.. we walked over to cine after tat, and ate suki sushi's buffet! yum yum, its been a long time since i ate my gyoza and chawanmushi, lolx.. i surrendered halfway, cos i am really too full to continue.. i had to force lucas to help me finish the extra plate of gyoza tat i ordered.. sry, lolx.. =p our next stop was to city hall! he brought me to esplanade, and we went over to the sg flyer.. he told me tat he nids to go to the washrm, while i will go buy my fav mashed potato frm popeye's chicken.. the funny ting is tat when he came back frm the washrm, he suddenly ate veri fast, lolx.. he brought me to the 2nd floor, and we were standing infront of the flyer's entrance.. he asked me whether i wan to sit on the flyer.. actualli i knew hes goin to surprise me wif the tickets, bt i jus play along wif him sayin tat i dun wan to sit.. bt in the end, i still went in excitedly! hahaha as it was oredi quite late (8plus), dere wasnt much ppl on the ride.. onli an indian couple was inside the cabin wif us.. the couple was rather quiet, compared to us, lolx.. we were busy taking pictures using flash and walking arnd the cabin.. when we were at the top, deres tis annoucement tat i tot it was rather funny.. ''ladies and gentleman, boys and gals.. u hv reached the peak and u're 165m (height of a 42-storey building) above sea level.. the night scenery was realli pretty.. thnx lucas for everyting, i <3 u! not forgetting, my family, cliques and frens hu made my 17th bdae a memorable one!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, October 12, 2008 fri: after i came home frm work, i celebrated my bdae wif my family in advanced.. i had my blackforest bdae cake! its yummy.. thnx for the bdae present and angbow.. =p sat: had dinner at wisma wif yijia and singyee.. i had fish steamboat set wif rice, instead of my usual hokkien mee, lolx.. not tat i am sick of hokkien mee, its jus the super long queueee.. after dinner, they gave me my bdae present, hahaha.. its a scrapbook wif all the photos tat we took together in sec sch till nw.. it was realli nice of them, cos its filled wif all our memories and their well wishes for me.. (: sunday: shopping wif ah ma and vanessa.. our 1st stop was to wisma.. i spent quite a long time tryin and choosing the clothes tat i wan to buy.. 不好意思, lolx.. we oso went to faceshop to try their nailpolish.. they used my 10 fingers as the 'model', and made them super colourful.. after choosing for so long, we finally found the one we wan.. trained to city hall, and we shopped at funan and pennisula.. and instead of takin a train to bugis, we decided to walk down to bugis, wif bubble tea, haha.. we bought quite alot of stuff frm dere, and it was oso my turn to wait for the 2 of them to try their skirts.. fair and square, lolx.. went back to bishan and meet my parents at hongkong cafe for my bdae dinner.. too bad my sis couldnt come, cos she nid to do some last min amendments for her grp project.. i ordered baked pork chop rice, yum yum.. aniwae, sch's goin to reopen tmr.. hope it will be a nice semeseter for all of us.. (: Thursday, October 09, 2008 supposed to go to the gym todae, bt i'm too tired and lazy.. so in the end, onli jer, ah ma and grace went, lolx.. sry for being so last min.. =x met up wif qh, and we went to s-11 to find the rest for lunch.. bought some snacks and we headed to abi's hse.. explored the many many games she had in her com, and oso played DTX.. hmm, at least i didnt practised at hme for nothing, cos i managed to gt an A.. wheee.. played dai dee, and watched qh's 风雨路, hahahaha! met up wif lucas for dinner and home sweet home.. aniwaes, i am goin to work tmr wif jerlin chew.. she will be hving her training, while i will be startin on a new project.. gd luck to us.. =) Wednesday, October 08, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE! work was alright todae, cos we were allowed to leave earlier, frm 4pm to 2pm, lolx.. however, my luck wasnt tat gd, cos the ppl whom i called todae always doubt my abiltiy to answer their qs.. i had my training okies, so mus trust me! >.< shopped arnd wif lucas at suntec, and i met up wif my clique at newyorkx2 for our advanced bdae celebration! i ordered fish & chips.. quite crispy and its super filling.. many of them surrendered halfway while eatin their chicken chop, hahax.. exchanged bdae presents, and they gt me a piyo piyo wif helmet (super meaningful, cos it realli symbolizes me *.*), lip gloss, mascara, keychain and a biscuit mirror.. thnx alot! went to marina sq's arcade.. took several photos while playin pool, and i shall wait patiently for van and grace to send me.. in the mean time, i shall post up some photos tat were oredi inside my hp.. Monday, October 06, 2008 got no work todae, so lucas and i went to taka for our lunch and watched 'eagle eye' at cine.. shopped arnd till about 7 plus and went back bishan for our dinner.. (: 1 week more.. ^.