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Thursday, December 25, 2008 merry x'mas to everyone ! wheeee, celebrated x'mas together wif dearx2.. we went to far east, and i bought for myself 2 belts and 1 necklace, lolx.. lucas bought for me my presents, a watch + pooh bear & eeyore bagtag, wif both our names on it.. he wanted to buy me a blouse oso, bt i didnt see any tat i like alot, so i shall hold on to tat gift till next time, hahaha! =p anyway, orchard was realli crowded.. dere's a part of the road, specially closed for the christmas floats and the line-dancers to dance throughout the day.. and everywhere we go, we will see ppl who pin a mini x'mas hat on their hair, lolx.. and sotong me, i forgot to bring my digital cam to take all the night lightings! bt luckily, deres still lucas's hp to help us take pictures.. i shall upload them soon.. (: ![]() ![]() Wednesday, December 24, 2008 went to the airport to explore.. mickey characters were used for their x'mas deco, and i tot it was rather weird, lolx.. we started wif terminal 1, all the way to terminal 3.. shopped arnd the shops and looked at the aeroplanes frm the viewing hall.. it was quite hazy outside due to the rain, and some of the flights were delayed.. Tuesday, December 23, 2008 celebrated an advanced x'mas wif lucas, kylie, ferr, sand and rach.. rach's fren oso came along.. we had our lunch at the pasta/pizza shop tat kylie recommended at the central.. we had our 'lucky draw', and i got sand's present- pooh music alarm clock! headed to mindcafe to play board games.. the 1st game we played was something called 'imaginez'.. its abit lyk true colours, jus tat u hv gt no say in wat ppl think about u, as we go by the majority.. example: imaginz lucas can have a superpower, what will it be? -ability to fly -superhuman power -able to shape into anyting lucas chose option 2.. most of us oso chose option 2, bt deres still a minority who chose the other options.. since most of us chose 2, the majority wins and we are allowed to move one space on the board.. the person who advances to the end point first wins the game! the 2nd game we played was taboo.. its a new version, wif are 4 parts to the game.. guessing the word by giving clues, drawing, using only 15 words for ppl to guess and using the toy to gesture the ans.. we had alot of fun playin the game, and we were busy laughin at several jokes, lolx.. joke 1 rach: wolf.. the sound it makes.. kylie: bark? (ans: howl) joke 2 ferr: madagascar.. sand: *proudly show out a number '2' sign* (ans: penguin) joke 3 me: *trying to draw a worm 'digging' into the soil* rach: snake? kylie: road? (ans: earthworm) joke 4 kylie: *trying to draw a mermaid* all of us: fish? cat? me: seal? after playin, sand & rach went home, kylie & ferr went cine, while lucas & i went to city hall.. bought lucas his x'mas present, and we went to the esplanade atrium area to write our wishes on the diamonds.. (: Monday, December 22, 2008 singapore VS vietnam 0:1 =( lucas brought me to the national stadium to watch tat particular match ystd.. its my 1st time watchin LIVE, and i tink its SO much nicer than watchin on tv, lolx.. everyone was busy cheering and jeering each other, and the atmosphere was super high! the match ended at around 10, and we went for late dinner at pastamania.. salmon in tomato broth! (: before the match, we went to explore the new shopping centre, kallang leisure park.. the shops tat caught my attention were k-box, ice-skating ring, bowling alley, new cinema operator (FilmGarde) and the 99-cents sushi place (Nihon Mura).. Saturday, December 20, 2008 work at kumon was rather tedious todae.. i was busy searchin and recording the files the entire afternoon and i am finally done wif the monthly report card, phewww.. went back home to watch tv and took a nap.. j8 was opened until 12 midnight todae, and dere were sales everywhere.. i went wif my family and we bought lots of clothes, hahax.. before that, lucas was oso dere wif his cousins, so we met up first and bought mos's coffee shake and sausages frm pasar malam.. =p Friday, December 19, 2008 celebrated fer's belated bdae.. we went to little india, and had our lunch at 'banana leaf apolo'.. we ordered fish head curry, chicken, mutton and spinach paste wif potato.. all the dishes were not as spicy as wat i thought, and i enjoyed eating wif them, lolx.. and thnx to my 'pro' hiding of the LEMON cheese cake in my bag, we managed to surprise her! >.< Thursday, December 18, 2008 happy birthday to the december babies!! belated 1. kenny 2. ah ma 3. wing actual 4. elizabeth 5. felicia advanced 6. qian han celebrated lizzie's bdae in advanced ystd.. our 1st stop was to mind cafe.. we went for the happy hr session, which is frm 2-6pm.. me and shann hvent had our breakfast yet, so we ordered chicken cutlet and fish & chips.. and due to the free flow drinks, we kept goin to the toilet.. =p the 1st game we played was somehow related to treasure.. we were totally clueless about tat game, even though the person tried to explain to us, lolx.. in the end, we gave up and the person introduced us to an apple game.. the mini apples were cute, and its about simple calculations.. the next game we played was called true colours.. there are many different kinds of qs for us to ans.. examples - if you are part of CIA, who will you hire to be the undercover