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Thursday, November 27, 2008 finally dere's a free day for me to blog, lolx.. last thurs: i went rp wif kylie, singyee, abi and lenice to watch yijia and regina performed in the accapella concert.. the songs they sang were great, and we managed to take some grp pictures after the concert.. ![]() last fri and sat: i went to abigail's chalet.. the place was quite ulu, somemore when me, ah ma and kenny alighted at the wrong bus-stop, we had to walk all the way down the streets and try to find the place.. basically, all of us spent our time watchin tv, mahjong-ing and eating snacks and steamboat.. i was quite tired, so i onli managed to stay up till arnd 4am and went to my lala land oredi.. oh yah, i finally noe how to play bridge after all the demonstrations by abi, amelia, ly and hweishyan.. tis reminds me of how the rest drilled me into playin dai-dee last time.. *.* since i gt macro test on monday, i didnt stayed over for one more night.. i rushed thru my revision wif lucas on sunday, and luckily i managed to memorize some stuff, hahax.. ![]() ![]() ![]() this week: i jus had my access ica on wed.. it was still quite manageable, except tat i made some veri silly mistakes.. dere is one qs which i jus nid to click the 'required' button and changed it to yes, and i will gt tat 3 marks! its so simple to gt tat give-away mark, bt i still didnt gt it.. so near yet so far.. Friday, November 21, 2008 tagged by RED-CHEL! - Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. - People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly. - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names. - No tag back. 1. I like to smell paper.. especially those tat are freshly printed out frm the machine.. =p 2. I hate the screeching sound produced by metals.. 3. I nid to bathe before changing.. 4. I am a night owl.. 5. I nid to pack my file almost everyday.. 6. I nid at least 50 mins to tidy up myself before goin out.. 7. I make sure all my pillows, bolsters and blanket are placed in order before i sleep.. 8. I am super addicted to popeye's mashed potato! *i am craving for it again!* 9. I wont gt angry easily, unless its those veri extreme cases.. 10. I am a noodle queen.. anybody who are bored are welcome to do tis quiz.. (: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 woke up early in the morning and attended accts lecture.. i ate my apple cream bread before the lecture, while kylie drank her milo.. as usual the lecture was boring, bt luckily time still flies quite fast.. headed to mac for breakfast, and i shared wif lucas hotcakes wif sausage meal.. all of us were busy preparing our access speech, and we were rather nervous about our presentation.. my face was burning hot when it was my turn to present, and i kind of screwed up my speech, lolx.. maybe cos i wasnt well-prepared for it, tats why i was a little panicky.. the q&a was rather scary, cos we were supposed to do wat the teacher wan us to do and do on the spot within 1 min.. my grp was rather 'united', cos we were lyk whispering to each other wat to click, lolx.. after my presentation, i left wif lucas and ate the fried rice tat he cooked for me.. it was quite nice, especially wif the samball chilli.. hmm, i shall rate it 4/5 stars, hahax.. *thnx for the effort!* we rushed back to sch and accompanied kylie for the scm talk.. we were talkin within ourselves, cos the talk was a little boring.. the photographer was super free, cos all i see was him busy takin pictures of the audience all day long, tsktsk.. dr.badri was oso dere, so we were chatted wif him about alot of silly stuff after the talk.. i didnt noe he can be so friendly and open, hahax.. we went to find fer, rach and sand at the retail talk, and headed to mac.. since dere was still so much time before the econs lecture, we played murderer to kill time.. i was in luck wif being the detective aka granny (looney tunes character) at the start.. we even added a new part into our game, and tat is to kill the victims within a certain time limit.. tis means tat we r not allowed to dilly dally while killing, hahax.. i was a little sleepy during econs lecture, bt i did tried my best to prevent myself frm sleepin.. randall showed us an animated video, which consists of him and dr.badri doin hip-hop dance together.. it was super funny! i cant imagine them dancin liddat in real life.. aniwae, todae was randall's last lecture after his 8.5 yrs in nyp.. to have some photos for memorials, he told one of the students to help him take his candid shot, while he will pretend to be smiling and teachin us at the same time, hahax.. after the lecture, i went wif lucas to amk and we ate western food for dinner.. the food was nice, except the part when we hv to use METAL forks and knives.. i noe metal utensils are veri common, bt i jus hate the screechingggggg sound tat they produced when we accidentally scratched it against sumting.. =x shopped arnd for ahwile and home sweet home! now its time for me to study for my stats ica, gd luck to me.. =) Friday, November 14, 2008 i had a tiring week.. dere are so many things for me to deal with.. tutorials.. access project.. marketing project.. writing skills ICA.. bt luckily, most of them are done!! =o aniwae, i had dinner wif ms neo, together wif kylie and yijia at cafe cartel jus nw.. had a great time catchin up wif each other, cos its been such a long time since we saw our ex poa tution teacher.. we are so happy for her, cos she's goin to be a mummy soon!! i am sure she will be a gd mummy, cos shes oredi startin to pamper her baby by feeding him wif bird's nest and giving him prenatal lessons wif a special