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Wednesday, April 29, 2009 i realized i didnt blogged about my 1st day of sch ystd, hahax.. i had my project management lesson.. it was a little boring, cos its all about planning n organizing projects with all the biz models.. dere was one part when we had to do some discussion.. me and liza insisted on a particular ans, while lucas and agm insisted on another ans.. after all the research, mine and liza's ans was the correct one! hahaha, tats our fun part.. oh yah! the tutor was quite humorous.. he is good at doing some weird sound effects, and i rmb deres one part when he suddenly do catwalk during class, lolx.. the purpose of him doin tat was to tell us that the business 'MODEL' that the ppt slides are referring to are not those models who do catwalks.. zzz.. ended class at 5pm instead of 6pm, cos the tutor could not send us the files to do, due to some some probs with heucampus.. while we were about to walk out of sch, we saw kylie.. shes super 'friendly', cos the 1st thing she said was "hello! erh, can help me to hold the books awhile?" hahahax, as usual, her blur and innocent face again.. =p as for dinner, lucas and i decided to explore amk and look for the botak jone's outlet.. unfortunately, after walking around a few streets, we still cant find the place, so we ended up eating at a coffee shop, lolx.. (i jus googled on the address.. the outlet is at blk 529, avenue 10..) we did our hw together.. its some kind of e-learning quizzes, bt its definitely not as boring as those tat we normally do! comic cartoons were used, and the background was super colourful.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as for today, we had our customer service lesson.. the whole lesson was quite interesting, cos the tutor told us and acted out her experiences with service providers who offered her good/bad services.. did some e-quizzes as well, and dere was a video for us to watch, so that we can do the worksheet as hw.. dere was supposed to be another lesson frm 1-4pm, bt we were told tat the tutor was on mc.. tis means tat we can go home earlier, at 12pm! the whole class were so happy after hearing that 'good' news, even though it was meant to be a bad news.. sry teacher.. =x took a train to causeway point, and we went to book the tickets for 'Taken'.. lucas tried to buy the tickets for 'Friday the 13th', bt was rejected, cos i am not officially 18 yet.. had our lunch at the food court.. i ordered lemon chicken rice, while lucas ordered hot plate black pepper chicken set.. while waiting for the movie to start, we shopped around the place and oso went to play at the arcade for awhile.. overall, the movie was really really great! the kidnapping part was really scary, and i tink the father was really brave, cos he's really going at all costs to rescue his daughter.. anyway, the air-con in the theatre was super cold! i had to wear 2 jackets to keep myself warm, lolx.. Monday, April 27, 2009 had my baking session wif lucas again.. tis time round, we tried baking butter pound cake.. after putting the cake into the oven for around 1 hr, the top of it was already golden brown in colour, and dere were also some cracks on it.. thinking tat the cake was already well-cooked, we let it cool down, and started to cut it into slices.. unfortunately, we found out tat the bottom of the cake was not yet cooked, bt the top part was okay.. it was quite a waste, cos i thought the cake tasted not bad, just that the bottom part make the whole thing unsuccessful.. its okay, we can always try again next time.. (: after baking, we took a train to city hall.. we walked over to suntec, and each of us bought a 'cheer me up' tee from giodarno.. its really cute, cos of all the smiley faces, lolx.. we shared a big plate of fried hokkien mee at food republic, and we went over to the sg flyer for popeye's! ordered an upsize burger meal, followed by a large mashed potato.. their mash is still as yummy as before, and the funny thing was tat i thought dere was an onion inside the gravy.. me: is this an onion? lucas: yah.. me: really? i shall try it.. lucas: LOL! in the end, it was just a piece of chicken slice tat looks like an onion, hahax.. i was tricked! my sch is officially starting tmr! frm 3-6pm.. -.