cop? - in a 'who wants to be a millionaire' game, who will you contact for your 'call a friend' helpline? - whose secret would you liked to find out most? if u tink tis particular fren fits tat qs, you will vote for him/her and put the votes inside a box.. after tat, all of us needs to guess whether we'll have 0 votes/ some votes/ most votes.. tis game was so addictive until we spent the rest of our time playin, and neglected the other board games tat we took, hahax.. our 2nd stop was to makansutra aka gluttons bay.. we ate our dinner dere, and ordered a whole table of dishes.. they consist of fried hokkien mee, char kway teow, satay, chicken wings, egg tofu, ommelete and kangkong.. i ate up most of the sotongs, cos none of them eats tat.. for the prawns, lizzie helped us to peel the shells (thank u very much bdae gal).. and for the kangkong, it wasnt tat spicy, cos we told the uncle to cook it with jus a bit of chilli, lolx.. after dinner, we walked to esplanade's atrium area, and we saw a booth where we can write our resolutions for 2009 on a big white ball, and it will be placed on the singapore river.. we were super fascinated by it, so we oso took 1 ball and each of us took turns to write and design.. we spent arnd 1 hr to complete, and we were busy takin pictures of the end-product, hahahax.. ![]() Monday, December 15, 2008 todae is my 1st day of holiday.. i had breakfast wif lucas at the coffeeshop downstairs.. ordered 2 soft-boil eggs and minced pork 老鼠粉 aka 'bi ta ma', lolx.. i like such breakfast, simple and nice.. (: after tat, we went to shop at far east.. saw quite alot of nice tops and belts, bt i cant buy, cos my purpose of goin dere was not to shop for my stuff, hahax.. i shall go back dere again next week, if possible.. shopped at taka, and we went over to cineleisure to watch the movie called 'the day the earth stood still'.. overall, i tink the show was quite exciting, especially wif all the special sound effects and graphics.. ate our dinner at pastamania.. dere is tis set meal promotion tat is goin on nw, which i tot it was super worth.. a main course (can choose frm a list of pasta/pizza) + garlic bread + minestrone soup = $7.90 nett.. being a no creativity person, i ordered my usual chicken sausage as my main course.. lucas chose miso mushroom, and its his 1st time tryin tat flavour.. it was nice, especially wif the flakes and shitake mushroommmms.. =p after tat, lucas sent me to work.. taught a boy some division qs, and i suddenly thought of how my mum used to drill me wif all the multiplication tables (1-12) when i am still in kindergarden or p1.. .. Sunday, December 14, 2008 hahax, i finally got a chance to teach at kumon.. the feeling was quite good, even though its jus teaching the little kids simple english and maths.. the instructor taught me how to train those new-comers, and she wans me to see the difference btwn the two boys tat i am goin to train.. if i am not wrong, both of them are 5 yrs old.. the 1st kid: -quite a smart boy.. -will understand wat u say in seconds.. -veri organized.. the 2nd kid: -gets distracted quite easily.. -mus keep repeating to him the correct steps.. jus to add on, tis boy is cute wif his super long eyelashes, hahax.. he was feeling veri tired, as his eyes kept wanting to close.. i brought him to the toilet to wash his face, and he's alert again! bt.. .. .. after 10 mins, hes sleepy again, lolx.. so in the end, the chief instructor asked me to continue wif my teaching next week and let him play some number board games instead.. >.< Friday, December 12, 2008 yay! my 2 week of holidays are here! mus realli try to study hard, play hard and rest hard.. did my statistics presentation todae.. its finally over, after all the late night sleeps in doin the report and staying in sch till 9pm jus to finish up the project.. nw left with writing skills, macro and marketing projects to complete.. go go go! after sch, i went wif my poly clique to the veri famous shop at chinatown for porridge.. at 1st we wanted to go to chompx2 as planned since the last few weeks, bt we dun seem to be fated to go dere, cos deres always last min events tat stopped us frm goin, hahax.. bt tis time round, its becos lucas, fer and rach are down wif sorethroat, so they hv to eat healthy food.. and luckily, everybody likes the porridge tat i highly recommend, lolx.. not forgetting, we oso visited dine at her workplace.. lucas, rach and sand came out wif a silly plan to see how dine react, haha.. they will act as if they dunno each other, and they will pretend to be the customers.. then halfway thru, they will pretend to quarrel annd fight with each other.. unfortunately, dine was alert enough to recognize lucas, and tats the time when we knew our plan failed.. =p walked over to central after tat.. took many pictures near the singapore river aka LAKE (adapted by fer), hahahaha.. we did alot of poses, and i nv failed to laugh whenever i see the way sand poses.. wanted to take wif the x'mas tree, bt due to the lightings, the pics were not clear.. bt its ok, all of us still had fun.. (: the rest of them went home after tat, while me and lucas went to marina sq.. the main purpose is to accompany him to KFC, since he didnt ate porridge wif us.. he had coleslaw for dinner, while i had mashed potato.. i tink i still prefer popeye's mashed potato, yummy yummy.. i