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Friday, January 30, 2009 had my last project presentation.. i screwed up my EWS speech, cos i started laughing away while i was presenting halfway.. it was simply becos i thought i sounded funny while reading those chim words about TCM, hahax.. and indirectly, i oso made ferr laughed when it was her turn to present.. luckily, i managed to redeem myself a little bit by answering to the question tat the teacher prompted.. played hide & seek wif the Mcs.. lucas and i were the seekers, while the rest were ones who hide.. during the 1st round, we managed to find them at the 4th floor.. all of them were super shocked, and started screaming and screaming, hahax.. they ran to hide at other places after tat, and the both of us kept walking rounds and rounds just to find them.. while we were about to end the game, we finally spotted them! yay! in the evening, i met up wif grace and vanessa, and we went over to jacq's bdae BBQ.. dere was beehoon, curry wif our favourite potatoes, chicken wings, nuggets, garlic bread and marshmallow! we didnt hv to BBQ on our own, thnx to auntie joy (jacq's maid).. it was nice catching up with them, and we played bridge and dai dee.. when it was time for jacq to cut her cake, we sang two versions of bdae song to her, and took a few grp pictures wif her.. played twister, and dere was tis particular round when ah ma and i were the last two persons playin.. i was fixed onto tat spot, and when it was ah ma's turn, she had to move her body on top of me, lolx.. tat pose was super classic and unglam, and when ah ma had gt no more energy to continue, she felled on me and i dropped oso, hahax.. thank you jacq for inviting us to her BBQ, and once again, happy 18th birthday (: Thursday, January 29, 2009 dere was no stats lecture tat day, so we were allowed to leave sch at arnd 12.. the Mcs decided to hv our lunch at j8's newly-opened manhattan fish market.. me and kylie were quite enthu at tat time, cos we were busy fiilling up the feedback forms, hahax.. we ordered set meals, and it comes wif a complementary seafood asparagus soup, and a drink.. the cream soup was really nice, and i cant bear to drink it all up at one go, lolx.. their fish & chips was nice, and overall i tink it can be comparable wif fish&co! after the filling meal, all of them came over to my house to 拜年.. its been such a long time since i invited my frens to my hse, hahax.. surprisingly, my mum recognises kylie and even called her name, lolx.. we played board games and poka cards at the void deck, and quite a number of jokes were created.. 1. we saw a squirrel moving along the railing.. rach was fascinated by it, and wanted to use her hp to take pictures.. the squirrel was quite funny, cos it kept turning right and left on the same spot, hahax.. tat shld be the best time for rach to take pic of it, bt being a perfectionist, she decided not to take until she gets the best pose of the squirrel.. in the end, the squirrel ran away, and rach even gt a shock frm ferr, lolx.. 2. played poka cards.. as kylie was on a losing streak, she was a little demoralized and said tis to us: ''dun play already lah.." it was really funny at tat moment, and all of us started to use tat classic phrase to tease her, wahahaha.. 3. while we were playing halfway, ferr told us to lower down our volume, cos dere was an uncle sleeping on the opp bench.. all of us turned our heads together and we nv even spotted a single soul sitting near us, lolx.. ferr was super embarassed, cos she didnt noe tat the uncle had left long time ago.. hahax, blurr ferr.. so basically, while lucas was busy building his ''luffel tower', kylie playing her lucky "1+1" game, and ferr trying to absorb my good fortune, i lost my winning streak and started to lose all the way, lolx.. bt luckily, i only lost around 90cents.. =p Wednesday, January 28, 2009 had my excel ica.. i did terribly, and i can do now is to work harder for my ICA3.. jiayou! after sch, i stayed back with my grp to finish up our writing skills project.. we can finally see the light of completion, and i was quite satisfied wif our final report, hahax.. while me and fer were preparing to take a pic together wif my webcam, playful lucas went to take our candid shots.. >.< Tuesday, January 27, 2009 CNY is here!! visited both my grandmas' house, and we were busy 'playing' cards.. even though our highest bet was jus 40cents, i still managed to earn 8 bucks, hahax.. anyway, here are some of the grp pics tat i took during the CNY period.. =D ![]() Sunday, January 25, 2009 happy moo moo year in advance! (^.