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Thursday, October 22, 2009 celebrated ly's bdae today.. we had 'zi char' for dinner, and the feeling was so great till we said tat for all the birthdays tat we celebrate in future, we must oso have that, lolx.. hanged out at the playground underneath jocelin's block, and we started taking pictures with ly's instant camera.. for most of us, its our 1st time taking polaroids.. its interesting, and it makes me feel like owning an instant camera too, lolx.. anyway, thanx ly for giving us a picture to keep and hope you like the mini surprise! (: Friday, October 16, 2009 BYE-BYE TEP! HELLO SEM 2! today was our last day at eldc.. we submitted our final project to our client, had pizza for tea-party, followed by watching '500 days of summer' and shopping wif my eldc clique.. anyway, the movie's real good.. go watch, haha! i can still rmb very clearly the 1st day i went into eldc.. i was sitting infront of hui-zin, and it was a little awkward, cos i hvent really talked to her when we ate lunch together in a big grp during bsc.. jojo and huizin have already known each other b4 eldc, so the two of them were sitting together.. dere was no one sitting beside me, until hui ling came.. we didnt talked much, and tats why hui ling thought i was a gentle gal, lolx.. during our trainings, u would see us helpin each other when either one of us were unable to catch up with wat the teacher was doin.. at the start, it was always the 2 of us when we went for our breaks.. bt subsequently, due to our grouping for the grp introduction and client project, we became closer to huizin and jojo, and we started to hang out as a clique.. our grp was really the ultimate, cos we were the ones who always go for longer breaks, and the first few to leave at 1.30pm sharp, hahax.. BUT.. .. even though our team seemed very slack, we produced quality work! we managed to complete two e-learning materials, even though our client made quite alot of changes to our work during the last week.. 3 cheers to us~ no matter wat, i am grateful for wat i have gained in tep.. its a great experience for me, and its been a pleasure working with all my team mates.. the new friends tat i made during the stopovers are what that made my life in tep so fulfilling.. hope we can still meet up in future.. (: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 SHU YING IS OFFICIALLY 18!! my mum asked me wats my thoughts for being 18.. i told her nothing, cos it is not very significant to me in the first place.. plus so many things happened tis yr, so deres actually nothing to look forward to as well.. bt still, i am happy i hv my friends and family to celebrate my bdae wif me.. 1. picnic at henderson waves (11th oct) we were unsure of the place to take the bus, tats why we wandered around vivo bus interchange for quite some time.. luckily we found the bus stop in the end, and we managed to gt to henderson waves! we had fun eating the yummy food for our picnic, playing indian poker with truth or dare as forfeit, and lastly taking lots & lots of pictures! many thanks to all the people who contributed to the food and drinks, esp grace, kenny, and wing.. (: came back to bishan for dinner.. they gave me my bdae surprise at the playground.. jacq pop out with the strawberry cake, and they sang the bdae song for me.. took a few pictures, bt it wasnt as nice, due to the swollen eye tat i had from my flu.. =x ![]() 2. actual day (13th oct) 1st part of the day: happy birthday to me, hahax.. thnx for all the wishes~ my eldc frens were behaving very secretive when i'm in class, and i knew someting was fishyyyy.. i pretended i didnt noe anything, even though it was a little obvious, hahax.. halfway through, jojo and hui ling left the room 1st, and they told me to go and meet them later.. hui zin brought me to mac, and they surprised me with a brownie cake and a card tat they wrote.. =) after sch, i met up with vanessa.. we went to clark quay, and she bought a pkt of sticky halloween sweets for me.. its super cute, cos u can see pumpkins, witch face on the sweet.. had billy bomber's for lunch, and both of us ordered fish & chips.. a little not creative, bt its okay, i still like to order tat, lolx.. she ordered tis peach and kiwi soda called 'Desire Me', while i ordered vanilla milkshake.. i love milkshakes! accompanied her to some DIY shop, cos she wans to buy chains for her necklace.. took a bus to the market area, and she bought her doll shoes, lolx.. 2nd part of the day: met up wif my bsc frens for dinner at newyork x2.. lynnette ordered some cheesy chicken, while i ordered hawaiian chicken chop.. as for the guys, they ordered the meat platter for 2 to share, and the portion is really huge enough for MONSTERS, hahaha.. *inside joke* my team gave me 18 presents, and i had to open them one by one.. thank u all for the presents, esp lynnette lim and nad for choosing the gifts, and of cos alan for buyin the box, lolx.. i didnt noe he can choose such cute stuff, ooopsss.. =p Friday, October 09, 2009 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE LING! i hv completed all my reports, and nw its time for a mini break! i've got many many pictures to share.. (: 2nd oct (cycling @ ecp): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3rd oct (mooncake festival): 7th oct (lunch @ waraku wif sand & rach): |