-" Saturday, April 25, 2009 YESTERDAY: baked chocolate chip cookies wif lucas.. dearx2 bought all the ingredients needed, including hersheys milk chocolate kisses and chocolate chips! it was fun baking, although i made a little mess out of his kitchen, hahax.. anyway, i shall rate our final product 3.5/5 stars, since it has almost all the qualities that a cookie shld have, lolx.. and of cos, its yummy! even my mum took it out frm the box automatically and ate them while watchin tv.. (: TODAY: celebrated my ah ma's bdae and mother's day in advance (father's side).. we went to tis seafood restaurant called 'Crab Party', located somewhere near serangoon.. their dishes were great, especially the prawns with the cheesy sauce! the crab was super huge, bt i didnt ate much of it, cos i tink i am allergic to it.. bt luckily, deres still my fav mantou for me to dip into the gravy, lolx.. we were also given some red wine to drink, so my sister and i took a few sips frm my mum's glass.. okies, thats all for today.. time for my vitagen! =p Wednesday, April 22, 2009 watched shinjuku incident wif lucas at amk hub! expectedly, with actors like jackie chan in the show, the show was full of fightin scenes.. as for daniel wu, he acted as a timid guy, and was badly beaten and disfigured while helping a friend in a scam.. so poor thing.. anyways, the show was really exciting, even though some parts were rather bloody, lolx.. had our dinner at the food centre, before we headed home.. (: be careful of the shaky jenga, hahaha.. Monday, April 20, 2009 met up wif lucas at bishan mrt, before we head off to nyp for our tep orientation.. waited for liza, before we went into LTC 2.. the briefing wasnt tat boring, cos i gt my sweets and ppl to talk to, hahax.. anyway, we were told tat our class starts on 27th, which means i can still rest for a few more days, wheee... we were allowed to leave at around 11 plus, so lucas and i decided to have our lunch at marina sq's seoul garden! as we still had to wait for our turn, we shopped around marina sq and suntec.. as usual, at seoul garden, i was eating my favourite dong fen wif the ginseng chicken soup.. bt tis time round, lucas did try to stop me frm eating too much of tat, cos i shld be eating other stuff, not jus dong fen, hahaha.. in the end, i ate alot of garlic chicken, plus cheesy hotdogs.. yummy! bought some fish-shaped pancakes from raffles city, before lucas sent me back to bishan for my kumon work.. (: Saturday, April 18, 2009 went ecp to cycle ystd, with lucas, kylie and ferr.. we were supposed to cycle at around 9plus, bt since all of us were late, we ended up cycling at 10 plus, lolx.. we cycled to different routes tis time, one is to the right side, while the other one is to changi beach.. the whole journey was rather tiring, especially with tat super uncomfortable seat! we exceeded the time by almost 1 hr, so we had to pay extra.. =p rested at mac after cycling.. the full-blast aircon is really wonderful, and dunno why we started talking about history stuff, hahax.. our faces and arms were quite red, and tats the time we realised we got sunburnt! walked to big splash for the shuttle bus to parkway parade.. we were all hungry by then, and we finally decided on having our lunch at banquet.. sine dere were nothing much to do at p.p, we decided to bus over to tampines.. the bus journey was long, bt i dun feel bus sick at all, cos i was sleeping, wahahaha! we shopped at tamp1, and started exploring the place from the highest to the lowest level.. everyone was tired after tat, so ferr and kylie went home first.. lucas and i then shopped at century sq and tamp mall, before heading back home.. ouch! my legs are aching! Thursday, April 16, 2009 今天,我和妈妈到医院去探望我婆婆之后,便到裕廊东与玮琳, 慧娴,慧丽见面。我们搭了短程巴士,到 IMM 去购物! 由于大家都肚子饿了,我们决定到‘长约翰银’吃午餐。我点了‘鱼手指’和一杯柠檬茶。 吃完午餐之后,我们便到 Daiso 买东西。那里应有尽有,所以我买了一包糖果,两个糕点,和一瓶蜜瓜苏打水。 之后,我们一起搭地铁到诺维娜和良玉,芷君会合。我们在‘萨卡阿’吃晚餐,遇到了我们当年的学长。可笑的是,我和芷君所点的拉面,碗特别的大! 我拍了照片,让大家瞧瞧吧,哈哈哈哈! hope you guys like my silly chinese composition, hahax.. do look forward to the workpieces done by vanessa, hweishyan and grace too! (: for your information: 长约翰银 = long john silvers 鱼手指 = fish fingers 蜜瓜苏打水 = melon soda 萨卡阿 = sakae sushi Tuesday, April 14, 2009 went to the newly-opened shopping centre at bugis (illuma).. the structure of it is quite interesting, esp the long escalator tat i liked the most, lolx.. anyway, we caught a movie dere at the filmgarde.. The Sniper! its a very exciting show, and i was silly enough to be cheering for the shooter when he managed to shoot the bad person down, hahax.. shopped around for presents, to reward each other for getting quite good results! ermm, even though my results were not tat great, bt i tink i still deserve something for my 'hard work'.. =p not forgetting, we had our dinner at manhatten's fish market! we ordered a seafood platter for 2, which consists of rice, cheese prawns, oysters, calamaris, fish and fries.. the portions were really huge, but both of us still managed to finish it, cos its really yummyyyy.. Monday, April 13, 2009 i finally know where am i posted to! i am in grp C, which means i will be studying two modules 1st, followed by full attachment at business services centre (BSC), and shift attachment at e-learning development centre (ELDC).. (: basically, in BSC, we will provide job opportunities to ppl, hold career talks and seminars, design brochures, and manage travel events.. it sounds fun, so i am quite looking forward to it, lolx.. whereas in ELDC, we will be learning how to use flash, dreamweaver, and macromedia to help industry clients to transform materials used in face-to-face training into something