^ Saturday, October 04, 2008 Happy second month! I <3 L.L met lucas at bishan mrt and we went over to shaw house and buy tickets for the movie called 'connected'.. bought popcorn and cheesy hotdog! its quite a nice show, especially with gd actors lyk louis koo and 大S.. sum parts were realli funny, esp the part when louis wanted to buy a hp charger urgently frm the shop, bt the person still take his own sweet time and asked him silly qs lyk which country's charger u wan, with pattern or no pattern, lolx.. after tat, we walked over to cine and took neoprints! headed to novena sq after tat.. we bought for each other a astro boy's shirt as our 2nd mth present, hahax.. i dun mind being childish.. =p went over to united sq to find grace, bt she was not dere cos it was her break time.. visited kylie at clark quay's harvey norman.. chatted wif her till about 6.3o and we went for dinner at chomp chomp! it was super crowded at tat timing, and its difficult to find seats.. finally, we managed to get a table and lucas ordered stingray, chicken wings, carrot cake, char kway teow and desserts for us to share.. (: ![]() Friday, October 03, 2008 kenny's mum drove ah ma, vanessa and me to converse warehse sale.. even though tat place was rather ulu, dere were still quite alot of ppl dere.. we bought a pair of everlast pumps at jus 19.90, while kenny gt himself a pair of converse sneakers.. super worthwhile.. and kenny lim, he kept laughin at the U.P ting.. i am realli not tat naive as to lyk dunno the meaning of it, lolx.. since it was still early, we went to visit grace at united sq.. we stood at the side peeping at her, and i tink she looked bored.. bt its okay, we r dere to entertain her, hahax.. aniwaes, she looked rather professional wif tat doctor's coat.. ^.^ ate lunch at subway and i went to meet lucas for work after tat.. hmm, work was rather okay todae.. cos dere's tis human resource consultant hu played sum realli nice chi songs frm her com.. so at least i wont feel tat bored while i kept callin n callin.. at arnd 6 plus, the staff left first, leavin me n lucas in the office to lock up the door after we end work.. hahax, of cos tats the moment i am waiting for! i can call freely, without any stress.. lucas pkt dinner for us, and we ate inside the office.. quite fun actualli, cos its actualli my 1st time eatin liddat in an office.. even my previous admin job, i didnt had the experience of eatin lunch on my table.. (: Thursday, October 02, 2008 being tagged by vanessa! a) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs; replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. b) Tag 5 people to do this quiz; those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by; cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. A: What are your nicks? currently its swinggg, feng shoo and silly gal.. LOL B. What do you do before bedtime? watch videos till veri late, off the com, brush teeth and go into my dreamland.. C. How good is your sense of direction? erh, quite gd.. bt can oso be bad at times.. i rmb dere was once when i lead kylie n yy the wrong mrt line.. so frm then onwards, they dun realli trust my sense of directions oredi, hahax.. D. What is your favorite snack? yan yan, hello panda and biscuit stick.. E. What video/ arcade/ computer games do you feel like playing at the moment? throw ball and basketball machine.. F. What do you eat the most? i tink is noodles.. G. Do you trust easily? sort of.. H. What’s the oldest piece of clothing in your wardrobe? erh, i am not tat sure about tat now.. i onli noe tat b4 i changed my wardrobe, my kindergarden uniform was inside.. ^.^ I. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? the a&w ting lo.. bt i am those happy-go-lucky kind, so i wont be angry for long wif these kind of stuff.. J. Do you have a good body image? nope.. K. Is being tagged fun? if i am bored, i dun mind doin.. L. What are you currently busy with? work.. M. Who are currently the most important people to you? my family, friends and him.. =p N. What kind of person do you wanna be? happy! O. Are you looking foward to school? i hope holidays can be longer.. bt at the same time, i dun mind goin to sch.. 50/50, haha.. passing on to.. felicia, kylie, geraldine, elizabeth and yingyi.. had training wif lucas todae.. my trainer was a business financial manager from standard chartered bank.. she explained to us in details the different kind of services their bank provides and we are supposed to promote them to the companies.. the funny ting is tat she even told us how she 'lecture' the person on the phone.. at least she teaches us how to tackle customers in different kinds of scenarios, not lyk a&w, hu onli noes how to push the blame to us when things go wrong.. aniwaes, tmr we will continue wif our condo project, before we start on the bank project.. alex lou tried to motivate us by sayin tat if we do well for the bank project, we may be trainers and teach fresh-telemarketers next time.. hmm, i doubt it will be tat easy, lolx.. after training, lucas brought me to kovan n we ate wif his frens, the 4 musketeers.. they are super gd at jeacking each other.. i was dere sitting by the side, busy laughin at them, hahax.. we ordered fried hokkien mee, satay and oyster ommelete.. its yummy, no wonder its quite famous over dere.. =p Wednesday, October 01, 2008 watched 'meet dave' and played UNO Spin at jerlin's hse wif qh and ah ma.. we bought lots of junk food dere, and ate them wif abit of 'restrictions', hahax.. deres oso tis bubble tea and goreng pisang joke tat made all of us laugh non-stop.. ^.^ aniwae, deres work for me tmr.. tat a&w better dun irritate me and make me open curtains at him.. rahhs.. ![]() ![]() one of my favourite masterpieces.. copyrighted, hahax.. ![]() |