kind of device, lolx.. after eating, we went to take some pics wif the tall x'mas tree tat was displayed outside ps.. yijia mus be efficient and effective b4 i can post up the pics here.. (: since it was still early, i went to join my kcp clique's gathering.. played arcade and chatted at the benches near the bbt shop.. Saturday, November 08, 2008 work at kumon was quite fun.. i was taught how to take worksheets frm the super big rack, and pack them into the file, lolx.. it may be quite simple, bt if u sumhow packed the wrong level of ws, UH OH.. i ended work at 4pm sharp, and went to meet lucas downstairs.. (i am not late, haha!) we took a train to somerset and headed to heeren's levis shop.. spent quite a long time choosin, and we finally bought our jeans! spent arnd 90 bucks on it, after the discount.. and silly me, i felt so happy cos i used my own pay to buy my FIRST branded jeans, hahaha! as for lucas, the sense of achievement wasn't tat significant, cos the one tat he bought jus nw was oredi his 3rd pair.. i am such a frog in the well.. =p we were somehow in a rush, cos lucas wanted to watch his soccer match, while i need to go to my grandma's hse.. we went back to bishan for our dinner and headed back home.. things to do by tis weekend: 1. econs tut 2. marketing tut 3. continue wif my marketing project if time permits.. =o Tuesday, November 04, 2008 Happy third month! (: With loves, Swing, 041108. 3 nov celebrated our 3rd mth in advance, cos classes on tues will end quite late.. went to seoul garden for our lunch, and quite alot of memories started to come back.. aniwae, we had ginseng chicken soup as the base, and it was realli nice after we added in the ingredients.. after my lesson tat i learnt at the steamboat previously, i knew wat are the stuff tat i shld take, and wat not to take, lolx.. bt still, i sort of surrendered halfway, and lucas was lyk tryin his best to persuade me to eat, cos i ate too little.. =p went to doby ghaurt to collect my telemarketing pay.. since i am oso collectin the pay on behalf of grace, jerlin and qh, i shall make sure they treat me nicely, or not they can say byebye to their precious cheques, wahahahaha! rushed over to kumon after tat, and worked frm 6-9pm.. 4 nov had breakfast wif the clique, and i ate tuna mayo sandwich.. lecture was still quite ok, cos deres still sum minor stuff for me to laugh at.. basically rach is the centre of attention, and u can see her blushing and blushing the whole day, lolx.. since deres still plenty of time b4 tutorial starts, we played murderer and took several pictures by the staircase wif fer's hp.. the 1st picture was the ultimate.. fer set the timer to 5secs, and after she clicked the shoot button, she tried to run down the stairs, hoping tat she will gt into the pic in time.. bt sumhow, she lost her balance and her hp managed to take tat particular moment, hahaha! aniwae, i tink i am kinda blur these few days, cos i actualli forget to bring my lappie to sch! tats why, i had to open my tutorial file using lucas's lappie, and trouble him to help me transfer some answers into my thumbdrive, so sry.. in btwn the tutorial, dere was 2 funny parts.. 1. we were disucssing about tis qs.. kylie insisted on observation, while the rest of us disagreed and chose focus grp.. cash came to check our ans, and he oso thinks tat focus grp would be a better choice.. kylie did not wan to gave up, so she kept defendin herself wif sum explanations.. finally, cash sumhow agreed to her ans, and she started to 'show off' to us by tilting her head upwards consistently.. here comes the funny part.. while she was busy tilting her head, she didnt noe cash was talkin to her.. in the end, cash had to wave his hand infront of kylie to make her listen.. the incident was so funny, until both me and felicia were busy laughin away, hahahaha.. 2. rach's RED one.. too secretive to be mentioned! i didnt noe, until fer told us, lolx.. after sch, lucas and i went to cathay to watch movie- lakeview terrace.. it was a little draggy at the start, bt it became quite exciting after tat.. bought their sweet popcorn, and i tink its nice, cos even the white ones are sweet.. u dun hv to purposely choose those coated wif sugar, lolx.. ate at pastamania for dinner and home sweet home! dun be upset for long.. we wan to see the happy side of u again.. ^.^ Sunday, November 02, 2008 1 nov work was okay.. in between the marking, one of the teachers asked me to help her to time the gal's reading.. the funny ting is tat me and my fren didnt noe how to use the super complicated stopwatch.. =p me: u wait awhile ok.. little gal: ok! *keep spinning the chair tat was behind her* finally managed to figure out how to use.. me: done.. u can read the passage nw.. little gal: u all veri funny leh, haha.. me: why leh? isit becos we didnt noe how to use the stopwatch? little gal: *nods head* aniwae, after my work todae, lucas came to pick me up and we went for dinner at popeye's chicken.. since i like the mash potato so much, lucas went to upsize it.. hahaha, so happy and contented.. then after our dinner, we saw a super interesting place near the sg flyer.. the place was specially designed for halloween, with all the pumpkins, skulls and tombstones everywhere.. took many pictures, and i shall post them here once lucas send them to me.. =) and nw after the f1 race, they had removed all the fences arnd tat area.. tats why, deres tis particular spot tat i tink its super perfect, lolx.. its near to the sea, and we are able to see nice sceneries.. highly recommended!! 2 nov woke up at arnd 2 plus, and stayed at home the whole day.. watched tv, and did my econs and marketing tutorials.. =/ |