tat is animated.. being a "frog-in-the-well" in IT, i hope i will not screw up my tasks.. =p the good thing is almost everybody in our previous class are in the same group together.. except sand, cos shes the last person to be inside grp B.. looks like we can only study together in sem 2.. Wednesday, April 08, 2009 went to thomson plaza for the 1-for-1 treat at swensens! i had more creativity this time, cos i didnt eat my fav fish & chips, lolx.. i ordered breaded chicken meuniere, while lucas ordered chili fish pasta.. the ambience dere is rather different frm the one at ps, probably cos of the lightings.. (: took a bus to cineleisure, and we went to book the tickets for 'Mall Cop'.. since deres 1 hr away from the movie, we went to shop around heeren.. deres tis PS3 games section inside HMV, so while lucas was playin his fav soccer game, i played street fighter.. and surprisingly, i won quite a few rounds, even though i didnt noe how to use the combos.. =p we bought gloria jeans ice blended mocha, and some snacks into the theatre.. the movie was hilarious, with all the lame stuff tat the actor did, hahahaha.. Tuesday, April 07, 2009 woke up early in the morning to visit my grandma.. while i was on my way dere, i received smses frm ferr and kylie, telling me tat the timetable is out! kylie offered to help me check, bt my timetable is not available, zzz.. in the end, it turned out to be tat i am doing TEP (teaching enterprise project) in sem 1, lolx.. tis means tat i will be attached to one of the business centres and would not be in the same lecture group as the rest, boos.. its okay, i am sure we will still meet somehow righttt.. and from wat i saw frm cms, lucas, me, sand and liza seemed to be in the same class- BC! hopefully, we will end up in the same class and TEP group.. (: after visiting my grandma, lucas came to meet me for dinner.. he cycled from hougang, all the way to bishan.. luckily the drizzle had stopped, so lucas was able to fetch me to st 22 to get my contacts.. the ride was quite scary, bt it was still fun, hahax.. afterall, it wasnt tat easy to paddle wif a not so light person like me.. =p Saturday, April 04, 2009 Happy eighth month! I <3 L.L (:) With loves, Swing, 040409. worked half-day at kumon, and lucas came to fetch me from work.. we had our lunch first, followed by going to shaw to book our tickets for the movie- 'Knowing'.. as dere was still some time before the movie starts, dearx2 treated me to 3 scoops of gelatino ice-cream, hahahax.. dere's mango sorbet, chocolate caramel and chocolate truffle! the movie was a little boring at the start, and gets more exciting later, when the movie shows scenes of the major disasters.. the graphics were quite real, and i was wondering wat will happen to us if the real thing really happen.. =x after the movie, we had our dinner at wheelock's 'the pasta shop'.. we ordered chicken bolognese, salmon and spinach pasta, and a plate of fried tofu.. even though the prices were a little steep, i cant deny tat their food were great, lolx.. it jus tasted differently from the other pastas tat i have eaten before.. (: Friday, April 03, 2009 went to marine parade today with lucas.. we shopped around parkway parade and walked all the way till katong for laksa! its been a long time since i ate katong laksa, and i really miss it, hahax.. the laksa was great, bt i tink i should add in more chilli to the gravy the next time round.. anyway, thanks dearx2 for satisfying my craving! (: sandwich with ham & tomato scrambled egg.. yummmm =p Wednesday, April 01, 2009 Happy April Fool's Day! the 1st prank sms tat i got was frm liangyu, followed by rach and abi.. bt luckily, i am already well-prepared, so i didnt fall into their tricks, hahahax.. i tried to fool rach, ferr and kylie, telling them tat the class timetable is out.. i succeeded, cos all of them fell into my prank! rach's and ferr's reaction were the funniest, cos they were so excited to know.. met up wif ah ma, vanessa, grace, jocelin, ly, qh and jerlin at amk.. we had our lunch at the food court, followed by pool.. apparently, we kept scaring each other during the game, and the 1st person who started scaring me was grace ling! and somehow, the white ball tat i hit kept dropping into the hole.. -.- qh left after pool, while the rest of us went to buy some snacks for our movie- 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'.. some of the scenes were really funny, bt it seemed like we are the only ones who knew how to appreciate, cos we are always those who laughed during the show, lolx.. when we are back at bishan, we accompanied jerlin to j8 to buy her dinner and her hamster's pet food.. grace and i were busy helping the hamster to 'fight' for its rights, cos we kept persuading jerlin to buy a bigger packet of pet food, since its more worth it anyway.. chit-chatted at the playground for awhile, while we had our bbt and takopatchi.. 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