^) jan22: after EWS lesson, me, lucas and felicia decided to play hide-and-seek with the rest.. our intended plan was to hide behind the back door, and while the rest were busy trying to find us, we will just walk behind them, wahahaha.. lucas n felicia assigned me to guard the back door, while the both of them guarded the corridor area.. i peeped thru the glass, and i saw a grp of ppl walking towards me.. even though they looked very familiar, i was not able to comfirm whether its really sand, kylie n rach cos i was not wearin my lens and specs at tat time.. on a closer look, i saw one of them waving at me, and she was wearing some kind of flowery skirt.. i shouted to lucas and felicia 'omg, sand spotted me! run!!' so basically, we were running up and down the business block, hopin tat they would not spot us.. dere was one part whereby we wanted to hide near the staircase.. to make sure tat we are in a safe spot, i pushed open the staircase door and was relieved tat no one was dere.. suddenly, when i looked up, i saw a veri tall guy, hu stood veri straight, looking at me wif super big eyes! i gt a shock, so did felicia! the guy was like laughin at us, and the whole thing was so embarrassing, hahahax.. rach spotted us at cheers, and we decided to 'kidnap' her.. tats their punishment for splitting their manpower, lolx.. in the end, we ended our game outside the lecture room.. jan 24: had my reunion dinner wif my father's side.. the room tat we booked was rather grand, cos dere was karaoke set, a personal toilet and 3 waiters who were dere specially to serve us.. the food was quite nice, and we took a few picas.. jan 25 (today): it is my family's turn to eat our reunion dinner together.. my mum woke up at 5am to prepare all the ingredients and brew the soup.. even though its jus home-cooked food, i still liked it.. =p anyway, hope all of u will enjoy the new yr holidays.. rmb to drink more plain water after eating the new yr goodies~ Tuesday, January 20, 2009 projects on hand: writing skills project just one more project, and i will be much more free.. hurray! anyway, today was a fun-filled day for me.. 1. had mac for breakfast.. ferr was the earliest, followed by me and kylie.. ate the $2 sausage muffin meal, wif minute maid's orange juice.. cheap and yummy, lolx.. 2. took our own sweet time for marketing lect.. while waiting for ferr to print out the notes, we just stood aside and chit-chat.. sand made a fool of herself again, cos cash heard her piercing screams during the lect, hahax.. *slacking mood * 3. played hide-and-seek after the lect, and rach & sand were the seekers.. we hided at the 4th floor, and they were lucky enough to be able to find us, hahaha.. 4. went for marketing tut.. lucas, ferr and kylie were busy playing games, while the rest of us were listening to the presentations by the remaining 3 grps.. i took a short nap in between, as iwas rather bored at tat time.. 5. played hide-and-seek again, and tis time, its ferr's and kylie's turn to find us.. they couldnt find us, thanx to our GREATTT strategy, lolx.. 6. feedback session on the teachers, and the usage of lappies.. we were quite happy wif the teachers we had tis semester, except for one or two.. *bleh* 7. headed to amk wif lucas.. had our lunch, and we went to catch a movie "Passengers''.. the storyline was a little unexpected, so i tot it was still quite interesting.. i wanted to watch "Ponyo on the cliff by the sea'', bt due to the unsuitable timings, we didnt got to watch tat show.. looks like i hv to give tat cute movie a miss.. *boos* 8. bus-ed back home, and i had my dinner at home.. (: momo-peach~ Friday, January 09, 2009 Happy Birthday Mummy! =D busy busy busy.. i am so busy, hahaha!
Sunday, January 04, 2009 Happy fifth month! I <3 LL (:(: With loves, Thursday, January 01, 2009 bye-bye 2008! hello 2009! 2008 had been a really quick year for everyone.. many things happened, especially when i am in poly.. many unexpected stuff happened, which made my life much more interesting.. anyway, i would liked to thank all those hu had stood by me and brought me all the fun, laughter and joy! <3 met up wif my frens ystd.. -had dinner at newton circus.. -watched the 9.30 show at shaw hse.. the movie was quite ok, and according to lucas and rach, all of us can sleep during the movie, cos its "Bedtime Stories", lolx.. -rushed over to boat quay to witness the countdown and the fireworks.. the fireworks were realli nice, and the atmosphere dere was great.. -stayed around the area near the flyer wif lucas, and we started talking about our most memorable events in 2008.. (the scary part was when we were walking to dere, there was tis particular man hu stalked us all the way frm the marina bay's platform to the flyer.. i heard him saying 'be prepared' to us, bt i didnt spent much thought about it.. he started to walk ahead of us, and he would stopped and turned behind to look at us occasionally.. when he started to turn back and decided to move away, i was somehow relieved.. in the end, we found out tat he was actually following us frm behind! we gt no choice bt to stay at popeye's chicken to avoid him.. we thought we managed to get rid of him, bt we were wrong.. when lucas was goin to the toilet, he went in, and when we were choosing our drinks frm 7-11, he oso appeared infront of us and tried to brush across me purposely.. irritating!) anyway, i hope everybody will have a great year ahead and move on! =p |