was veri tired, so i took a nap while lucas used wireless@sg to help me submit my option form.. my options were quite different frm wat i had wanted earlier, so dun be surprised, lolx.. 1. human resource management 2. supply chain management 3. customer relation management 4. retail management to my kcp clique: sry for not joining u all for the gathering.. see you guys soon and 'thnx' for the 30+ prank calls tat u all contributed, hahahaha.. Saturday, December 06, 2008 ystd: me, lucas, felicia and kylie started our secret mission during writing skills class.. we were busy tinking of clues for sand and rach, so tat they can find the location tat we are goin for lunch.. i suggested the clue to be 'abcdefhi'.. then after modification by felicia, it becomes 'a2b2c2d2e2f2h2i'.. after lesson, felicia signalled us to run, and all of us started running upstairs lyk fools, hahahaha.. its super funny.. we took the lift to the basement, and went to the secret location.. as u can see frm the clue, dere are missing 'g's, tats why sand thought it was Grinning Gecko.. bt too bad, her ans is wrong.. so we gave her another clue 'ggggGGgggg', and they finally know the ans.. its none other than the south canteen, since the both of them always go dere to GG.. *winks* stats tutorial was quite ok.. at least we gt more freedom to chat while listening to the teacher, lolx.. our new teacher is not tat strict, and she can be quite funny at times, lolx.. anyway, felicia and i made a fool of ourselves in terms of mental calculations.. funny scene 1: lucas: wats 4 x 6? fer: 54! me: huh? fer: oh no! its 24.. funny scene 2: me: lucas! u sure ur mental calculations is correct? 0.4 x 3 shld be 0.12 mah.. lucas: -.- after pressing the calculator.. me: oops, its 1.2.. your ans is correct.. =p then after sch, i went wif lucas to novena.. since we didnt ate a nice meal on our 4th month, we decided to go fish & co for our dinner! since it was still early, we went to eat donuts frm donut factory.. lucas used his laptop to play games, while i took a nap, hahax.. anyway, there were many new flavours for us to choose frm for the fish & chips, probably cos its their birthday or sumting.. we bought 2 different sets and a pink passion drink.. super nice and filling dinner! happy happy (: today: went back sch to do stats project.. we wanted to edit some data entries frm spss, so faris and i decided to go check out the labs and see whether they are opened.. in the end, all of them were closed, argh.. we gt no choice bt to stay at mac to do all the compiling.. at least we r done wif the quali qs, phewww.. left sch at arnd 1 plus, and went to check out sumting frm j8 b4 i went back home.. ^.^ Thursday, December 04, 2008 Happy forth month! (: With loves, Swing, 041208. tues: after marketing lessons, i stayed back wif my grp to do stats project.. so while we were walkin up the stairs, lucas suggested to sand tat they shld run up first and hide somewhere to scare rach.. it was quite obvious tat they were goin to do someting fishy, bt rach still gt a shock and jumped, hahaha.. the funniest ting was tat even when rach oredi saw sand infront of her, sand was still running arnd the sides, mumbling to herself where to hide and scare rach.. aniwae, lyk wat felicia said "two tall people (lucas & sand) hu nv fails to be immature".. =p while doin the stats project, we were a little lost.. bt luckily we still managed to 'see the light' in the end.. after tat, i studied accts wif lucas at j8's mac.. all the journal entries are making me dizzyyyy, lolx.. wed: had my accts ica1 in the lecture room.. the paper was quite ok, except for the part on provision for doubtful debts.. i made a fool of myself in the journal entries for tat part, and everybody was laughin at me, arghhh.. excel lesson was not too bad.. at least i can catch up wif wat teacher said, lolx.. and as usual, we went to the toilet and we agreed to compete wif lucas hu will be the 1st one hu will come out frm the toilet.. sand: yay, we are faster! *jumping and busy claping* me: sand, he's over dere.. *pointin at the corner* sand: *embarassed expresson* all of us: *busy laughin* after tat, we started to analyze wats the reasons for us hu tend to spend a long time in the toilet.. me: we nid to open and close the door.. lucas: yah, me too.. kylie: we need to use tissue paper.. all of us: *hahaha* me: we nid to wash hands. lucas: hu don't? *tryin to poke me* after i made tat silly comment, they started laughin all the way, lolx.. ate our lunch at north canteen and we headed to our sbm option day.. the different lecturers were busy tryin to 'defend' their own option by sayin how confident they are in having the most ppl tojoin them.. so far, i am thinkin of crm and supply chain.. thurs: writing skills was not too boring todae.. we were allowed to do research on our project by takin note of the responsibilities and requirements for customer-oriented jobs in websites lyk jobsDB etc.. lunched at north canteen, bt before tat, we hid somewhere and made sand and rach to find us wif the clue we gif.. how addictive can we get in scarin ppl, wahahaha! ^.^ after school, i went wif lucas to watch movie "Quarantine".. it was nice and a little scary.. ate dinner at taka and home sweet home! dun think too much, as everyting happens for a reason.. be optimistic and let nature takes its own course.. |